Tuesday, July 24, 2012


As I mentioned yesterday, men I know and yet have no relationship with, have gone out of their way this past week to seek me out - to pray with me - in person or via the phone. God is obvious working in the background attempting to lift me up from this subjection to death which now stalks me.

Making it worse, has equally been females doing the same. Only I know - have a relationship with almost none. Yet total strangers at the grocery store, literally deviate to accost me. My lawyers wife whom I have not spoken to in two years, suddenly needs to talk with me. On and on and on! I have today had to cast my eyes to the floor and just ignore this bizarreness! It was like there is a sign over me. "Attention Ladies, Screwed Over Guy!"

But it is a daughter I have lost, not a lover. So why this attention? What about me is drawing the flies.

As for me, I want to talk with my friend and her mother, but she is now avoiding texts and calls. Not like I have hounded her for any information. Could it be she is manipulating this entire situation - having no understanding as to what really was going on? Because I never even told daughter what was really happening....

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