Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Quite a rainstorm we have had!  Tons of rain and I saw this morning that the Green River is just a few feet short of flood, as usual.  I laughed thinking that the State went to all of the expense to add a six foot height to the levies through the Green Valley two years ago when the dam threaten to fail, then to remove the added height to restore the trail on the top of the levies this past summer!  Only to now flood three months later.  LOL!

Of course the East Coast has gotten clobbered.  No one seems to remember that hurricanes are not uncommon, even in the NE of the US.  Every year more and more hype stressing how this has never happened.  I seem to remember a hurricane in 1969, the year I arrived in this country doing just what has occurred - I was stuck on Cape Hatteras at that one.  Sigh.....

But, the loss of the HMS Bounty was very sad.

My father was working at Lawrence Livermore Labs in 1961 and the government had us kids stashed in Oregon at the time.  I was out at Garibaldi, when the Bounty was brought in with a broken mast.  They were filming the movie Mutiny on the Bounty and wanted some of the storms and waves off of Oregon for the movie.  So, I had days of fun crawling all over that ship and learning about wooden ships and sails.   I even had to be rescued because in the poor lighting of the hold, I went right down the bilge hole! It was one of the best weeks of my life!  Kudo's to the Coast Guard Captain and the crew of that time.

Of course, there were no movie stars or anything, but still it was a fond memory.  So, with personal sadness that a ship whose deck I walked is now at the bottom of the cold Atlantic.....

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


One of my frustrations has been that the gossip, started back in August by my daughter, just will not die.  It seems to have pretty well blanketed the area.  As gossip goes, it has grown and gotten uglier - taking in interesting twist in which my daughter is now the perpetrator and I am the victim.  Yes, it is still ugly, make no mistake but it is frustrating having to constantly address this problem with semi-acquaintances about every two or three days!

Within what had been our church, I am stuck in a frustrating position.  I have no one I can really talk to about the problems without breaking my oaths to my daughter or having her status questioned by the hierarchy.  I fully intend upon having her restored within this body and my family - so there will be no hint of anything negative from me.  What she did to herself, there is little I can do about that - except refuse to denigrate my daughter.  I make no bones in front of anyone, she is my daughter and she will remain so.  I am sure I am thought of as quite mad.

But, this has placed me in the awkward position of not being able to really talk to anyone, because I can not trust that what I might say - would not be splattered across the church as soon as I am in my car.  So, I had to do something to express myself and get my blood pressure within reason or I was going to explode!

Well, if my Lettere's helped with my blood pressure quite a bit, trust me - an unknown, completely unfindable blog, where I can say what I want, when I want, how I want ..... well it has brought me much pleasure and some peace as well.

Okay, so you start an unlinked blog.  Totally fake name, totally fake everything.  What are the odds that you will be read at all?  Mighty small I say.

Oh yeah?  Try 40 readers and 25 comments within the first hour!  When I saw that, I had to go back and kill the comments!  I had people asking which sex I was, where I lived and if I was available!  OMG!  I somehow hit a nerve out there!  But, I will not answer - I am keeping this one completely hidden.  Besides, in my culture, were I to actually speak my mind - or - my heart, it would be dishonorable for anyone to be able to identify me and eventually find whom and what I am speaking about!

Therapy through blogging I guess.

Oh yeah, one day I will let daughter have the keys to the blogs, so she can delete, keep, print or whatever them.....  They are a piece of me that I can give her, now that she is so far away.

Monday, October 29, 2012


For a week now my free time has been devoted to working on a series of notes from one of my ancestors - or so the story goes.  Written in about 1350 +/- a few years, by whom is now a nameless knight, I have ponders his writings for about two years.  First, Old German really sucks to work with, the Fraktur codice is so much gibberish to me!

In fact, were it not that Martin Luther also had a copy and published it, which was to be translated into English about 100 years ago, I would be sorely wounded in doing my translation!  Luther took it from handwritten to block printed Fraktur.  So, I can compare word by word the path from the fragile leaf, to the block Fraktur, to a very odd English.  Next step is to make it something readable to today's English reader.  Why?

Well, this is a very good look into a Renascence mindset, with a post dark ages look at Roman Catholic thought at the time.  Lets face it, the 14th century was not exactly a highlight in anyone's history book!

So I am working on how to develop the site.  How to best represent the thoughts expressed.  How best to make a commentary of them, for they are quite convoluted in places!  And once the 200 leaves are done - then what?  Would anyone be interested in it?  Or care?  Or would I be descended upon by - uhm, theology challenged types?

And to what end?

Yeah, it is a great deal of work, I sincerely doubt that there will be any juicy finds - other than I can put the writings into the context of what was going on at the time - and compare time frame to deeds.  Which ought to be quite fun!

So, I guess I will stop here and post this for tomorrow, a few hours away.  Across the week you will probably see a new blog appearing on my profile as I test layout and features I want to use.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Joy Is In The Service

Our culture seems to have become so isolated that we no longer understand the joy to be found in Christianity is in how we can serve God through serving others.  We are really, really, good at a taking, at talking, at watching - but as a whole the idea that you are to get up and serve - and find true joy in that - is lost on this generation and culture.  We are a church dying of our own apathy.

John 13 gives us the quaint tale of Jesus washing the apostles' feet.  Well, that is how we view it.  Within its context, it was unheard of!  This was a scandal!  The master was washing the feet of the students!  This was headline news of the day!

At least where I live, no one washes anyone's feet unless they really have a problem or think that this is something that should be a part of a wedding ceremony.  Yawn.....  But, service is much, oh so much more!

Jesus modeled for us the having of a servants heart, even when the one in charge and doing the leading.  So we can read what He did, we can then emulate what He did.  No, we do not have to wash anyone's feet, be that is how low we are to go in order to be of service to others.  In your doing, as Jesus has led, you then model Jesus for others to observe and then they can model this themselves, in their service to others.  And then through us, they see Jesus.

You can use your time, your talents and your treasure to show Jesus to others, within and without the church.  Jesus needs to be seen from within our families to the most remote person to observe us on any given day.  And, yes, you are being watched - by far more than you know.

You serve Jesus only by serving others.  No this is not the tv news stuff or anything that would bring you glory before man and it is not something you can use to bargain with, with God.  Through your service you are to honor God and make disciples.  Serve God, serve others, Love God, Love others.

