Friday, February 28, 2014


It seems to be that time of year!

One of "my boys" whom is Czech NATO is stationed in North Carolina now and called to say that they had a son born this week!  Very excited father!

Then I talked with one of "my boys" from 1990, actually more of a son, if I had clues as to what our relationship would grow into back then.  His wife is pregnant and his was both surprised, unsure, happy, scared stiff.  LOL!  He will do just fine...

And my official girlfriend came over last night.  I always love seeing her but it sort of broke my heart this time.  She is now eight years old, very possessive of me and when last seen three weeks ago - same as she has always been.  But, now - this tiny little girl has an hour glass figure and is growing breasts at eight years old!  It made me very sad.  End of another childhood.  Sigh, three weeks and all changes.  Now she will throw me away and be chasing after hot guys.  I never was a hot guy, except when I lived one summer in Phoenix ...

Well have to jet and go pick up my grandkids for the day.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Argh - Taxes!

It is that time of year, again, when we are forced to try and understand nonsensical instructions to write random numbers on pages and in the end tell the government what we think we owe them or they owe us!

I NEVER get this right, I am so math challenged that the instructions are beyond my comprehension.  I have to understand why, mathematically, I need to end up with a number in any space on the form - not just follow the direction,  really mean -actually understand, and there is never sufficient explanation nor understanding!  It is assumed you do understand!

Unfortunately, I have proven every year since 1971 I can not do this.

At first it was not so bad, my father was a mathematician and he did this for me. 
But, when I turned 21, I was expected to do this annual task!  I did try, for three solid weeks all free time went into the one page 1040 and I never got the same answer twice!  So, in crayon I wrote the US-IRS and told them that if it was so important they could do this!  I got charged $35 and a refund of a similar amount.

So, I saved that US-IRS paper they produced and expected to be able to match numbers on my paperwork with the 1040 and then extrapolate the following year's numbers.

There was only one number which correlated!  Nothing else matched any number or any instruction on the sheets.  To this day I do not understand that single correlation.

So, every year I go to my local CPA, hand him a pile of paper and somehow he manages to get it feed into his computer and generally I then find out what the damage is going to be!

Last year I managed to have to schedule payments to the IRS for the next three years!  Yeah, they change a rule, apparently I get shafted.

I can hardly wait to find out what I get to do with last years numbers!  I have already spent a week and managed to walk away with nothing accomplished ...  Friday is my CPA appointment, I better be able to get it together today!

* Sigh *

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Vessel of Honor

Get Clean!
Of course here we discuss the vessel of honor versus the vessel of dishonor.
So the vessel of honor is something fancy in the Roman times, perhaps a perfume bottle.
The vessel of dishonor conversely is a chamber pot - the toilet bowl of the time!

I have two acquaintances Rich and Bud whom owned a pottery up in the San Juan Islands of Washington State.  With the State approaching it 100th Anniversary, they too were celebrating their pottery's centennial.  They wrote and told me of the events, the Governor, Senators, etc all came to the party they threw.  And all food was served up i antique toilets their parents had cast in the 1880's!  It caused quite a stir needless to say!  Of course, they had completely sanitized the bowls!  But, even at that, many would not enjoy the food offerings.

Luckily, you have the ability to choose the kind of pot you want to be!
  • Who are your friends?
  • What TV programs do you watch?
  • What movies do you watch?
  • What do you do with your free time?
  • What kinds of things do you say?
All of these must be cleansed of sin.

God can (generally) only use those not participating in sin!  You must be:
  • Set apart
  • Useful the Master
  • Ready for every good work

And that would be: yesterday, today and tomorrow as well!

Paul's point is - do not be the toilet!

And in order to do that you must:

Run away from youthful passions.
Timothy was probably over 30, so consider that Paul is not telling him to grow up, but to not imitate the failings of youth.

Run away from sin.
Think about what separates us from God:
  • sin
  • stubborness
  • argumentative
  • arrogance
  • impatience
Why?  Because any/all of these will poison your body as well as the church's!

Chase After!
Pursue for yourself righteousness, love, and peace.
Seek other's good - not just your own!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The World Versus The Christian

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

You and I live in a world controlled by Satan.  We are surrounded by evil, longing to rub off on us the stain of this world.  A world dedicated to bringing each of us down – compromising our witness, destroying our families, destroying our lives – if at all possible!  No part of us is immune to the constant attack, our spirit, emotions, mind and body are all targeted and all too willing for our defenses to be worn down.

If we are going to spend time surrounded by Satan’s world, eventually the questionable things of this world are going to rob us of the power meant for a Christian life meant to be lived as as witness to a lost world.  The reason we have no power is that we spend our time in the world, filling up on the things of this world – our minds and emotions, answering the siren's call of sin.  If you are like most, you wonder why you have no power in your life to stand up to distraction, no power not to sin, no power to live apart from the world.

When we study the history of the early church, and its impact upon a God-less Roman world, you have to stand amazed at the almost complete lack of impact Christians have today upon an even less God-less world than 2,000 years ago!  "Christians" are taken in by every new doctrine to come along, no matter how far it leads away from the God they claim to know but can not find.  "Christians" no longer have the ability to discern right from wrong, truth from error, much less, to be able to "discern the spirits".

One explanation is the almost complete ignorance Christian’s have of the Bible.  We know about the Bible but not the Bible’s actual contents!  Further, some know their Bible but possess no understanding of what the Bible actual says.  Then to return to the concept of our lack of power, we must know our Bible, we must understand our Bible, we must be able to apply our Bible in our day to day lives. Else, the world will be as the world current is!

