Wednesday, June 30, 2010

God Reaching Out

My favorite classes in Bible School were with a professor whom had studied under J. I. Packer.  Now this professor’s approach to class was unique - if you wanted a “C” in class, then just do your reading assignments, do your writing assignments, pass the final and that was it.  If you wanted a higher grade then attend class, participate and see what you learn.  Why this approach?  Because much of what he felt lead to teach was not “politically correct” in polite Christian circles, and yet, if you want to make an impact on your world – you needed to know!

So, one day there was much discussion before class concerning the question of God’s sovereignty when bad things happen.  In the news as a great tragedy and it was a very good question someone brought up.  To de-politicize the question, the professor took a very interesting tact – change the people and yet use a tragedy widely known.  The teacher smiled with the look that said, “Oh yummy!  I am going to get into trouble today!”

“Class, most of you remember President John Kennedy.  No matter what your parents or history books may have said about him, he was created in the image of God and like all of us needs to be covered by Jesus’ blood for his sins.

“His death was a travesty.  No matter which theory you accept concerning it, he died.  Now where was God when this happened?”

Oh yeah, lot of discussion, but apparently we were not getting the point.

“Ok, his younger brother Robert was also shot to death four years later.  Where was God in this?”

We were plenty confused now and it showed in the discussion.

“Well, he has another brother named Ted.  So how do we deal with the deprivation of man – as a part of the continuing saga of the Kennedy clan?”

We had no reply to that one!  Or any of the other questions he asked concerning this family.  We all knew the news about this family, we just did not see God anywhere in the picture!

“Anytime I see a family beset by tragedy, I know God is reaching out to that family.  He is calling them to Him each time these horrors occur.  But, these examples were not the first time, there were other times He called them as well but they did not respond.  If John is assassinated, He is calling.  When Robert is likewise killed, He is calling.  When Ted is managing to be all too human, God is calling. 

So, in your lives, when you see similar occurrences, know that God is calling.  He is waiting for you or that family to respond to Him and His salvation…..”

And, I have found plenty of evidence to backup what the professor was teaching us that day.  In my life, in the lives of others I know well, in witnessing national tragedies.  God is at work, calling the world to Him. 

We just have to get around the idea of God being a fluffy teddy bear and understand that we do not listen well to either His quiet call or His rather loud shout in trying to get our attention.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hands Reaching Out

If, as I wrote about last time, my heart reaches up to God, this can only be a part of the picture of a Christian life and walk.  I must reach out to my fellow man as well.  But perhaps not in the direct manner you are thinking…..

There are so many ways to reach out to those around us, I could write a book concerning it, easily!  Not that you should be replicating me in the least!  Heavens, how God uses me has nothing to do with you.  But, it does apply to the example of the concept of living a 360 degree Christian life.

First, there is no such thing as luck or coincidence, there is only God guiding you towards opportunities or equally away from them!  If you understand my drift (wink, wink, nod, nod!).

So, when I am shopping for a house and decide I need something cold to drink late at night and walk up to a random store, what are the odds that there will be two people standing in front of that store in conversation, both in need of help?  Actually, not very good at all when you consider it turned out that I also had known them years ago.  And I had the solution to both of their problems.  Mind numbing unless you see God as providing the opportunities to serve Him through physical means.

I just wanted something cold to drink, God sure had other plans for me!  And interjected me into their lives as a blessing and witness of His works.

Yesterday, I had lunch with a co-worker from years ago.  She is dying from cancer, her third bout of being a stage 4.  No she is not a Christian, but she knows I am and God did allow me the opportunity to witness to her in a very off the wall manner.  Just a seed.  Maybe next week, next month, whenever, that seed will be watered by another and the harvest will be the Lord’s.  At least my prayer is for her to come under God’s Grace.  It physically makes me ill when I know someone whom has died and know they never could accept salvation.

Two random incidences, no preplanning, no agenda, just opportunities either be available or not.  I do try to reach out to my fellow man by making myself available when I stumble across opportunities such as I have cited.

Everyone has the ability to impact a life for Jesus.  Most important is prayer.  With opportunity to affect physical change, God will either provide through you or perhaps through someone you know.  But, the basis for this is prayer as well!

What do you think?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Heart Reaching Up

As I consider the idea of living a life of witness, I am forced to inspect myself and how I ended up where I am.  What made me the way I am?

I realize my walk is not like many others.  It was like I was given an eternal view once I became a Christian.  Because I do see God’s very active hand in our world, I am forced to not pursue many of the diversions which captivate my friends.  If you can see God’s handiwork, you come to realize just how many are His miracles and how little credit He actually gets.