God is not above blessing us for what we do, asked or unasked by Him.  Of course, you will not find blessings in doing without having repented, or while in rebellion, or while in sin - just kiss that good bye and get right with God now!  Not sure where you stand with God?  Well, then you might have your answer right there.  Know exactly where you stand and ready to reap the blessings?  Best checkout your pride levels first and start over at humility before preceding!

You can know your Bible better than anyone you have ever encountered and still not be a Christian (I saw this just this year!).  If you are a Christian, you can be a mighty lousy one!  It has everything to do with your heart and where you have placed your faith and in our culture - what you are rebelling against!  You would be amazed at how the first questions I am having to ask those coming to me this year are - 1) how are you rebelling against God; 2) how have you failed to forgive.  Two major sticking points with God.

Yeah, the answers to those two questions points can and will completely rob you all Joy you will ever experience in your Christian walk.  God has an expectation of you - and it is not you living your life the way to expect to or want to.  It is by His rules only.

If you can get past those two points, if you can serve with no expectation, your Joy will be very great.  Of course, it all depends upon you.....

Thursday, October 25, 2012

You Males Are Slipping Again! Etc.

Rather than go back over this AGAIN!  Males, please click this link and find out what I know about you and why!  You will note the link is to one of my earlier posts, so quite safe.

And some of you believe that you can use proxy servers to hide whom you are or where you are coming in from.  Really, it is a waste of your time.  If I wanted to collect NIC ids I could do this even if you are hiding behind a proxy server.  Honestly, I do not care.  Even if you are my daughter in hiding, your NIC is already known so not a big deal to find you if I wanted.  But, I do not, I am content to allow God His timing in everything.

Then there has been the continuous attempts to crack this site now for over two weeks!  Yeah, I get a little note from CISCO, Norton and Google on what is going on over attempts to break into the site and/or gather my NIC id!  I should feel honored that anyone cares enough about me to dedicate such an effort to kill me and this site.  Hint: you can give up.  I sit behind a state of the art firewall and you can nor more find my NIC as my IP address.  Sorry.

So dear readers, I am not sure what is going on but I seem to have attracted a host of interest and I am not exactly sure why.  I know in the past that I have garnered attention by attacking high visibility pastors whom are spreading lies within the Christian body - but I have not taken on one of them in quite sometime.  Outside of my sister in the Lord and her daughter, I had not said much in a long time to make anyone irate I am aware of.  So, interesting.....

And with this post, I am hoping that I can return to were I was back when I wrote about cars.  Yeah, my goal was to write common sense stuff for my children, or anyone looking at doing normal things, and might be clueless on how to proceed.  We will see if I am to be allowed such power!  The past several weeks has been incredibly odd at what I have been told to post.....

Well, back to math homework!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Truth .vs. "truth"

Tuesday's post generated a question that sort of stunned me.  First off it came from a nationally known pastor.  Secondly, it is was awesome question and a total set up to trap me.  I love this guy's ministry and listen to him regularly.  The trap?  How to answer the question without upsetting my daughter or her mother.....

"How can you tell truth from "truth"?  God seems to have told you one thing, yet your daughter has gone in a completely opposite direction.  She has those whom disagree with you and she is willing to go with their opinion over yours.  Is their "truth" different than your "truth"?"

Yeah, no matter how I answer this one, I am going to hear about it or further alienate my daughter!

First, I have stated many times on this site about how I can tell if God is talking or I am, so there is no reason to readdress that.  And I am forced to address an issue that I was not prepared for, until last night, when God had me stumble across a letter from daughter's mother which laid out exactly what transpired and I did not understand until last night.  And oh was I crushed for a few hours.  Betrayal is never good nor justifiable.

On June 27th daughter asked me to ask God a question.  I tried to talk her out of this, but she prevailed and I did.  She did not like the answer I posted on the 28th for her.  That was the last time she spoke to me.  So, the messenger got shot, which was what I had been told would happen on the morning of the 24th.  At least God warned me.....

What I did not fully understand was how her mother "worked" the deception on my daughter.  It worked.  (call me if you want to know how dear - I am not the evil one you believe, and I have a few words for your mother as well.)

So.  God told me the answer to give her.  I did not agree with it, my idea would have worked much better and made everyone happy - but noooooooooo, God set a condition and reasoning for her to meet, which she and/or her mother balked at.  Even Gaelic Girl was abhorred when she saw the post!  She told me then that if I left that up I would lose my daughter.  But, these were not my words, they were God's and I sure was not going to change or soften the blow for daughter.  God is very real in my life.

So, by using man's logic, daughter was to be presented with quite an outrageous tale where in I became Satan and she to be saved by a host claiming to have superior credentials to mine.  (I am getting ill just typing this!)

As I told her mother, what proof did these people offer that they were representing God and to be trusted over me?  How many healings did they do in her presence to show the power of God they claim?  How much were they supernaturally told concerning her past, present and future to prove that God was using them?  I could go on, but then this is enough for this address - though I do love to brag on God.

God showed my daughter, supernatural and physical proof of my credentials.  She believed me because I was whom I said I was.  God continues to use me, albeit not in her life at this time.  But, her mother did not approve of the change this brought about - and set about to destroy this fragile faith in my daughter - using mans logic - because the god she knows could not be behind this.  Of course, she forgot that even what she knows of her own father (whom i know only through one of her older brothers, whom was a mentor to me), would have disagreed with what she and then my daughter did.

So was her mother's truth of God?  no
Has time shown her mother's truth to have been of God?  no
Has her mother's action since show this to be God? no
Has my daughter's actions shown she is growing in Grace?  no
So what is the problem?  sin


That is where things stand.  God tells me constantly of what her and her mother are undergoing, and they are utterly failing to see God is calling them to repent and then reconcile this situation with me. So, things only get harder.

So, I think this shows in the situation he asked about, how Truth was not equal to truth in the end.  When man's logic must be used to turn faith into fear and then into hatred.  When the world's ways and it "blessings" replace God's ways and His blessings.  Yes, there are some fine points in there but I will respect my daughter and my sister in this situation and not go into what would be seen as a condemnation.  I continue to want them both back in my life, I want this whole affair reconciled with them and God, I want my daughter restored and back on track.  But, that is not quite what they want at this time.  But, in the end, God will get His way - no matter the destruction they cause in their and others lives....

(ps: having now slept on this a night, I am now wondering why he would have sent me an email in the first place - unless daughter or her mother had asked his input..... very odd, now that I think on this.)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Let's Rewrite Scripture!

