Monday, July 2, 2012

Painful Weekend

It is turning out harder for me to part with my coin collection than I imagined it would be.  Sorting, resorting, knowing that almost all of it must go and yet knowing that it is not in  my heart to do so - especially given the situation.

Gaelic Girl has definitely popped a fuse somewhere.  I spent two weeks finding her a female Christian counselor, willing to work with a menopausal woman (it is harder than you think to find one!) and near her place of employment so easy to reach on days she wants to ride her bicycle.  I congratulate my stick-to-it-ness in solving that riddle!

The problem?  She is pissed off I did this without telling her what I was doing, because she has no intention of seeking counseling.  Sheeish.  Even though I was able to prove to her that she is delusional and had her visit the counselor's website - nope, not going to change her mind!  OMG! 

I attempted to address the entire father's day conversion where she told me to get out of her house, but she simply denied it.  Then yesterday agreed she had said it and still wanted me out of her house.  Go figure.  I told her to get counseling and we will discuss my leaving my children and her home.....

So it is hard to sell my coins.  I know she will not get the help she needs unless she does something stupid and her company puts into it, or she is arrested and forced into it, etc.  So, I am using the moneys to fix up Timothy's car for his honeymoon, when he flies out here next Saturday.  I need to replace three seat belts, the brakes, four tires and fluid changes.  Such fun!

But, I am hurting and when I hurt I eat, but I must not eat, I need to lose a tad more to fit my suit for the wedding next week.  Yeah, black suit, 100+ degree weather - my suit pants will probably fall off half way through the wedding due to water loss!  LOL.

So, none of the kids are talking to me anymore - unless they want something, GG is out of the picture, all of my friends except for one distancing me, and that one is mighty busy it seems.  So an army of one, relying on prayer to pull me through and somehow keep my sanity.  I am admittedly, at the end of ability to cope.

In the meantime, I exist in pain, without relief, without anyone to even talk to.  Thank God I am a sociopath or I would probably go out of mind, instead of continuing to work on my coins, eating Nilla Vanillas and wondering how could my entire surroundings have been so overcome by evil.....

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