The Bible, the Word of God, is meant to be our spiritual food.  The only way to grow spiritually is to spend time in the Bible.  It is this Word which reveals Jesus to us.  We need to see Him and His life reflected in the mirror of the Bible.  We need to have the reality of Him in our daily lives.  And, to do that is to behold the glory of God.

Contemplation of whom Jesus is, is where power is to be found.  We need to leave behind the troubles and lure of this world, digging deep into our Bible where we can contemplate, worship and praise Him.

(with apologies to J. Vernon McGee, from whom the idea for this post was “borrowed” as this fits in with what follows)

Monday, February 24, 2014


Thursday was an odd day, I never saw it coming.  Even when I was surrounded by it, and simply just trying to survive, I never understood where I was.  Sure there were lots of reasons but no, the day ran independently from me - out of control - and me just holding on by a thread.  Codeine, slipped discs, the incredible increase in swelling in my leg, with associated pain and a heart going down the toilet.  Then came the attack.  Just not good no matter whom I would have been.

And Friday I was emptied, there was nothing left of me or for me.  The previous day more than I could bare.

Stripped even further bare than I was three weeks ago, I did not think there was anything left.  I was wrong, there was what I still clung to, yet that was stripped away from me.

And so my old self defense mechanisms slammed back into place.  Kris is funny again, the life of every gathering, people like me again!  And I am completely dead on the inside, because there is nothing left.  A clown wearing a Kris suit.

Nothing to point to, nothing to understand, except the non-understandable.

So, stripped, standing still, awaiting a bright idea of what to do, or to randomly encounter change ...

Yet, there is still left what is base to me, my love of God, the gifts He gave me, the love God placed in me ... nothing else is left.  Not even tears are left.  And quite alone.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Musical Saturday Morning

I can still remember well the first time I heard this song and of the Turtles.  I had a job after school working at a daycare, across the street from my high school.  It paid all of $ .85 per hour but it was a job and not slinging burgers.  This song came on the radio and I was intrigued as I had never heard this group before and it was good whistling music to make the day go faster.


Friday, February 21, 2014

Sum of the Parts

To add to my wonderful outlook on life this week: my back went out!  Yeah, I turned slightly to the right and "click" spine goes out, loss of all movement on my right side and blinding pain.  I was at Costco, just sitting down to one of their wonderful Polish Dogs ...  Sigh ...

So, I am thinking about Thursday - so bizarre, so ... well ... bizarre!  No part of it made much sense at all.  I was laying in the tub, sometimes hot water loosens things up so that whatever will "pop" back in and Kris will be normal again!  I was wrong.

But, I got to thinking about a test I blew in seventh grade.  I was attending Ramstein Canadian, long story but it was a compromise between my parents - neither German nor American.  This particular test was on a section revolving around philosophy, for those of you whom have rolled your eyes - you must be the ones whom know me!  Because of that section - I have never had pity, mercy nor use for anyone espousing philosophy ever since!

The question was:  "How can the sum of the parts be greater than the whole?"

And my jaw hit the table.  The whole is always equal to the sum of all parts, it was not my fault that Aristotle was a raving maniac!  That is the problem of being a literalist in a society dedicated to symbolism.

But, here I am, laying in a tub of water, in incredible pain, working yet again through a 47 year old failure ...

And I got it!  Yeah, I finally figured out how the sum of parts can be greater than the whole - but only in life, appreciated and viewed through emotion.  Otherwise, well I was right and Aristotle is still a raving maniac.

Wow ... how long it took to figure that out!  But I will not share how I figured out the mystery - it took a review of an inequality in my life ... how can 1+1+1+1 ever equal 7?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Life Built To Last

I am probably the weakest I may have ever been as a Christian.  I hurt, this emotion aches within me, I only see dimly a road I no longer wish to walk.  How am I supposed to post to this blog when I am so overcome?

And the words of Debby Kramer, came rushing back to me.  I need to get myself back to basics until I am safe enough to move forward again.  She was always right, obviously right again, so thinking about basics tonight now and wondering what ever became of her ...  no, not in that way!

2 Timothy 2:1 - 13

Know Where To Find Your Strength
It must be secure.
"Be ...", not something we are expected to do.  However, it is something we are given.
"Grace", LOVE given by God without earning it.

Leave a Legacy of Faith
Make disciples.
Show what it means to live a Christian life.
Pass your "baton" to the next generation!
Not just an idea, what you actually need to do!
One on One ministry is the only way to really have an impact.

Cultivate Live That Lasts
A soldier does not become involved in civilian pursuits to please his general.
Dedicated to the leader.
Athletes, follow rules or be disqualified!
(Taking up your cross is your training!)
Farmers labor in a field.
(Hard life, you do not give up when the harvest is distant.)

Remember It Is All About Jesus
Remember why we are doing this!
Remember who He is.
Remember what He has done!

In other words, buck up Kris!  Remember all He has done in your life.  Remember all He has done to bring you to this day!  Remember what He has given you - it may seem hollow right now, but He does not invest without reaping what He has sown.

Well, that took two hours to do and I feel somewhat more buoyed.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mission Statement of the Church

I mentioned that Dutchman's church is going through struggles.  I dare say that since Dutchman joined it, its struggles have increased!  LOL!  Yeah, he has no problem taking on a pastor, elder boards or denominations!  I did raise him up right after all!  And tonight is actually his meeting with the local denomination board, to have this new interim pastor removed and never reassigned.  Yeah, he really has no business in the altar of that church.  So, these are my talking notes I put together for him, should he suddenly run out of wind ...