No, I am not talking about all of the efforts currently to write a more culturally friendly 21st century Bible, but that would be a good post!
No, I am not talking about all of the efforts to come up with a translation of the Bible more meaningful in 21st century, but that would be worth posting about too!
What I am talking about is how you have the ability to, and may very well have done some modifications to just one verse of the Bible to make your faith more palatable to you!  Yeah, you are changing Scripture and did not even realize it.....

So, has God ever told you to do something and you were not exactly excited about it?  In fact, it might be a cold day somewhere before you would even contemplate it?  You even rushed out and got ten of your friends to agree with you that this was just plain madness?  You know, just so you feel justified in doing things your way?  Obviously, it can not be of God if you and your friends are against it - right?

I have struggled for months over choices my loved ones make.  God tells you what to do, you find a convenient excuse not to, and voila! no more decision to make!  Right?  But, there is that little sticking point - God told you what to do .....  And I struggle with that.  When God tells me something, I do it.  When God tells others something, they do the opposite.  I do not get it.....

So, I am driving along on Monday morning, numerous poorly expressed thoughts swirling through my brain and then God suddenly answered that question I have asked dozens of dozens of times.  Turn if you like to Acts 10 in your Bible and read through verse 14.  Here we have the story of how Peter is being called to go and baptize a gentile, a Roman, a soldier, an occupier of the Jewish homeland no less!  And God takes the tack of presenting Peter with every unclean animal and commanding him to eat of them.  Of course, Peter rushes out to find his fork and knife - NOT!  He responds to God:

Acts 10:14
    "Surely not, Lord!" Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean."

He said NO to God!  Of course, God does take no for an answer and Peter was sent off to do as God wanted him to in the first place.  God does tend to get His way after-all.

"Surely not, Lord..."  I am not sure that I have ever said no to God, even when what He asks is unreasonable or personally objectionable to me.  Probably because of having seen God completely, totally, thoroughly, utterly destroy a close friend of mine - whom did say "No" and did the exact opposite.  It was what left all of us in the old group in mortal fear of God because we saw something that was horrifying.....  And even they knew they were in rebellion, even as they were being creamed by God.  It was not something I tell lightly to my Sunday School classes.....

So how have you and/or my children rewritten Scripture?  Right here in Acts 10:14 it seems.  You have to either remove "Lord" from the verse or you have to remove "Surely not".  You have got two choices, either God is the Lord of your life or not.  If not, then really you can not expect too much out of life until you get back with God.  Conversely, you can obey and let Him know you don't like it.  But, in the end, you will obey, one way or the other, one for eternal credit - one for not.

And,  I thought about this as I sat at the traffic light, waiting for it to change ..... I did as I was told and God has been gracious, though make no mistake - this year is the worse of my life.  And as for you?  Well, only you really know if you are doing as told or not! and/or rewriting Scripture to fit your own desires.....

The light turned green and I made my left turn, I found myself quietly humming the tune to the 151st Psalm..... 

Life is simpler when you listen to the quiet voice and do as told.....

"... with every breathe I take, I will thanks to God above, I will testify to love ..."

Monday, October 22, 2012

Another Death

It has been a hard year already, only made more so by the numerous deaths of friends and men whom I respected.  Thursday night was to be the night for Ray to be called home.

I never posted much about him in the past as he was someone I went to for answers or just to hang with.  I met him back in 1992, he was already a long term member of the church I now go to at that point.  I only met him as I was in the area and stopped in for Sunday morning worship - which was to spawn visits from me through 1998, when ever I was in town.  And he as always there, the same smile, the same friendliness.

Old enough to be my grandfather, and probably why I liked him so much, he was overly open with me throughout the years - sharing stories of the successes and failures in his life.  He saw himself as a failure, the world saw him as a success.  But, his heart was wounded by the goings on of his children.

Which brings me to the question I have written about often this year: what is the measure of a man?

Ray was a heavily traveled journeyer around this planet - there may have been no where he had not gone at least once.  Involved in several wars, some you never heard of, he had a strong sense of life and the cost of war.  During WWII he worked at developing ways of combating German radar electronically.  He was an avid mountain climber, tutor, big brother member, business man, etc, etc, etc!  And for all of this the world saw him as a success.

But, he was also a friend to many, a pseudo-father to many - such as myself.  His children by his first family did not do so well and he had no children by his second marriage.

And so we few gathered to remember a man whom had been a friend and a father.  Where his children each gave a moving testimony of what it took for them to come to Christ, as did his grandchildren and even great-grandchildren!

In the end, what he had always desired had happened - his family had come to salvation, his family had gathered to pay its respects, his family was reunited.

What is the measure of a man?

The tears he shed for decades over his children.  The thousands of hours of prayer offered up for their salvation and reconciliation.  A testimony lived through a life that was painful, where joy was robbed by the failures of his children and their children as well.  Being always there to offer love - when it was not desired in the slightest.....  The wounds he bore from their hatred and failures.....

Ray was probably the greatest success I have ever known - because he not only placed value where it actually lay but he lived long enough to see the success of his life and prayers.

You are already missed my friend and it has not even  been 30 hours as I sit and type this.......

Friday, October 19, 2012

Answers To The Video

So my little gang of video guessers out there, you have had two weeks to get the mystery solved!  And how did you do?  Well, the correct answer came in just 45 minutes later! - but I did not declare her the winner as she has known me her whole life and understands symbolism far too well.  It was not much as great a challenged as I had envisioned and I was also surprised she would want to play along!

In other attempts several readers, made numerous attempts however - well, they were unable to separate their Greek logic to view with an eye to symbolism.  Knowing this would happen, I even had added the reference to Shakespeare to even give my Greek trapped readers an edge.  Ah well, all went with internet suggestions, even though I told them it would not help.

So, no Golden Gummi gets to be awarded.  Sorry.

New Moon on Monday - new moons are the dark of the moon, so no light.  everything is in secret.
Shadowy figures, the police everywhere, the old lady in the cafe - everyone sees what you are doing.
The Kite - reflecting light on what is happening down below, again everyone can see what you are doing.
The girl - someone new whom crosses your path.
The motorcycle ride -  you trusted her and went with her.
The torch - love you felt, love you knew.
Alone at the end - you find yourself where you never thought you would be.
The battle - wrestling with your inner self over the betrayal.
The prison of your mind - knowing you were stupid to have trusted and been betrayed.