In my early readings of the Bible, I was struck by Elijah and the faith the man had.  Oh sure, lots of miracles, but the man’s faith in God was incredible.  I wanted that kind of faith.  I wanted the knowledge of God which spurred James Packer to write, Knowing God.  I wanted the strength of character shown by Watchman Nee in his stand against submission to a murderous government.

Just three examples of outstanding faith, outstanding character, outstanding knowledge.  I do not aim low, do I?

There is nothing outstanding about me or my relationship with God.  I am nowhere near the man I want to be.  I am nowhere near the Christian I wish to be.  My knowledge so finite it embarrasses me at times!  And, I am so easily misled into pursuits of no worth that I fear I often fail my God.

The only thing I have is the burning desire to know my God more and to serve Him.  Were it possible, to reach up to God with my heart.  To increasingly know Him, to somehow serve Him meaningfully, to hear those precious words, “…good and faithful servant…” eventually applied not to someone else but to my life lived for Him.

Hopefully this gave you something to think about in your life and walk.  How are you living?  Whom are you living for?  How do your goals and desires match with an eternal viewpoint?

There are no judgments here, just questions to ask yourself to see if you are where you need to be in your walk….. 

I know I have continuing work to do.

Friday, June 25, 2010


Scene: Last Saturday evening following a bbq, with a house full of people shirt tail relatives.  One of my boys from my Colorado days turned to me and started this conversation:

"Hey Kris, what is a lemming?"

"A small brown fuzzy thing that likes to jump off cliffs every year."

"They really do that?"

"Oh yeah, it is amazing to watch the little guys up in Canada as they run to the cliffs.  Must have something to do with the politics up there."

Mild laughter fills the room.

"But why cliffs?  Like, won't they not kill themselves if the cliffs weren't there?"

"I seem to remember a trial where a bunch of animal rights types got the idea of taking some of them to an area where there were no cliffs so that they would live happy and free."

"So the eagles got them?"

"No, at the same time of year as before the rascals all ran down to the shore and drowned."

"Well, is there anything like that pack mentality elsewhere in the animal world?"

"Yeah, Democrats."

Utter silence. 

"Oh, sorry, I meant Republicans...."

Gay laughter filled the room. 

Nothing like playing for the crowd.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So, the final rascal has graduated from high school and faces his undefined, unprepared for future.  The family has all departed for their homes, some now having son's sinus disease (see it wasn't me this time making everyone sick!).  The frig is full of left overs to chew through.  And, I have managed to get three consecutive days of real sleep - for the first time in years.

Of course, then I had to mess up my ankle so am now hopping around the house.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


A few weeks ago a friend (Ruth) from my shadowy past, came back into my life via FaceBook.  And yesterday we had a chance to get together over dinner and relive a few memories.  It was exceptionally fun, at least for me. 

But, I could not get to sleep until 3 am!  Yeah Sleepless in Blog-landia.

You see, I remembered her extremely well from my early Christian days when I was honestly trying to get my act together, but honestly nothing from before that.  Thankfully, God had removed those memories from my mind.  (You have NO idea how those years tormented me!)  So, I was extremely shocked when she mentioned something from high school!  She had known me in high school?  OMG!  Do I apologize or just slice my throat and end it all!  Yeah, I was really a work of art in my pre-Christian days (daze...) - which covered all of high school and the following summer before God was able to crack through my thick skull during the fall of 1973.

And, as I lay in bed for hour after hour, I started to remember stuff I had forgotten for over 35 years.  Which made me more and more depressed.  Those high school years really sucked.  Honestly, Ruth was actually one of the few bright memories from those early years in America.  And the more I thought about it, the more tales came into mind of our years together running amuck, with a whole lot of others in Amuck-land.  Then I realized something I never could have back then, she had been a real friend but I was too blind to even understand what friendship was in those days.  She was someone I trusted, someone I enjoyed hanging around with - because ........ well this young woman was willing to actually talk to the very troubled odd duck of the school.  Mind you she was very much the exception!  Yeah, in my senior class, I was voted "Most Likely To".  Likely to what, I had asked.  Likely to succeed, likely to fail, likely to do almost anything.  I was a total enigma to those of my school.  Of course, no one there actually had taken the time to know me.

So with this flood of memories, I am delighted to have found her again.  I am delighted to see she has herself an impressive Christian husband.  I am delighted she is still the same Ruth I had known so many years ago.

There is an openess and transparency which comes with real friendship and was reborn last night.  I guess God knows what He is doing when He dredges up something from my past and it actually turned out to be positive.