1 Timothy 2:4-7

What is the Church to be about?
It is about people.

1. Desire for all People
Christians are to be about PRAYER,
in all things,
for all people.

Love God
Love People

2.  There is Only One (1)
One God and no other
One mediator and no other
One savior and no other

No co-existance
No multiple paths
No different ways for different people.

Its Jesus' way, or no way.  Sorry.

3.  Be a Herald
Paul was a Preacher
Paul was an Apostle

We are to proclaim the Gospel to all!
Live the Gospel we represent!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I wrote Monday's post on Friday night and my!, wasn't I just a bundle of joy?!?!?!?!?!?!

James, even though we have only known him a few years, was one of those contagious people you just love to be around.  For Dutchman and me, we had know his wife from our old lives, so there was that connection as well.  Surprisingly, he was apparently well known amongst many of those at the show this weekend.  He worked in sheet rock (or something like that, I never actually knew!), so many at the show were discussing him and his surprising death.  The tales were all different as to how he died or was found, like 90% of all dead bodies - at home, laying on the bathroom floor was reality.

For as hard as James' death has hit me, it has been a source of major upset to Swede - whose brother and aunt both died unexpectedly last year.  I have been gently prodding him to help the widow by telling her what she needs to do, whom she needs to talk to, etc.  It is not as if any of us, other than him, have had to deal with a death recently!

My aunt handled Franz's affairs when he died last year and father died in now many years ago.  So, I have forgotten much.

And this has been a pile driver on Dutchman's emotions.  It has completely deflated him.  James was over a decade younger than us and everyone has the flu up here it seems.  His death is just about as poor a timing as anyone could have proposed.  Death never seems to be very convenient.  Yet, I remain convinced that it is always correctly timed on the big-guy's watch.  That timing just remains a question though.  Why now?  Oh to know the mind of God!

His wife is still in shock.  Their finances were iffy as it was, now she will be losing their home as she does not make enough, which means the boat, the cars, etc. are going to be history, and I would add the daughter is going to go insane - 16, dad dead, yup she is going to end up being hunted around here by every predator in the area.

... Sigh ...

And Satan played my mind so well.  Just random incidents, percolating through my mind, making me draw some conclusions which were not right, and my mind went - tweak!  One day they may draw out to what my mind concluded but at least for now all is well.

And by "all is well", that is to say that the environment I live under is growing worse - albeit - not as concluding as I had thought.  Kris still going to be around for a little while longer ...  But, I guess ...  well ... walking to Argentina is still a valid option.  And I will admit the only reason I stay is because God seems to want to use me again to help another - like a dangling carrot.  And I know that if it is what He wants, then I need to do it - 'cause if I do not do it willingly - it can be made to be harder on any of us!  We will still do his determinative will ...

... Sigh ...

The antique show was ... um ... pretty horrible.  Sales were slow, the weather just awful, attendance way down.  Conversely, when selling is bad, shopping is always good!  I scored some interesting pieces for my collection of American Indian artifacts: three small Navajo rugs, not in great shape as they were used.  A deer antler for a project I have in mind.  A piece of Belleek in a pattern I have never seen before.  And four old butcher fleshing knives.  Yeah, I think I am going to have to take down an elk this fall. 

Guessing this will be the first year where that will be true.  In 30 years of hunting only a rabbit has been killed by accident and a grouse - whom I had to shoot in self defense (don't ask, it is too embarrassing!  But, it was Dutchman's fault!).  I like to live and let live, as I have never HAD to envision hunting as anything more than a chance to sit around a fire, eat beans, swap tall tales (facts supported by poor evidence ...) and enjoy guy time.  Oh we have had plenty of animals through the years, usually we found them abandoned and dead or dying.  Waste not, want not!  I really have no use for "hunters" whom do not track down their prey after shooting them.  Oh, and then there was that horrible hunt up in Canada where Dutchman shot an antique Corvair van, which had been parked behind a tree and then camo draped all over it!  Well, we were easily 10 miles from the nearest road we knew of!  So, just saying we might need to add a car to the list of the dead was well.  (Honestly, had it not of been so traumatic on Dutchman, at the time I might have died of laughter!)  That was one EXPENSIVE hunt!

Monday, February 17, 2014

What is Emotion

What is emotion, but a veil of tears behind which life is viewed through?
How can man succeed when all life is impacted by this thing called emotion?
Why should man ever been given something which only hinders all life, all desire, all success?

Driven to serve a God of standard.
Hindered by how created.
Guaranteed failure.

Then how can man stand judged?
How can man ever endure?
How can man ever have a defense?

Stripped of defense.
Condemned we stand.
Sentenced we are vanquished.

And the problem.
We are born sentenced.
Our only hope in God's mercy.

As I have been in prayer this week, I have come to understand things I only vaguely grasped before.  Slowly I learn and understand.  What I thought was sharp in my mind, I now understand was only dim and fuzzy.  Things I wrote even in January were not sharply defined, though I thought they were.  I understood long ago the beginnings and endings of much, the path less determined.  But, in pain, I have watched the endings become more viable.

Yeah, I know, you have no clue what I am talking about or if you do, know you are wrong.

My mind dwells on this creation and this problem I opened with.  James death last Friday only focused my mind more sharply.  Death is at the end of the trail for each of us.  Does not even matter how you get there, you are going to die - as almost all have through time.  Save for those after God's own heart (Enoch and Elijah being the exception).

