Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I am weakened in all regards. My daughter has assassinated me. The very physical pain in my chest runs unabated. The medication slows down my brain and body - which only increased the stress on me. One friend called last night: Swedish Retired Rocket Scientist, three of my daughters found their way over, son texted me "bummer" and Yesfir's mother texted that I really ought to just get over this abandonment issue and just move on, do something fun. And let us remember my mother, whom called to find out why I did not call her from ER, etc. Yeah, seems that even when in harms way - there is little left of my life to draw encouragement from.

Well, I need to close before I start to get sad again. Watching the confirmation of what God told me last year come to fruition is so much harder when you get to watch it all on your lonesome. I was not concerned last year because I had at one person whom I could talk to and understood. Now that is not even true. I can not help but remember that Noah at least had his family behind him, Moses his sister and brother, Jesus his 120 disciples and family as he was crucified.

If you would continue in your prayers this week. The doctors do expect me to be back in as they predict the big one is mighty close, just not here yet. So, I get to keep my bracelets on for rapider check-in, should their predictions come to pass. On the other hand, I would just as soon not have my body utterly fail me at this time.

But, that is in God's hands, and I have no clue what He is doing with me or this situation.....

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