So the broad hints of LeBond and Shakespeare, both had affairs and both felt mighty stupid afterwards.
As for me, no I have never had an affair, never plan to.  But, I did trust once, I did know love and was betrayed.  Like my other two examples, I stand alone.  But unlike them, I bear no sorrow for having loved and trusted - because both were unexpectedly of God.  The fact all has changed reflects a failure not of God, nor myself, and for that I do have sorrow.  When ever two wills are involved - you can only take responsibility for your own .....

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Ghost of Marcion

Marcion could have been one of the great early Church fathers, well if only he had not allowed pride, position and ego to interrupt his understanding of whom God is.....

Shunned by the early Roman centered Church, he went on to form his own church, which did quite nicely for several centuries and came darn near close to out distancing true Christianity.  His numerous heresies led to some marvelous writings against his beliefs by the early church fathers and have become the basis for what we as Christians have come to know as our belief.

BUT!, unfortunately many of his thoughts are still in circulations within the Christian Church today and are a part of what I call the problem of the American church.  Yeah, it is actually not as much Christian a its believers would like to believe.  See how many of the following statements you do not agree with.....

So, against Marcionism:
  • The God of the Old Testament is the same God we have around today.
  • The Hebrew people are still God's chosen people; gentiles, as Christians, have been allowed into God's grace.
  • Yes, Jesus was Jewish!  
  • Jesus was not the first "Christian".
  • God has emotion, He loves - judges - hates!
  • The Old Testament has not lost its usefulness.
  • The New Testaments style of God is not newer or better than the Old Testament style!
  • Jesus, the Word of God, came from the Father, ie - the God of both the Old and New Testaments.
  • God gave Jesus His mission on Earth.
  • God loves you! - eternally and completely.
  • Jesus' story is one of Love from the moment of creation through the empty tomb!
Marcion was sold out on Greek philosophy.  The thought of a God whom had emotions was appalling to him.  He wanted an emotionless - sociopathic God - nothing but facts and data please!  (and what is wrong with that?  no mercy, no compassion, you are toast dude!)

We, as fallen humans, are constantly trying to cast God into our image or at least our image of whom we would like Him to be.  Unfortunately, God does have a role to play and a description - if it does not match with your expectations then you can expect a fight on your hands - at least until God says, "Okay, you know it all, go your way and I will still be here when you get back....."

For Marcion, the man whom almost destroyed the early Church, his end was to come without having ever achieved what he sought - power, recognition nor a god he could control.  Yeah, blind ambition can be a real problem in some lives.....

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

On Building Bridges

Thoughts swirling around John 3:35.  Of course the context is that we are all family as part of the Christian body of believers - but more importantly, "they" are watching.....

What is love?  Well, that was answered previously, not with thought of this post however.  Click on the link if you did not get a chance to read that series.

You are on Trial.  Whether you like the idea or not, you are on constant trial by the world as they examine you to see if you are for real or not.  They are inspecting you for your love, but wanting your acceptance of their sin and ways.  Of course, the two are incompatible - so what is a Christian to do?  (Compromise and you will be dragged down to their level!)

Does Jesus actually make a difference in your life?
How do you respond to difficult people?
How do you respond to difficult situations?
What are you doing to make a difference in the world?

You will be judged by the world based upon all of these items open to inspection by just the mere fact that you are drawing a breath and claim to be different than the world! 

Why should you care?  Because you represent Jesus and His love for the Church; you represent God and His love for mankind; you represent your local assembly - to be a sanctuary from the world and its ways!

By your, not someone else's, love - all whom are inspecting you will know the truth of Jesus' sacrifice.  That means the new man/woman, inside of you, demonstrates a change from what the world knows and may have known you as.

Your bigotry is gone.
You are no longer legalistic.
You are no longer demanding.
You are no longer unloving.
You are no longer judgmental.

Instead, you get to be:

Yeah, a bit of a change.  But, if you are caught up in the world and its ways - no matter how good your reasoning - you need to discover Jesus and His ways, He is only a momentary prayer away.  Repent, it is to your benefit.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Back in August, when I was writing a short series on superstitions, I included Peace amongst the superstitions within the Christian Church today.  After-all, we are told we are to have Peace, we are told that we are given Peace, therefore, if we are living and walking our Christian faith, we will have Peace.  Right?

Well, and that statement is part of the problem.  You take a handful of verses out of context and you can teach quite a nice series on Peace and how if you really were a Christian you would have it. Well, hey, I'm a Christian, so I want it - in fact I know that I am owed it!  right?  American Theology 101.....

A Christian teacher, I know of, just did such a series just like this!  And I think the prompting for him to do it was my taking him on in private last summer - at how he was creating a superstition mentality - not building the Christian faith of his followers.  Oh yeah, he fully believes himself Christian, his followers Christian and his teaching Christian (I am not addressing any of that here!).  And I am happy for him, because he gets to defend his teaching to God in the not so distant future, and since I only told him what God told me (hence he is apparently not listening) and he obviously does not agree - given his public response to our private conversation (which caused some problems, but not for me).....  Well?

My attitude anymore: "so what?"  I can only say what God tells me to say, if he has a problem, he should have taken it up with Him - not what he did do (attempt to turn others against me, nice betrayal dude).  I did my part, then it was up to him - not me!  I have no doubt, like so many under the American Church, he was of the "you have an ego problem" deal since I dared to speak for God to his face (which translates to your ego not mine!) - and he does not understand - I do not care.  I do as I am told.  Whether you are Billy Graham, Corrie Ten Boom, Hal Lindsey etc  - it makes no difference; if God tells me something to tell you, I will.  The fact He tells me, to tell anyone anything, worries me greatly.  (And yes, each of those three I just named got to have a talk with me at least once!  BG did make the change, CTB I have covered my talk with her before, and as for HL - well he went on as usual.)

Which brings me to the subject of real Peace ..... not what is taught today in the American Church .....

First off, yes, there is a thing called Peace.  It is something you can have in your life, it is possible, but like many things - it has a time and a place in the Christian walk.  Now in John 14:27, Jesus said, "I have come to give you Peace....".  In fact, Jesus came to give us Love, Joy and Peace.  And just as how we do not always have Love or Joy in our lives, we also can be without Peace for the very same reasons.