How does one do that, be after God's own heart?

The answer must lie within the depths of emotion, the essence of man - desire, love, commitment - to an un-seeable God.
It must lie within the depths of discipleship - to not only follow but actually strive to be like our Savior, to do as He did.
Can anyone make it?  Well, I guess we each get to find that out on the other-side, but only if you tried in the first place ...

And so I return the concept I mentioned in passing on Saturday, that Germanic longing inexpressibly embedded within me - Sehnsucht, a place, a state, a set of mind, what is longed for and yet so unattainable.  I long for my home, I long for my peace, I long for my destiny, I long for my Creator.  This not an expression of ego or vanity, we each should desire this, yet we allow the world to cloud our minds.

The unattainable, will never be reachable in this lifetime.  So, abandoning - so, frustrating - so, humbling!

Maybe I am waking up ...

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Musical Saturday Morning

My heart is so heavy from James' death yesterday.  He was one whom brought humor into my life - because he was extremely clueless, with a sardonic wit and that made it all the more funny!

My mind roved back to my safe place, where I am untouchable, back in Germany.  I was in sixth grade and spent many a weekend at the local post commissary.  It was always hopping at the commissary.  Lots of musical groups practiced there on Saturday afternoons.  One of them was to become Gary Lewis and the Playboys.

I liked Gary, he was a real guy.  And since I really did not like his father, it made it easy for him to know that this precious youth was not a suck up.

I really am in need of real people right now.  Thank you Gary for being there for me when my great-uncle died ...

Which takes me to my other safe place - though I fear its ... yeah, I do not even know the word in English.  (it took some thinking to realize that the word, Sehnsucht, does not have any English equivalent without writing several paragraphs!  sigh, how I hate being stuck between languages sometimes!)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Falling Dominoes

Quite a few years ago, the CDC went in search for viable examples of the H1N1 virus.  There were no known examples anywhere, it had run its course in 1918-1920, killing millions and then quietly went away - never to reappear.  They wanted examples to formulate inoculations from.  Seemed reasonable, but a little snarkie ... if you are cynical like me.

The CDC did find its examples, in a graveyard in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska.  Six frozen corpses supplied the necessary samples, they were then reburied, supposedly in sealed coffins, and the CDC went home happy.

Fast forward to 2009 and H1N1 is found amongst the fur animals of Alaska.
In 2010, H1N1 appears amongst the elephant seal population of the northern Pacific coast.
By 2012 the infection had spread to the entire northern Pacific coast seal population.

Last week I read that the US Government has ordered 600,000,000 doses of H1N1 vaccine.  Really?  It is safely stored - remember?  The corpses under concrete slabs.  No hope for an escaped molecule ...

This week, a US military flight was forced to land in Mumbai, India.  On board were twin 100,000 gallon tanks feeding a vast aerial dispersal array of piping.  It was believed that the jet had been chem-trailing H1N1 over the Near East, in India's formal complaint.
Easy enough to poo-poo as bad press, except that a similar flight was forced down over Kenya this week, as well, duplicate aerial dispersal system - only it appears the chemical was one known to have a calming affect on humans.

James & International Banker wife
This morning, my friend James died apparently of H1N1, the sixth to do so in Washington state, since I first heard of this occurring this week.

Co-incidence?  No, they do not exist.

Through either gross arrogance or stupidity, or both!  The US military has apparently weaponized H1N1 and is using it.

H1N1, from non-existant to being sprayed over Iran and Afghanistan or maybe it was Iraq and Syria?  We may never know, unless a pandemic begins again.

Thank you, from me and all whom loved James in our lives, his murder by some faceless bureaucrat - is not appreciated.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Day 9, Sigh

Yeah, day 9 of continuous auto work!

So, I got the waterpump back in the car, everything hung, refilled the coolant and checked for leaks.  And was there ever leaks!  Only it was not coolant - it was power steering fluid.

Somehow I managed to snap the back fluid connector off of the power steering fluid pump!  OMG!  Really!?!?!?  And to add to the insult, the newly broken connector sliced my hands up nicely as I attempted to reattach the hose.  Sigh...

You know, power steering fluid, whatever it is - STINGS something AWFUL!  OMG!

So, have a new unit ordered.  It will be in Seattle sometime this morning.  It will take about 1 hours to do the tear down to the pump, maybe an hour to pull the pump and three to reassemble the mess again.  So, between babysitting my grandson, cursing at a Ford and actually doing repairs I may have a working car again by noon today.  Sigh ...

And as for my show this weekend, no way will I be ready for it now!  Gees, just my luck.

I hate American cars ...

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Day Eight

It is now day eight of car repairs for me.  I thought I could save myself some money by replacing my own waterpump!  Instead I find that everything that could go wrong has!

Oh, yeah Saturday night, I finally had the unit installed, day 5!
Saturday night it snowed.
Sunday, I had to walk on my busted ankle and knee a mile to church, which took almost a full hour one way, and I got to do it in reverse too!
But, back home, I hung all of the components back on their mounts and then slammed into a brick wall.

I had lost three small bolts and had two huge bolts with no place to put them!

Now two of the small bolts seem to be half inchers, the two huge ones are 9/16's so not an issue of wrong bolt in wrong hole, they would not have fit!  The other small bolt is a metric.  I am sure the missing ones are on the ground but with the  snow could not find them and then has rained since, so need to break out the metal detector to find them.

