Tuesday, July 31, 2012

After The Betrayal

So, this is actually a bit of a response from my pastor concerning my previous post on betrayal. His title - Battling Betrayal.

Using Mathew 26:20-25 and John 13:18-30 as our texts, these points come into play (and any italics are my comments):

1.Expect the unexpected.
When Jesus announced that one of the Apostles would betray Him, they wondered.
Whom amongst them could do something like that.
Even when Jesus told them how it would happen, they did not understand.
When Jesus told Judas to take leave of the meal to do his task, they did not understand.
Judas was trusted, he was sitting in the seat of honor that night, who could it be?!?
They never saw it coming.

(I never saw it coming, I never expect it, I was trusting and loving, I did not want to believe, I was clueless.)

2. Look in the mirror.
Would I betray Jesus?
Is there something I am doing or have done which has betrayed the trust or love He places in me?
Seriously, ask yourself, "Is it me?"

3. Sit the closest to Jesus.
People will always disappoint us.
Be sure that we do nothing which would betray Jesus (thought, deed, life, etc).
Be the special one that Jesus loves.
Remember that He loves without condition.....

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