What Peace is not, is what the world offers and man sees: a plastic temporary form of peace in which we live without adversarial situations - where the world revolves around you and your desires.  But because this is a peace based upon things, wants and desires - it is only temporary.  Peace is not material nor mental happiness.  Peace is not something, friends, fund, finances, etc.   But, this is what many Christian leaders teach today, in one form or another!

Peace is possible, but first you have to reject what the world's definition is, as outlined above.

Peace is to be found in Someone, hint: that would be God, (Jesus as my American readers would prefer the reference).  God is the only one whom can bring you Peace.  We live our lives in a world which is alien to us - its storms rage around us, distracting us from our assignments, destroying those whom it can.  God is greater than that storm and can mitigate it.  Conversely, God is equally capable of allowing the storm to rage in all its fury around us and give us Peace in spite of it.

John 14:25-31 - the apostles panicked at the death of Jesus, not understanding that He was in control.
John 16:33 - Jesus is greater than the world and its problems.
God is greater than the storms we face.

God, built into you the desire for Peace, only He can give it to you.  It can only be found in a spiritual fulfillment. If Peace is not found within you, then you never will experience true Peace.

Ultimately, you as the believer, must walk in victory - when all around you only see defeat and failure.  Then you will know real Peace.

Ah!  A retraction is coming!   What does this mean?

Well, this is where the rubber meets the road in the Christian walk.  You will never have Peace in your life if you are living sin, walking in sin, rolling around like a pig in the mud of sin!  You will never know Peace if you are not a Christian, locked in Sexual Sin, if you take human life, if you are in Rebellion, if you taking Communion without respect to Jesus, if you already know what you must do - but have not done as told by the Spirit (walking in the flesh).  Make no mistake, during these times, Satan and the World will offer you a great deal of temporary peace in order to separate you even further from God.  Satan's goal remains to neutralize your testimony!

Equally, you can be the finest amongst Christians and experience no Peace, because as I have discovered this year:
You are dealing in Spiritual Warfare, if you have peace in this then you are in for a major surprise!
You have slammed into the concept of Tradition versus real Christianity.
You see all of your support failing within the Church, yet are not in sin.
You are the subject of scandal as Satan attempts to discredit you in the eyes of the Church.
Your friends and family abandon you because you have become a liability, rather than neutral to know.

Whoa!  How did we get to talking about my life again!  This was not what I was heading towards, but is all true.  You can be completely in the right and scandal ridden, yet at Peace and with complete faith in God, because you did as told.  No this does not really help you in short run, but at least you can have Peace about where you stand with God.....

Most importantly, dear reader, you will never know God's Peace until you repent. That lone sticking point true of many Christians as well as non-Christians.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Elvis and God?

As I was cleaning the house on Saturday, I had PBS on the tele as they had a special they were running on Elvis Presley and God - of course, hawking a CD compilation of his gospel music.  And I was constantly having to stop and want to hit the tele with a stick!  I was amazed, you would have thought Elvis a Christian by what they were presenting.

Film from his earliest years - to the end, memories of those whom sang with him in gospel groups, before and after his fame.  Amazingly, the man was a committed gospel singer!  And my head was swimming at the white washing the man was given.....

As I listened to them talk about his Army days and how he had bought a house, blah-blah-blah-blah!  This was the man whom used his star power to bend people to his desires, the house was built from stolen military property by GIs wanting to get in close with him.  At least, those were the charges brought against the supply clerk at the local post - and all those GIs whom were charged as well.  Yeah, my village had many a tale concerning "THE" American, whom drugged and got the local teenage girls drunk regularly at this house.  It was amazing the de-flowering which he was capable of.

And yet, hey, people can change.  Maybe he did get his act together in his later years.  But, then I was forced to remember the tales of his death - following a rousing night of alcohol, drugs and whoring around - to end in a pool of his own vomit a bathroom floor.

So, I watched in fascination the accounts of his life, gospel music and God.  All of those whom spoke had the same access, to the same information as I and yet, here was the white wash.

No, none of  us are perfect.  At least I have the ability to fail regularly.  So how does one quantify a life?  Is it to be with a blind eye to how a man lives his life daily?  Or is it to be the intent of a man?  Or, as it the case of my friend, whom current lies in a coma just blocks away in the hospital, by the works he accomplished - driven by the man he was before he came to the cross?

I would go for the latter, as I think on my friend Ray.....  Like so many men, Elvis had the ability to have made a witness of his life.  But, like so many men, he was betrayed by the fame and fortune which followed him.

If anything Elvis was the perfect example of how a man can not successfully live a life under two masters - God and the World.  Like all, he will love one far more than the other.  For him, unfortunately, his testimony has been cast in print - women, drugs, alcohol, and shame .....

Friday, October 12, 2012

Devastated or Viva la Vida

Don't skip this one daughter (but read today's - 10/12/12 post, on the Lettre s, first)  .....

Back in 2008, I posted a music video by a group I had never heard of, of a song that captured something important, but I did not know what it was - until last night.

At the time, in 2008, I was struggling mightily with health issues and a manager from hell, and I posted this video so that my friends could see where I was.  By the end of the next day, the entire gang had come to my rescue - it was one of the most humbling experiences in my life.  Someone did actually care, actually, many someones. So, my friends, DO NOT come this time, be in prayer instead for daughter.  (But, if you do show up on Saturday evening, it is Mexican cook off night with the Swedish Rocket Scientist doing the meat!)

And so, I give you Coldplay, Viva La Vida:

So, for me, this has been one of the most harrowing weeks in many decades.  Visions and knowledge poured over me like never before, from Sunday's "I am going to cut her loose" culminating in last nights vision "tying it altogether" - defining determinative and permissive wills in her life.  Make no mistake, I am devastated for my daughter.  I even tried to offer my life if it would spare hers, bring on the big one God - I will take the pain, if it would protect her from herself.  Alas, my God does not work that way - and you have no idea how desperately I wish He did.

As with all of mankind, we struggle against God, His Will and His path in our life.  It is the rare person it seems that can be willful enough to follow without struggle - certainly I am not one of them!  And I am sure that those whom I look up to, as not being like me, probably look up to others wishing they were more like them.  It is the curse of our natures.