But those two huge bolts are like 6" long!, I have no clue where they came from!  I am always so careful to lay screws out in the same order they are pulled and then plug them back in when I have whatever apart, yet these just sat on the air cover.  Lonely, no indication where they could have come from, and nothing in the book even showing a bolt that long!

Sigh, I am just so cursed!

Thursday is my drop dead because Friday is set up for my next antique show ...

And yeah, I am writing this Monday morning because I have no faith I will have this resolved on Tuesday but will be busy all day today trying to though ... so posting this now for Tuesday!

sigh ...

Monday, February 10, 2014


The Winter Olympics are always so bitter sweet for me.  First, I was badly damaged at 16 in 1971 at the 1972 downhill tryouts and yeah I really thought I had a chance - of course I was stupid back then and it was only sheer male bravado which propelled me to even attempt that downhill run.  Scarey part is, if it had not of been for the actions of the guy I was up against (back in those days downhill was run as a two man competition) - I probably would have at least completed the course!  My how life would have been oh so different!  And then, my first adopted daughter turned out to be extremely athletic.  I put all of the kids into skating classes that first winter (they needed some form of exercise in the winter!) and she was a natural!  By age 11 she was already doing all of the triple jumps and blowing everyone away in competition, she has boxes of trophies and gold medals to show for it.  But, that was all she got was gold medals, never anything else!  As I said, she was a natural.  Then at 12, she just walked away.

I have often, since that day she refused to skate ever again, bemoaned the money sunk into her skating career.  I know I am financially stupid, always have been, but even at the time I was questioning the vast sums it takes to put your little girl on the ice.  No we are not talking parental vanity, she really was talented, but it is not a sport for the faint of heart.  I even at one point was looking into how does the US girls finance their skating and had a chance to meet Ashley Wagner's father, since he had just gotten his daughter into the US program.  He gave me some good ideas on how to start the process of applying.  Kudos to him!

And as daughter and I sat and watched Ashley, her same age, whom she would have been up against for a team slot if she skated for the Americans or against in competition had she of skated for Switzerland.  She was always better than Ashley, that would be others opinions though.  She looked at me and quietly said, "I am sorry, I could have kicked her butt...."

So, it was fun to watch the skating and be amazed by Russia's new talent, but daughter could not have beat her without significantly more expensive training!  Yulia (Julia to the rest of the world!) at 15, is amazing.  And, it was fun to see the return of Evgeni to the men's competition.  I was amazed to hear Scott Hamilton state that Evgeni was probably the best male skater of all time.  I think Scott needs to go back and watch his own performances at Sarajevo and take that into consideration - he was unbeatable.

In past years there was always much ado about Evgeni's long time girl friend, a Russian model, and nothing this time about his life, loves or anything!  Makes you wonder what happened.  Be sad if she walked away, he was a smitten kitten.

And thinking of girl friends, anyone other than me get a snort over how Putin brought some eye candy as his escort?  Had her as part of the Olympic Flame Relay (Alina Kabaeva took gold at the 2004 Summer Olympics in gymnastics) and for the opening ceremonies?  I assume the guy on the other side of her was her brother due to facial features and the fact that she was telling him how to behave.  And then she was gone for the next two days of photos of Putin.  Makes you wonder whom talked to who and is there someone Putin will listen to?  (No knock of Putin here, I have spoken with him three times on adoption related topics, so I do have respect for the man.  He is quite an interesting man.)

But, the opening ceremonies were awesome and interesting to watch and oh so much better than what was done in Salt Lake City (which I mark as a low point in Olympic openings - though Alberville was equally a facepalm...).

So, a thoughtful, enjoyable weekend of viewing the goings on in sports, the pain of coverage being so American centric (there is nothing worse than seeing that someone almost metaled and have no reason as to why, because they were covering the losing American!  My best example will always remain complete ignorance of Biathlon even existing as a sport until only a few Olympics ago!  Really?  If I had known in 1971 guess what I would have gone out for rather than downhill!  Amazing.

Well, my rant for the day - have a good one ...

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Musical Saturday Morning

Yes, I already know I am going to get emails over this one - my un-abashed critics ... !

In the 1980's, MTV exploded onto the world's youth scene.  My church had a meeting of the youth staff in 1985 concerning this phenomena - the kids were watching American mucsic videos and we were concerned over the abrupt changes occurring in our youth group!  I was the only one willing to watch the videos in the afternoon, when the kids would be as well, and then report weekly what the direction of the prevailing videos were ... think Madonna, AC/DC, et al.  Sigh.

In the process of doing this, I found a few of the groups, particularly the English, actually had very interesting messages about life - not propaganda for youth - but a real concern over life.  Duran Duran, Enya, Pet Shop Boys, Thompson Twins main drive was the seemingly senselessness of life in this corrupt culture they as youth found themselves in.  I remember a LONG discussion one night with my lawyer over this - how come music this good be coming from the worse of humanity?  We settled for - you have to have lived the life, to know what was wrong, to write the song, to tell others of your angst.  And I just shook my head over the vacuous Christians so removed from life that they could never match the message, only the beat of the music.  No wonder Christian music was viewed as a sham outside of the USA and drew none of our youth's interest!  No one needs Stryper, we need a Christian Duran Duran able to point to Jesus, not the porno industry!

And I liked the music of the Pet Shop Boys.  "Techno (@#$@#$)" as my American friend in Munich called it, he should know he owned the most successful dance bar at the time - and it was all techno!  Sadly, most of the PSB's videos are laser generated, good music but offer nothing to anyone other than perhaps a glimpse into their character.

So, this one I have long liked, a bit of the angst of the 1980's youth mixed with the style of the day ...

