Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Roads Not Traveled

As I lay in bed last night I got to thinking about how fragile our bodies are and conversely how resilient they are as well!  I have commented at how it seems all of the Spencer side of my family have very poor ankle structures and at the same time, how I managed to be cursed with the Plattner knee problems as well.  Genetics always fascinate me.

But, being a klutz means that at an early age I was out there working on helping the genetic curse!  I lost my knees at 16 in a ski accident.  I really wanted to try out for the US ski team, no where good enough for it - but that does not stop ambition!  Back in those days downhill was run as a dual event - two skiers.  The guy on the inside of the curve never turned and forced me off the course.  He hit a tree and never recovered from the coma, dying several months later.  I hit the worlds largest icicle under a tree and demolished the knees.  Nothing like being told at 16 you would never walk again, much less ski!  Through just plain force of will and endurance I worked on those knees for years, hours everyday to make them work again.

The final insult to the knees came in 2002 when I fell on the sidewalk outside my doctor's office.  Well, it was raining and there was a little moss on the sidewalk......  Yeah, king of klutz, probably the pattern in the concrete got me!  Poor knees just have not recovered from the surgery for that one!  Not enough cartilage left for them to function well.  And since artificial knees are only good for about 15 years, I will wait a few more decades before the replacement.  Better to be in pain than to never walk again, just in case it doesn't go well.

I mentioned one time in this blog about my American cousin whom, being a Spencer descendant, also has the bad ankles - worse than mine and way more surgeries than mine!  But, he had to work very hard at duplicating my knees.  He is about 10 years younger than me and I remember teaching him how to play soccer.  I figured that at least it would be fun for him and give those ankles some help in getting stronger.  It worked.  He went on to win a full ride to college on a soccer scholarship!  Too bad he got drunk at a college party and riding his motorcycle home, at a high rate of speed!, put the cycle into the back end of a VW bug.  The bike went on to hit four more cars - totaling out each of them due to their low values.  As for him, he flew over the VW, and a few more cars, eventually landing on the back end of a pickup truck.  Both feet went between the bumper and the bed of the truck - his body to the outside of the bumper.  SNAP!

Yeah broke both knees.  Of course, he lost his soccer scholarship, was hospitalized for quite a while and now had to get a job to finish college.  Changed him in oh so many ways!  Of course he had NO insurance of any kind, which darn near bankrupted his father for the medical bills and paying auto claims!

So, as I lay in bed I thought about Chris and wondered what ever would have become of him if he had lived his faith those first few years in college?  Would he have met the same young woman and married her?  Would he still have become a phys ed instructor?  Or might his life have truly gone down the toilet as a soccer star?  Don't you just love what if's?

As for me, it is well my skiing aspirations were destroyed early on.  I went on to work for Garcia as a product tester for ski wear and equipment for several years.  I know that would have not happened had I not crashed - I would have been too full of myself for that job!  ;^) 
And it was a great job for someone working on rebuilding muscle - I can easily see God in that one, even though I was still a long ways from becoming a Christian. 

My best friend at the time did go on to the US ski team and never really amounted to much.  The excesses of the partying however took a real toll on him.  When next I saw him, a decade later!, he was still the immature youth he had been - only now he was pushing 30 and having to learn to grow up and get a job.  It was like time had stopped for him and now his future options were looking very poor.  And what might his future have looked like if he had not pursued skiing as a career?

What if's and the road not traveled always fun to swirl around my mind.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

John 8:1-11

You know this really is an intriguing episode in Jesus' life.  There are lots of goodies to take away from it and apply to your life, but today I am thinking about my son  and of course his sins which have brought him to the point where he is expected to be moving out this weekend.  (No idea if that will actually happen, but he has been told there is no more grace.....)

If you, my reader, are a Christian - then you can understand the idea that everyone of us has a past.  That past is composed of sin and it may well be those sins which put you on the road to finding Jesus, learning about his payment for that sin and making peace with your Creator.

And whether you are a failing Christian (such as my son) or still looking for "something" to fill that hollowness within, it is heartening to know that every sinner has a future!

We are each to see ourselves in this woman brought before Jesus for condemnation.  I see myself in my son's rebellion to God.  I am just as guilty of rebellion against God as this woman was.  And where I find it so hard to have finally drawn that line in the sand - which son so quickly crossed over I still can not believe it!  But, Youngest Daughter has never been known to lie, so I know he really did beat his girlfriend in front of our house.