And now for the second time in my life I am to witness this happening to someone I love.  All week I have been reminded of DL and the cost her rebellion brought her.  I know I have never shared more that what she did and how God smacked her for it.  But, it was humbling 28 years later for God to tell me that she had repented and how at long last she now understood.  Twenty-eight years later!  The Dutchman, when asked by me, tracked her down to confirm this - because I TEST all spirits. And no, I really have not sought her out, even when I heard she lives less than 3 miles from me now, being in the care of the UW Medical staff.  It did not help in the following years for her father to send me messages through Dutchman, I would have far preferred to have actually seen him!  I loved that man.  Nor, her mother running into me constantly it seems that first year I had my four adopted Russian kids.  And again the memory of "them", the couple whose son died that first year of my pastorate, their son, never forgotten, never ceased to be mourned.  And though they were behind my firing, 25 years later they stood in front of me and apologized.  All of these stories are elsewhere on this site.  All of this pain dredged up across this week, driving home the helplessness of man.

So, prayers for my daughter please. 

Prayers for Nadine Petrich, whose husband is not expected to make it to the weekend.  Nadine and Ray were the first couple I knew in this church.  Ray has been one of the few men I have ever respected.  A man of God whom was free to discuss his life and his lessons.  For those whom remember Kennedy sending in the advisers in 1962 to Vietnam, which culminated in the war, he was one of those.  He came to the Cross because of it, losing his wife in the process (Adventist).  His second wife, also a Christian, is awesome.  It will be a sad weekend.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What - Is - Love?

In the middle of Monday's song I posted, Peter Furler ad lib'ed the question, "What Is Love?", and the song continues as published, almost - James ad lib'ed part of a verse as well, leaving one to wonder at whom he was thinking about as he recorded the voice track.....  Little things always interest me.  And given how this week has gone so far, Furler's question has hung heavily on my heart and mind.

I would have so liked to have not been able to answer it.  In fact, prior to May I never could have, but in three blinding weeks - God left me staggered, having seen and known love - an emotion so alien and foreign to me, I still have no defense against it.  It sits as a gaping wound, which God uses daily to rally me to prayer for the lone target that emotion was constructed for.  You have no idea how I fought and raged against it, finally being forced to yield to God's will, not my own......

John 14:15-24
God created Love, without Him we can not even know True Love.
True Love was created to be shared with all, throughout our lives.
True Love is to pulsate through our life.  We can not manipulate it, or God, or others with it.
Only with True Love will you be able to "...keep my commandments...".
The Holy Spirit comes to empower you in Love, to assist you in doing as you have been instructed.
If we do as He commands, we can have no fear of failure.
His Love flowing through us shows His relationship with us.
True Love is His intensity through us, in concert with obedience.
In order to live His commands, we must live His Love.

Unlike the non-regenerate world, we are not to be living by our own rules and calling Him King.
We are to live by His rules, with Him as our King, in submission to Him and what Authority He has placed over us.

What Is Love?  Living God's Will in our life, for others, to the detriment of our own.....

John 15:12-13
12    My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
13    Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Never lose sight of this goal Jesus issued to all of us, lest we forget and become lost - as so many in our day have become.....

Postscript: Given the horror of Sunday night and Monday's discussions, I find myself at quite a loss.  And so what did I learn from three days of prayer and study?  That true love is of God, not of my baser nature.  That what God gave me was and is needed by Him and my daughter.  That ultimately, His Love through me will win - because it remains the only beacon of true love in her life.  But, I might be mighty worn out before this happens.  And she will probably be far more damaged.  And until that day, I have very much to do.....

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Days of Sadness

I post this as only one reader, other than whom this is about, knows of whom I write.  But I am in sorrow for a real reason.  God had a long talk with me across the last two days.  A talk I would rather not have had to hear, shown what I do not want to see.

He is apparently set, to set adrift one I love, based on the hardness of their unrepentant heart, to discover why His path is better than the world's path.  Can you spell Death Sentence?

I am devastated.

But, I will continue my prayers for as long as I have breath.  It is all I can do - to wage war against abomination.  I have seen this path, I know this path, and I already know the pieces on the other side - but will it be a contrite heart on the other side?  That answer could tell me a great more about what to expect.

And now I am unsure as to my own future.  I came into this year a dying man, will I now leave it the same way, having now failed as an assigned father?  I would willfully prefer to offer myself in death than have a child of mine walk a path that was never meant to be.  Or was I just the last hope at freedom for them?  And now, will life revert to where it was interrupted by God and me a year ago?

(included here is every thought, every dream, the very essence of a father - which now may never be again....)

Yes, a sociopath can and does shed real tears.  Emotions are not needed when one is to see carnage recreated, yet again.  Were but I man ..... but then i would not be doing my fighting on me knees.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Buying Cars

Just some advice for my children, where they can refer to it, as needed:

Buying a new car is a daunting task, but nothing compared to buying a used one!  So this is to address a used ones, since like me, my children should be less likely to buy a new one for a great many years!

First off Consumer Reports has a running log of the 10 most recommended used cars to consider, based on consumer responses.  In no particular order currently:
  • 1989 - 2002 Geo Prizm  (this is re-badged as a Toyota Corolla, Chevy Nova and Chevy Vibe - so any of these three would be fine as well, since they are a Geo Prizm!).  Expect 35 - 40 mpg!
  • 1990 - todate Subaru wagon (this is the Toyota AllTrac model through 1992)
  • 1975 - 1985 Mercedes 300D/300TD (these are diesel models and finicky but well respected!)
  • 1976 - todate Honda Accord
  • 1983 - 1990 BMW E30
  • 1987 - 2001 Jeep Cherokee (note this is NOT the Grand model, it is the one with the 6 cylinder inline engine!)
  • Toyota 4Runner, (this is the old model and although well thought of, can be costly for repairs!)
So, you have found one of these or another car, now what?

Do a search on the internet for the Year, Make and Model of car you are considering and print out a list of vehicle recalls, if the car is legit, then ;there will be a record of the vehicle having had this work done to it.

Look up its value on the internet on Kelley's Blue Book, or similar and decide if you can afford it.  Well read on just in case:

1.  Most cars build after 1990 can be reasonably expected to live to 300,000 miles and then expect tremendous cash investment to maintain from that point onward.  How many miles differences is there between this number and the mileage on your candidate?  Divide the difference by 12,000 and that number is the possible number of years before total replacement is guaranteed.

2.  Most cars build after 1970 came with aluminium heads and iron blocks.  This means that you will get to have a head gasket replacement every 150,000 miles.  Figure $2,000 for this at a shop.  How many miles does your candidate have?  Ask if it has had a head gasket replacement and how many miles ago.  If the car is a Subaru you may have to do this every 30,000 miles!  A real gamble on the Subarus.....