Friday, February 7, 2014

Culture according to Big Bang Theory

My youngest daughter has gotten hooked on the TV show, The Big Bang Theory.  I therefore catch snippets of reruns as I am usually cooking when it is on.  The other day they are revolving around the concept of dating and sex.  The nerdy guys are clueless, the females in question not sure having sex with them is "right".  (and she has never been on a date, so this kind of stuff does worry me!)

So, one of the guys is on date number three and learns that the female expects them to have sex since this is the important date.  Really?  Is this what the California perspective has dropped to?  See you three times and then I have to decide to have sex with you or drop you?  Really?

I know from a 1970's study they found that if you spent 50 hours in total with someone, across a short period of time, you could expect to either be in bed with them or "friended".  I remember laughing at that one.  But, I observe, make measured estimates and I would guess that 50 hours was certainly true for teenagers and singles I have seen in the church through the decades.  But near as I can tell, if you truly are a nerd, it might be closer to 5,000 hours - at which point you are friended anyways so it is all a mute point.  And if you are created hopeless, well, you will never actually understand the whole perspective even if you are made aware, because it is nonsense.

So, as I thought on this, as my numb fingers worked on loosing frozen bolts (I was having to pour hot water on the nuts to help loosen them without snapping them), I realized just how hopeless natural man really is.  And oh so much suddenly made more sense.

You go to the grocery store and the magazine racks are covered with cover after cover with sex topics that are supposed to lure you into buying the magazine.  The message?  Sex is where it is at, it is what there is, good sex is the basis of your "loving" relationship, sex is how you can find  your partner, sex is how you will keep your partner (that was the list from yesterday's visit to the grocers).  Yeah, I never quite got that message before.  This is the lie being shoved down our youth's throat, this is the lie our young adults have come to believe, this is the lie that leads to broken marriages, relationships and badly damaged people whom never should have been.  It is the lie my daughter bought into, as well as her mother, it is the lie I tried to show them without success, it is lie my son and all of "his" bought into, it is the lie my two oldest daughters bought into, it is the damage that is hard to walk away from because it is experiential and therefore more true than what reality is supposed to be.

If the above paragraph describes you, I do not have an answer for you apart from walking away from that lifestyle, repenting (for real this time), and living a life glorifying to God and not your hormones.  And yeah, that is not going to be easy because you are going to be fighting a drug called sex and an evil agent whom knows exactly how to pull your strings to make you come back into the world.

So, if the nerd gathering is a reflection upon truly natural man, if the state of man is so hopeless that sex is the only thing seen as having any real value in a relationship, then it also stands to reason that natural man can not understand the pull/lure of God because it is not based on sexual tension or allure.  (Which explains oh so much about crossed wires in 2012 for me!)  And yet, there is this thing called friendship which each of the TV show's nerds have mostly attained without sexual orientation.

But, if friendship is understood, then why is friendship no longer understood within a romantic context?  A friendship, a real friendship, seems to run about three years to define and to form the commitments necessary to form long term relationships.  The time period I mentioned is from studies done through the years, it seems to have been verified by my faithless bride.  We did not have three years, more like nine months.  We met, we "knew" we were the one, we engaged, we committed religiously and she lost it before the governmental seal of approval could be applied.  So, yeah, I like the idea of three years now.  She should have been my best friend beforehand.  (Conversely, thank you God from saving me from the disaster that one would have become!  And for the record, I was doing my best to be a Godly man - apparently my best friend was not.)

And I guess that is the point of the Big Bang Theory - friendship has nothing to do with sex, sex has nothing to do with a desire for more than self satisfaction, and self satisfaction actually has nothing to with love or you - it is all about me, my desire, my satisfaction.  Yeah, the ultimate egotism ...

Historically, we can look back to the Epicurean Movement of the ancient Greek world.  Whatever the male's desire, it is good for the body, both positive and negative.  Pursue your passions with gusto because you are only going to go through life once, so grab all the life you can!

Paul did not care much for the Epicureans, the Roman empire loved them however, and with the objectification of all females - it meant all females, any female, any time, any where, were created only for your (male) use and pleasure.  That is what this pagan trend of thought leads to and will again and again and time again!

If you are male, do you honestly love and care for the females in your life?  Do you believe they were created solely for your and/or other's pleasures?  And oh by the way, you have nothing to say about some other man taking the females in your life by force for his pleasure when he deems fit ...

If you are female, how do you feel about being valued only for your ability to be part of a sex act?  We are not talking any form of love here, we are talking violence at the hands of strangers!  That is where you are headed if this trend continues.

To disagree at this point is to disagree with history, which has repeated itself many times in this regard, in various forms!

Of course, to disagree with the culture and the way it is headed is to set  yourself apart.  To make a spectacle of yourself, to draw undue attention to yourself, to invite every form of attack.

Just as discussions over the female slave trade in our culture, the concept of a female's desire for purity or commitment is not really appreciated in this male centric western culture we have created.

Face it, your body is your body, you can do as you wish with it.  But, why you would not desire the best for yourself - simply by walking away from culture and healing, then beginning to find love in earnest - defeats me.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Prayer Works

So, thank you my dear readers, your combined prayers have literally worked a miracle so far this week!

Kathy's surgery went extremely well on Tuesday.  I was able to yak at her a little yesterday and it turned out that her leg swelling (which looked much like mine) the doctors were theorizing was related to gall bladder troubles.  So, they removed it on Tuesday and her leg returned to normal size on Wednesday!  If that is not awesome, then I would be surprised by your definition!  But, who would have thought a gall bladder would do that?

