Friday, July 13, 2012

Thoughts on the Article

I am told that I am a member of a community of about .0025% of the population. Sociopaths are not as common as people would like to believe. Yes, there is a large group of mentally ill, delusional, and anti-social people out there, but they are not genetic fouls-up, they are self made. They love, they feel, they experience FEAR, they understand exactly what they are doing and ENJOY it. Joy is something I can not truly experience.....

Do you want to find a real sociopath?

Then understand that they are in hiding. Look for the person whom is alone, even in a crowd of their own friends. Look for people whom hold jobs that are singular in nature - like the computer industry, but do not confuse the ADD for the sociopath. Observe the candidate and see if they FEEL any emotion at all, they may well express frustration - particularly at their computer but instantly are "over" it.

Expect them to have lots of adventures because they are spontaneous and lots of injuries because, well consequences will not be judged 'prudently'.

Understand that certain songs or movies may be favorites because they express an emotion they can not feel - but sorely wish to.

Alcohol and drugs, heck any addiction, will not be a problem. Nothing can make you 'FEEL' anything or make it better, because you can not even relate to the idea of feeling something. One book even talks about addictions as masking the pain the sociopath feels - only a non-sociopath needs to hide the pain (where do these people come from!).

Look for those with violent relations to Zoloft and/or steroids, they seem to cause severe personality reactions.

I would not argue that sociopaths are normal or not dangerous; but that much of what is touted as being a sociopath is really anti-social behavior and not genetic in nature at all. And, supposedly, this is genetically transmitted trait! Yeah, I know all too well my own shortcomings and know I can do terrible things and sleep quite well afterwards.

So you know a lout? A pig? A S.O.B.? The most miserable person on the planet, if there was a prize? I would be willing to bet you that they are not a genetic sociopath. But, they may indeed be the most miserable anti-social person on the planet.....

And, what makes me such a functional sociopath? God. Pure and simple. Without the Holy Spirit's guidance moment to moment, every day, I would be completely lost.....

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