Each of us grades our own sins on a curve.  Well my sin can not be anywhere near as bad as yours!  Sin can not be minimized.  A white lie is as bad as stealing, which is as bad as murder, which is as bad as adultery, etc.  So from God's perspective, what son has done is no worse than what this woman brought before Jesus has done and no worse than anything I have done (even if I believe that hitting a woman is about as low as you can get!).  We can not compare our sins to another's!  If you want to do comparisons - you have to compare your holiness with God's holiness!  Yeah the "curve" disappears when we allow God in the picture.....

Jesus told this woman to sin no more.  In doing so He acknowledges that she did wrong, he offers hope for her future and offers forgiveness.

I am not sure my son will be able to see forgiveness in my pushing him out into the real world, but if he is to grow up and have a future - it obviously will not be living here and not learning his lessons the easy way.  Some things really crack one's heart.


So, next month, September, I am taking the month off to ride my bicycle from the southern end of Vancouver Island - to the northern end.  Beautiful scenery, yummy seafood and a whole lot of eh's, eh?

Just one teeny-weeny problem - I crashed tonight.  Oh yeah.  I had installed lighter pedals with rat-traps so I would not be using my clip-ons.  But, during a shift my right foot rolled off of the pedal and tore my inner tendon from about 4" off the ground to 2/3s the length of the foot!

Oh yeah, major pain.

And now, what of my blast off this weekend?  Sigh - I hate being a Klutz.....

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Interesting, panic in the political and media arenas for a storm that yields 60 mph winds and rain.  Ouch.

We have to come up with a better name than Nanny Culture.  When everyone is willing to flee their homes, disrupt commerce and change lives over an "IF there is a storm...."  Something is really wrong within that culture.

You may snort, but I honestly wonder if now that America has announced God is dead, that the culture has reverted to just normal everyday pagan superstitions - in this case fueled by paranoid politicians and a hungry news media?


Nannies Are For Babies

Surrounding me are two constant philosophical thoughts.  First, that the State should do all it can to care for the citizen.  The other, that the State should get the heck out of citizen's lives.  Personally, I am more of a "get the heck out of my life" kind of guy.  Most of those around me are not.

So, I have watched with interest as the Nanny Press and the Nanny State have been declaring emergencies and ordering evacuations for the past 2.5 days in anticipation of Hurricane Irene.  Such rib tickling comments as "it is going to rain", "expect up to 12 inches of rain", and the best one - "winds could gust to 80mph"!  I have lost all respect for those babies on the east coast.

I hate to tell the press and government this: IF the storm does not make landfall - all of the dire predictions are worthless!  Yes, there might be high tides.  Yes, there might be rain!  Yes, there might even be winds as high as 80mph!  Uhm, and any of this is outrageous because.....?

I am so sick of the wannabee nannies in this country whom believe any of this does not occur annually, if not several times annually!  Twice since I have been here in Washington State we have had over 12" of rain at my home, winds well over 80mph with gusts of about 100mph, and floods?   Hecka yes, as my oldest says.  And yet no one is issuing gloom and doom reports on just plain ordinary Washington weather.  Nanny wannabees really need to grow up.

If a zone can not take a 5' wave - stop issuing building permits!
If a structure can not take an 80mph wind - do not allow an occupancy certificate on it!
If the foundation, basement, whatever can not take 12" of water in a 24 hour period - get rid of it!

This is not rocket science kids!

We do not need nannies, we need individuals willing to take responsibility for their actions, locations and structures!  Good Lord man!  The end of the world is not going to be avoided because the State coddles you.....

(just for the record i am a survivor of: 1 typhoon, 2 hurricanes, 3 tornadoes, 4 major earthquakes, 2 floods, 1 avalanche, 2 landslides, many bizzards, temperatures of -80, 1 maritime disaster, 1 air crash, 3 armed revolts, 1 armed robbery, being shot twice, 1 mine collapse, hit by lightening once, poisoned thrice, and aMcDonald's Happy Meal survivor as well!  just lucky i guess.  thinking about it, you might not want to hang around me much.)

Friday, August 26, 2011

IMG's Mother

So, Italian Missionary Girl came into town, as did her mother several days later.  Since I have known the both of them for several years, I threw a little birthday party for the mother and figured the two of them would be off visiting - as they have not seen each other for over a year.  But, IMG suddenly vanished by going on a camping trip the day after the birthday party with some people she hardly knows and ditching the mother unit - here in Seattle!  Talk about more than a little personality flaw in there girl!

So yesterday, I took IMG's mother (Linda) out to lunch, Azteca of course, I doubt she would have appreciated the local Italian joints!  Naturally, we were chaperoned!  I had Oldest Daughter (with screaming grandchildren in tow) meet us at the Mexican restaurant and had one of my college guys with me as well.  So, it was cool.