As for me, this morning was the first morning since mid November that my right foot was been close in size to the normal left one!  If anything, I have been standing way too much for it this week and yet it has still gone down in size.

I have been having to stand for several hours at a time working on the Lincoln, sigh.  So today will be day four of trying to pull a waterpump off of the engine - talk about badly designed !  You literally have to pull everything on the engine to get to the waterpump.  Amazing.  It is not like waterpumps are ever changed on cars!

And this has to be coldest week since 1992!  The worse was yesterday where the temperature actually got up to 24 degrees!  Today will be barely better at 30!  And I have no cold weather gear anymore.  So jeans and a flannel shirt are all I have for warmth.  And I will still be out there as long as I can trying to pull that darn device today.

But, thank you for your prayers ... my leg and foot pain is greatly reduced, which is all that is allowing me to stand long enough to continue the progress at fixing that car - and I have to have it together tomorrow - sigh ...

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Come Together

It seems to be the now prevalent Western mindset that, "I am man/woman", (thump chest loudly), "I need no one ... "  In many ways this has been the Hollywood take on what it took for a person to overcome the wild American frontier, the hearty individualist whom driven by manifest destiny strove forward and conquered a new land!  Thank you Hollywood for that spin on history ...

In all of my reading of diaries of the pioneers, frontiersmen, explorers, etc - there was one (1!), only one, like that!  Without exception most of the fur traders, explorers, etc started out as missionaries using fur to finance their finding, living and witnessing to the American Indian.

Wait a minute!  No they were loners, they ate anything that moved and often each other!  They took what they wanted.  They killed all whom opposed.  Yeah, right.

These "individualists" traveled in groups, died in groups, were wholly dependent upon one another for survival, companionship - every aspect of life.  There was no "me first" or "only me" mentality, that is Hollywood's effect on culture, not real life.  And I mentioned the exception, yeah he did not fare too well - the other trappers hung him at the first fur trade rendezvous ...  You want to do your own thing, don't expect others to be supportive of the idea in real life.

So aside from this sickness throughout Western Culture now, we were born with an engrained desire, need, requirement for others - to just survive the day to day struggles in life.

And Timothy, dependent upon Paul, now faces his church quite alone.  He is not like them, his background is different, his age is below expectation, and he is supposed to do this single handed?  No, he still needs help to survive.  Luckily as Christians we have the expectation and requirement to be there for one another, in all aspects of life - and particularly in prayer.

2 Timothy 1:15 - 18

The Roman Provence of Asia was failing.
The Christian Church of Ephesus was failing.
Paul is facing his own death.
Paul feels his loved ones have deserted him.
Paul feels betrayed, abandoned, discouraged.

So, acknowledge the awful in your life!
Then prepare to move on from it.

Turn to Praise
Look at what Paul does in this section, he praises Onesiphourus!
Find the good around you and praise God for that!
Be thankful today, in all things.

Life can be very bleak at times, especially so when our eyes are on ourselves and our failed desires.
I remember laughing so hard one day when life sucked so bad for me in my early Christian days and the one working with me said, "You know when life sucks and you don't want to pray?  That is when you need to pray the most."  I was laughing because all I would have done is pray!  And, maybe that is what I should have been doing ... instead of concentrating on the negative impact of what it was taking to drag me out of the world and into real life as a Christian!

Become a Blessing
Everyone around you, including you needs encouragement!
Be that encourager to others!
When you see a need think on how to help fill it!
Fund what you can, find resources for what you can not!
Help others to succeed with your help!
And be willing to accept encouragement and help as well!

The Rest of the Story
So how did Timothy do?  History becomes silent because people do not connect the dots.  Paul dies around 60 AD, his head lobbed off after teaching his last class, at their request he baptizes his Roman guards, whose heads are then removed as well.  Then probably around 69 AD John suddenly appears in Ephesus, if he came when James was murdered by the Rabbis in Jerusalem.  He may have come later as well but we know that Mary lived and was buried outside of Ephesus, so in 69 AD she would have already been close to 90!  Ancient for anyone in that day and age!  Timothy's church was given the last living apostle for maybe the next thirty or so years!

Today the Ephesus church lies in ruins.  The Christian believers all fell into apostate beliefs throughout Asia - the lure of the Gnostic belief system was too strong a pull for something as simple as Christianity to stand against.  The Gnostics might have even survived to this day - if a major earthquake had not flattened all of the Provence of Asia.  In the end, God silenced the Gnostics and their "mysteries" of the Christian faith.  Their churches flattened, their books buried until the 1950's, their leaders more than likely dead as well.

Today the Western Church lies in ruins.  It drank the Kool-Aid of Hollywood and the ascended man.  It forgot there was a basis for truth and accepted every lie which became convenient.  And man, left with no standard for belief, much less life, was left to his own resources to become the "individual" and chart a course through life of their own choosing - and in the end blaming God for all of their mistakes along the way ...

Throw away the falsehood in your life!  Find/pray to find, those whom can join with you in truth and encourage one another to make a difference in each other's lives as well your own and ultimately the world around you - after-all, that is why you are here.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Some Days Are Hard

I knew I had over done it on Sunday.  It was too harsh on my body to do all of the bending, lift, squatting, having to walk constantly because of my right leg's continual stiffening - pain, tremendous pain!

So, codeine Sunday night, codeine through Monday and still the pain was not bearable at times.  I almost called my foot and ankle surgeon!  Even cutting it off would be better in the long run!  But, wisdom held out in favor of just taking it easy as best I could.