3.  Take the car to a local shop and ask them to do a condition and repair proposal.  Most shops will change you between $80 and $200 depending whom you ask, the model of car and where you live.

4.  Consider first year ownership expenses as being tires, brakes, air conditioning service, flushing the radiator, etc.

5.  If the tires are new, expect them to be hiding a bad front end on the vehicle.

6.  Most vehicles are front wheel drive, so listen closely for any rumbles or steering slop in the front end.

7.  Watch for smoke in your rear view mirror as you are accelerating from a stop.  Don't buy.

8.  Look out for a recent retitling of the vehicle, the registration would show how old the prior title was.  If recent then you are looking at a car which probably was wrecked, titled in a state which does not track this and then re-titled back in the home state.  This is particularly  a problem with used car dealerships.  Walk away.

9.  Look out for a car sold by a dealership but advertised as a private sale - something is wrong, so just walk away.

10.  Another scam is someone buying a car from party X, cleaning it up to look pretty and then reselling it either with the title from the original owner or with a new transfer.  No matter the story, just walk away, they are lying....

11.  Look for signs of an accident - front paint is not faded, rest of car is; front paint is shiny, rest of car is dull; look under the hood noting any painted numbers on the body parts or manufacturer labels left on; look for mis-matched bumpers; have a friend follow you on the test drive to see if the wheels are aligned and tracking together straight.  Just walk away if any of this is true.

12.  So, you have run down this list, you have an idea of repair costs, now what?  Well, take blue book value, subtract repair costs, and make an offer.

Okay, so you now have a car.  Now what?

Figure $50 to $100 per month in repair costs on the car and bank this amount so that you will have enough to keep the wheels rolling through time.  Of course, I am assuming you still have your $550 in savings in the first place as your extreme emergency fund....  And no, a car is not an extreme emergency - it is a convenience.

Good luck and happy shopping!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Love Come True

Just in case you have ever wondered, "What is love?". Well, it is very nicely answered here, though I doubt most would understand the answer..... Give it a listen and see if you can spot the definition of love:

Ooh, 18 and I'm outta here  
She had reached her independence day  
Never saw her mother's private tears  
Or the times her daddy prayed to 
God to see her through
Love comes true  

Love comes true 
Love comes true 
Love comes true
21 and I'm so confused 

Getting up her nerve to call collect  
I do not need help from anyone 
But there's a few little words
I did neglect to say to you
Love comes true (No turning back the clock) 

Love comes true (Just waiting for a knock) 
Love comes true (Lord, if she only knew)  
Love comes true

 (What - Is - Love?)
Love comes with patience  

Love lost is found  
32, married, and kids for her own,
She's come around  
She needs them (both) to help her through
Love comes true (Love is sending out a light)  

Love comes true (Love is gonna make it right) 
Love comes true (Love is finally getting through)  
Love comes true
Love comes true (Love is sending a light)  

Love comes true (Love is making it right)  
Love comes true (Love is gonna get you through) 
Love comes true
Love comes true (Love is sending a light) 

Love comes true (Love is making it right)  
Love comes true (Love is gonna get you through)  
Love comes true
Love comes true (Love is sending a light)  

Love comes true (Love is making it right)  
Love comes true (Love is gonna get you through)  
Love comes true

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Musical Saturday Morning

Aw yes dear readers, it is the first Saturday of the month and my much anticipated musical pick for the day and month!  This one was a hard one, I knew the group I was going to go for, I was pretty sure of the song, but it has a problem.  For those of us whom were in Britain in 1980's we know a very different version of the original release of this video!  This one is the extended American version, about two minutes longer than the usual American version - minus all things British!  No, if you are in America you can not even Google much less find it on YouTube, remember we live in a FREE society.  Free to watch what the Government allows.  (sorry this is also true for India and Islamic countries as well) LOL!

Okay, for my little guessers out there, whom send me notes every time I post a music video - YES, this video ACTUALLY does mean something!  It does carry a HIDDEN message!  If you understand it you not only will understand something about the usage of the non Greek philosophical brain, but also about William Shakespeare, Simon LeBon and myself.....  (no, I am not gay!  just to get that one out of the way!  wrong message dudes!)  Odds of getting this right, even with Google's help? 1:300,000 on the low side!  So, not real bad odds, better than being hit by lightening or shot by one of Dick Cheney's shotguns.  Good luck my assorted geniuses, yeah I will figure out a prize for the winner.....  :^)

So, it is 1981, a group only three years old bursts out onto the international scene.  Their music pretty good, their songs sometimes overtly sexist, the head man had the looks and the voice, their videos shot to purposefully point you in the wrong direction and if it involves nude or semi-nude women, so much the better in Britain anyways - the rest become history and yes they did rule the 1980's then quietly died away having spent all of their creativity and energy....  So sad.  Duran-Duran and New Moon on Monday:

Remember it does have a real meaning in history, in Simon LeBon's life and my own.  Whatever could it be.....?  You need to define: New Moon on Monday, Torch, the shadowy figures, the kite, why was Simon unnerved by the old woman, and what is the prison not eluded to by the song.....  With the above clues, and non Greek help, this was solved in 45 minutes, how long will it take you?

Friday, October 5, 2012


Oh grrrrrrrrrrr! To quote one of my children.

So my cardiologist insisted that I meet with him last night to go over the results of the testing done two weeks ago.  Of course, there was nothing to be found - I told them my heart and arteries were fine but they keep insisting on these tests, or should I say, my health insurance company does!

Wasted another $30 on the visit to be told what I already know and with the start of school, money is always a bit tight.  sigh.

I asked about the dead nerve, he did not think it much to worry about unless I lose another one.  but, even then they can do a wired pacemaker which takes over for the dead nerves.  Science!  So all is cool.

The only other test he wanted to do was have a camera shoved up my back side!  Yeah, that ought to tell a great deal about my heart.....


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Embracing Tomorrow

The church I attend uses acronyms for everything.  The most prevalent among them is the acronym - TOUCH, which changes meaning slightly, ever so often, as they refine their vision and goals.  So, as I sat and listened with half an ear to their next version of TOUCH, I began doodling and thinking about this past year, what I have lived, what I have learned and how could this acronym be used to express not this past year, but how could be used to express my tomorrows?