And mind you, that is amazing to me - to rediscover one's past may not have been as hopeless as one remembered.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Illusion Of Scent

The Apostle Paul has got to be the master of using word pictures. In 2 Corinthians 2:12-17, Paul uses the pictures of smell and scent to help us understand how we should walk the walk.

Verse 12: When I came to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ….
Staying focused upon the gospel is what is important for us. All else is mere fluff and of little or no value.

Verse 13: ….my spirit was not at rest because I did not find my brother Titus there.
We are to care about our brothers and sisters in Christ and by extention, people in general. Our prayers should be uplifting our brothers and sisters, for our spiritual leaders, for needs within the Body, for the salvation of the lost we know.

Verse 14: ….and through us spreads the knowledge of Him everywhere.
I can not read this verse without smiling. We should not only to be observed by the world around us, but to be sniffed! We are to get out into the world.

Verse 15: For we are the aroma of Christ….
In other words, you smell like something, so let it be Jesus that you smell like to all of those whom are sniffing and observing you.

Verse 16: ….to one a fragrance from death to death, to the other a fragrance from life to life.
Some people are not going to like what they smell, others will. Do not sweat their reactions (assuming you are walking on safe ground in Jesus!). But do be aware of reactions to what you smell like!

Verse 17: For we are not, like so many, peddlers of the God’s Word, but men of sincerity….
Treat the Gospel with integrity. Adding to this message with our own issues and beliefs only cheapens His message, making fools of us in the world’s eyes.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Left Unsaid

I know I have mentioned in the past that I tend to think on things, sometimes for years, until I reach a conclusion.  And, I have been thinking much on father and his death.

How could someone come away with a clean physical, when he had terminal lung cancer?  How could his doctor have missed this during the exam only two weeks before his death?  How could he not have known something was terribly wrong with his body?  I have known far too many whom have died under these symptoms to know that none of this is even remotely possible.

And then, I thought about our last conversation.

Father rarely called.  I have always made him terribly uncomfortable and even if I call, he always has to rush away almost instantly on some terribly important mission.  Except for that last call.

Father called me on the day of his last physical exam.  He was chatty, very unlike him.  He talked about getting some life insurance, how he wanted to know that his wife would have something left when he eventually checked out.  He wanted to talk about my kids.  All very unlike him.

I called him back several times the following week, wondering if something was up, but there was no answer.  He was already in the coma.

Yesterday as I thought on this I realized that father was telling me, I just could not understand, nor could I have guessed this would be our last conversation.  But, I have figured it out now.  I see how all of the pieces fit together in his mind and how he could not come to tell me what was really up.

And, I am grateful that my father's last words to me were, "I love you."

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Week Went By?

Wow!  I was really surprised this morning to find I had not posted in a week!  Seems like my time is being gobbled up at every opportunity!  How ever did I manage to work 10 hour days before I got laid off?

Of course, I have an excuse.  Seems King Klutz went to Albertson's and was attacked by a six pack of Mountain Dew.  Who could believe that one?  But, yeah, it literally leapt off of the shelf and slammed into my right knee!  We are talking something really odd here as I was the only one on the aisle and I did not even touch the Mountain Dew.  Too weird.  But, it occurred with such force that I now have to have surgery on the knee - again - because it smashed up the joint pretty good.  Thank heaven for frozen bags of frozen corn so I could put it on ice immediately, my son having his learners permit so he could drive me home and a few pain killers left over from whatever my last disaster was.  Plus being able to find my knee brace - just when I needed it - that was a God thing.  I am still hoping for even a minor miracle here so I will not have to have surgery again.  It took three years to get past the last one.  Sigh.

I am still not really looking for work yet, still have to get past son's high school graduation next week and the accompanying invasion of family wanting to visit the northwest.  Plus I want some time to just unwind.  I am seriously thinking of a metal detecting trip to either eastern Oregon or Northern Idaho ghost towns right now.

And, next weekend one of my friends from high school is coming by for a visit with her husband.  I have not seen her since those trying days, so it might be fun to see how things have gone in her life.  I am also more than a little fearful of "Kris" stories, from the good old days, resurfacing and giving my children an interesting (er, wrong) perspective of their adopted father.  Cough-cough-cough.....

Well, have to go and get ready for more housework!

Oh, yeah, for my long time readers and friends, please be in prayer for the Swede.  He had a bit of misfortune and had to have some horrible surgery done last week.  It was the first in what will be an estimated three years of reconstructive surgeries and recovery periods.  See what happens when you retire?  You get yourself into all kinds of trouble.....