And "best", was not all that good!  The silly car decided to start leaking water, so son and I had to change - the lower hose, of course!  Could not be the top one, oh no, way too easy to take advantage of Kris' weakened condition.  But, we got the hose changed - only 1.5 hours! And it still was leaking ... And I know we did it right and tripled checked everything. 

So, it has to be the pump or broken block but the waterpump is an easier starting point.  I knew as soon as I sunk some money into that car last month, it would start to nickel and dime me to death.  Who needs a boat when you are named Plattner and carry the family transportation curse.  Yeah, it is genetic - my sister and I curse the need for cars.

Even when my son was running me around for parts - one of his rear tires literally exploded.  He decided it was me, that I weigh too much!  He almost got a Dutch rub out of that one!  But, I will concede this has not been my year to lose weight it seems!  Leastwise, until the cardiologist finally settles on a pill mixture - I am shafted in the weight loss category.

I am just glad the car lasted through the weekend before dieing.  Of course we had a high of about 30 today, why couldn't it have waited until summer!  And now I have to pull the front end off of that Lincoln and the high tomorrow and for the next week - 29 degrees!  I am going to be out in the cold, no doubt about that one!  Think of me as you sit in your warm house or in tropical sunbeams, as I freeze!  Of course, one nice thing is that with the current pill set - Swiss Boy is back!  Yes, I love the cold again, just not quite this cold though!

And any prayers for healing would be greatly appreciated!  You might want to include a lady named Kathy in my church whom with similar problems is having surgery today on her leg.  So, I am curiously dreading the outcome of her surgery ...

Monday, February 3, 2014

Another Antique Show

So another antique show is complete and a part of history now.  OMG!  It was horrible.

Whom would have ever thought that the Seattle Seahawks could make it to the Superbowl - and on the weekend of the show!!!!!  What if they held a show and virtually no one came?  That was the reality of the show however.  Sigh ...

So lots of free time for people watching!

Across the last several years of helping my mother at these shows, I have come to know several of the regulars.  I know I have commented at least once about the broken young woman whom comes and always rushes away whenever sees me.  I can read her and either she or what drives her knows it.  Last year if I spoke to her she would freeze up, avert eyes, stiffen arms - how my heart bleeds for her.  I saw her Friday night as I was helping mother set up, same as always - suddenly freeze, avert eyes, arms lock and then she would stumble at first away and then run.  Saturday morning I went to go buy some scones at the snack shop and found out that the young woman works there with her aunt.  When I approached, she totally shut down again, her aunt had to serve me.  Saturday night I returned to buy more scones figuring she would be gone.  Nope still there!

But haltingly, as though a child speaking its first words, she served me!  I was wowed, she had overcome something internally which allowed her address this scary old man!  And since I first learned to understand her problem in 2011, I have been in prayer for her.  I was elated she could be normal around me.  Sunday morning, she went out of her way to actually talk with me, calmly, looked me in the eyes, went way beyond the normal.  So cool!  Something changed, I would not pretend to know what, but if I see her again at the next show in two weeks - I will try to be gentle.  If you want to join me prayer, I am sorry I do not even know her name (nor expect to, ever).

Even since November, which was the last of this show cycle, the dealers are getting older and fading awaty.  One of my favorites is now in a rest home and a friend of his is now liquidating his collections.  How sad.  Others are obviously not going to be making it into next year, if even into this fall.  The cycle of life: you live it, you become an antique dealer, you die.  LOL,  but not so far from the truth, considering.

And I have noticed how things are simply just not out there anywhere.  A few years ago Mission Style furniture was everywhere - now you are lucky to see one piece a year!  Where did it go, why is it not being recycled?  Weird!  Same is true for Tiffany anything, or anything from the Art Nouveau era.  Art Deco anything is now also disappearing, as has almost all real depression glass.  Like I said, weird.

My knife making friend came with me for two of the days and he put out some collectable antique knives at great prices - absolutely no interest, but then almost no one came!

As for me, I did some shopping: American Indian blankets, baskets, pots - all being dumped; German steins and mugs - all being dumped; antique picture frames, old automotive tools, etc - all being dumped for pennies on the dollar - if not just flat out being thrown away!  Weird.

So, no idea what this all means other than vanishing supply, vanishing dealers and demand seems to not be much either.  Maybe the world is truly being ruled by computer games and like hobbies and crafts - antiquities are now a thing of the past...

I had a great laugh as well.  My mother's dog was sitting behind me and two women are walking towards me.  The see the dog and one of them says, "Well hello cutie!"

I responded, "And, hello to you ..." in as deep a voice as I could muster.  She was instantly embarrassed and trying to explain she was talking to the dog, but it only got worse and her friend is in there making it worse for her.  I was howling with laughter as I said, "Hey at my age you take what you can get!"

Across the isle from me is an old man from Oregon and he then was telling other dealers about this for hours!  It seemed to get better the way he told it though.  LOL

As for the show in two weeks, God still changes hearts and I almost hope to see that young woman again - if it will lead to her freedom.  But, conversely, I still lick my wounds of betrayal and rare is the female I trust anymore (okay, only one).  So ti will be a God thing or not at all.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Musical Saturday Morning

I thought a bit of satire would be good for a change and whom better to make fun of than Justin Bieber?  I stumbled upon this humorous take on one of his songs and it was just to good to pass up.

The music is so-so, after all it is Bieber, the words silly, but what they did making the video - awesome!