T - time together with family and friends.  This would mean real fellowship, time set aside for gathering to draw closer to God, intentionally.  Not volleyball games (which I love), going to the movies with friends, and all the many distractions our culture offers.  I need fellowship and due to this past year - apparently need to hunt down new friends to fellowship with.  Were it not for the attempted smear campaign by my daughter, I would just walk out the door and seek another church where I am not the object of gossip.  But, then Satan wins and my goal in life is to not let that happen.

O - overcoming my past.  I am reconciled with my pre-Christian past, with my post-Christian past, with my recent past.  Yeah, I know people whom gag at all three of those in my life.  But, then I am I the one whom has to stand before God, not them.  Like everyone, I have done what I am not proud of, and some of what God has had me do I am even less proud of, but in obedience I am at least spinning gold and not straw (to draw on an old German idiom).....

U - understanding God's Word, both by His Spirit and by study.  Absolute truth does exist - it is found in the Spirit's conformation of the Scriptures.  The purpose of the Scriptures are to transform each of us to become servants of God, not as a source of information or worldly truth.  The Scriptures are to be used to make disciples, and I know I have one more to make!

C - celebrate God's love for me and for others.  Celebration of this love is through Caring for others, Forgiving those whom harm us, Value the image of God to be found in each of us, Bring glory to God though a life lived for Him, Sacrifice to meet His goals (not our own), and in all things Thankfulness - even when life sucks real bad.

H - being of service to others, offering hope.  Service to others is my understanding of God's love in action.  As God has loved me, as God has given me hope, as God has forgiven me, as God has touched me - such is to be my basis of service to others.  I am called, in this mortal life, to help others - not myself.

So, what does this all mean?  I have a lot to do over the following years God leaves to me.  The first step is to get myself out of debt, which I have no hope of at this point in time but I can at least make an attempt.  Liquidate what I have, pay off people I owe money to, pay off a personal loan, then pay off my credit card debt.  In other words, really tighten the screws on my life and I hope all of those living here like beans.....  Then, having gained my financial freedom, the next step relies upon where things are with God.  Does He want me to go forward with getting myself prepared for a mission or is that to be done locally now?  I am excited to find out.....

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Donkey Story

From my artist Russian friend:

The Donkey Story

One day, a farmer's donkey fell down into an old abandoned well.  The animal cried for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was just too old and the well needed to be covered up anyway. It just wasn't worth it to try to retrieve the donkey.

So, he invited all of his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then to everyone's amazement, he quieted down. A few shovel loads later, the farmer looked down into the well and was astonished at what he saw.

With every shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and step up. As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off!

The moral of the story?  Life is going to shovel dirt on you...all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and just step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone.  We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping and never giving up. Learn to shake it off and step up!

We always have a choice. We can focus on the dirt or shake it off and step up.
 It is time to focus on stepping up!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Open To Suggestions

So my dear readers, it has now been two weeks this was put on my to blog list, however the excitement of my life just does not allow me the freedom to post what I want at a given time.  This past month has been an incredible growth period for me, pieces of which have appeared in other blog posts.  For me, I have found peace for the first time since June - assured that God is hearing my prayers and in His quiet way preparing the way for the prodigal to return.  At the same time, this afternoon, God has laid on my heart that perhaps that way will not be as pleasant as it could be.  Is He preparing me for his abandonment of my daughter so that she may reap the whirlwind, before looking up and understands where she is supposed to be?  For my daughter's sake I hope not.  Conversely, the same knowledge could mean that the November 22 vision is about to come into play - and that makes me physically ill.  No, you really do not want to know the price of that one.....

But! what I started out to blog is about a discussion I had with the pastors several weeks ago now.  I have worked in youth ministry since 1974, a few breaks here and there, but mostly straight through.  Comparing a 1970s youth group to what exists today is to attempt to compare a fine wine with Dr. Pepper.  Yeah, not even in the same arena, and I had three heroin addicts to deal with in that first year, as well as two suicides.  Horrible but much better than what exists today!

And the conversation rolled around the topic of why.  Why are youth so challenged?  Why are youth ministries actually failing - when results are expected and actually little is to be found, even amongst the solid church families.  At church, in Bible studies, at youth groups, totally awesome kids - walk out the door and a train wreck in real life.  Just as an example: a family I know of what seem solid parents and everyone of the children have substance abuse problems, oh heck, flat out addictions!  Kids are great actors these days.

Then the conversation began to narrow as hour three approached.  Everything we had been discussing revolved around controlling behavior and the kids were great at that, as long as someone in authority was watching!  Blink your eyes and the Bohemians have appeared!

Yeah, I am now convinced, three weeks later that the key lay within the idea of creating character in our youth.  Just a part of which to create integrity - to control them when the eyes of authority is not around......

Now, how to create this with one hour a week exposure to the church activities?  Do not think it impossible, it was done in the very first Sunday Schools, in Glasgow, Scotland in the 18th century.  They were able to take street urchins, uneducated ones at that, and create men and women of character out or them.  So, it can be done.   But, what was the secret?  Where do I start?

That is the goal for this next year to rediscover the secret of!

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Bourne Legacy

Friday night was one of those infrequent movie nights in my life.  Niece, aka oldest friends oldest daughter, was home, as was youngest daughter but only Niece wanted to go to the movies, so we selected The Bourne Legacy.  It was not my first choice, but neither of us had seen it, so it won by default.

Now I have to admit that the movie did not score well with my friends, nor in what I have read on the internet.  So, what did I think?

Two thumbs up!

Highly entertaining, reality had little to do with the movie - which is important, and enough holes to make for some comic comments during the movie.  It was the 7:20 show and there were only 8 people in quite a large theater, so not well received.....

The director tried to tie three plot lines together, but did not do it very well.  In fact the sub plot of the previous director of the CIA - whom really cares?  I know that it was so that the film could be tied back into the Matt Daemon trilogy, but there was no need.  For me that best part was seeing one of my military projects demo'ed, almost realistically.  It consumed five years of my life and I never got to see it fly, so very nice to have now done so, even if just in film.

Delightfully, women kept their clothes on for a change, as did the men other than Renner's six pack had to be shown off as much as possible.  Language was reasonable and oh yes, it is violent.  But, luckily not very realistic other than one motorcycle accident - which startled all of the audience!

So, good PG-13 film for those loving action adventures which are almost totally devoid of any reality.