I seemed to be in particularly rare form and had most of the area around in tears they were laughing so hard!  Yeah, ever so often I seem to be on a roll and can really get a crowd going.  Used to happen quite a bit before OD ran away from home - that sort of killed something inside of me, as did Middle Daughter doing the same and now son's "problem".  (Honestly, I thank God constantly for youngest daughter - whom has stood strong against following in her sister's footsteps!)

Linda (who knows how it is really spelled!), was in complete agreement with Robin that I have done the proper thing in telling son to go.  (It really helps to know at least someone agrees with me!)  Only one more week and he is doing NOTHING to prepare for his departure.  I expect he thinks it is a bluff, but for once his is going to be held accountable for what he did - at least what I can do about it.  There is no room in my home for someone whom would beat a woman.  God I wish she would go to the police and his little reign of terror could be ended before it really turns ugly!  Yeah, I have this real fear that if he could do this, he could turn out like one of my customers from many decades ago (a serial killer named Yates).  But, there is little anyone can do to help him in Washington, where the troubled one has to be willing to be treated!  How backwards is that!

Anyway, back to Linda.

She has many health issues, currently recovering from cancer surgery and treatment.  I really feel for her in that regard.  I also feel for her that she came all of this way to see her daughter, whom then abruptly left to go camping.  Children!  Sigh.....  On the other hand, it is interesting to see that things have not gone well on that trip but IMG will not be back until Saturday night - her mother leaves Sunday morning.  Children!

But, it was a nice lunch and I think she had some fun.  We certainly wore her out that is for sure!  Buona Avventura!

So, I am not likely to see her before she leaves.  I am still busy trying to get a jam experiment to work, before the end of next week - deadline for the State Fair.  Yes, still cooking and seeing if anything I create could possibly get even an honorable mention .....

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Heavens Above

Father was a theoretical mathematician and part of his early work had been on the V-3 rocket, I can remember him regaling me with stories of its design, purpose and rather odd "disappearance".  How he filled my youthful head with tales of the stars and the ships which would one day take us there.  But, once I was in school, those days stopped, as did the tales.  I remembered those times fondly though.

I can remember father tuning in Sputnik on the radio and hearing the beeps it made.  Father was at Sandia Labs at the time and I can still feel the coolness of the evening air, huddled on his lap as he pointed to the white light of a star as it moved across the night sky.  His words were filled with marvel at what he knew his friends, now slave labor in Russia, had created.

Whom could not watch with wonder the news of the Russian space achievements in the 1950's and early 1960's.  I remember the somber discussions over Russia preceding the US at every turn in the space race and the news of the disaster which consumed the Russian space program - killing most of those whom had brought such success.  Listening  to the song, "The River is Yellow" from China's first satellite.  Those were the days my friend.

Into this mix, Wernher Von Braun's many social visits with the family.  But, who cared by then?  I was a teenager and Margrit, his daughter a few years older than me, was simply fascinating!  She and I had one commonality, we both had FBI babysitters as we grew up and so would share tales of how to drive those poor guys utterly mad!  I imagine she really did not even know I was alive - just that other German's annoying kid.  Sigh.

I worked in aerospace for three decades because of my love for space - not necessarily contributing anything as great as father had, but I like to think my computer innovations supporting the Saturn rocket program helped in some small way.  Like father though, just slave labor, whom will not even score a footnote in history.  (Ok, unlike father, I got paid.  But it still felt like slave labor at times!)

And my love for space is not at all diminished by no longer working.  I have my movies and books, and friends still working to leap frog us into the heavens above.....

Good Times.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What Goes Up

Well, since nothing is public in the news, as of yet (and it has been 1.5 hours!), there is little I can say which would not break confidentiality with my hosts.

Other than to say, that what was expected to be a news shattering day and very exciting, swiftly came to an end.

We all sat in disbelief.  Only moments earlier people were dancing and cheering as a technological wonder roared for the third time and into a real life experiment.

And then it all came apart.

I almost cried for my friends, also gathered for this event.  They worked hard, pushed the boundaries, creating an honest to gosh technological marvel in the process.

I think I know what happened but the FAA, NTSB and scientists will be combing the desert for the rest of this week I am sure.  Then will come the weeks of analysis.  If I am not right, I will be surprised.  Sometimes leaping across technology boundaries brings too many variables for failure into play.  Which is why we improve one item, test, then add another, test again, etc.  One hundred percent innovation usually will bring 100% failure.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Swimming in Cash

Well at least until all of the checks clear I wrote!

Yeah, silver went so high I decided to divest myself of it!  Good bye lifetime coin collection, I knew you well.  Sniff.

Actually, I am feeling pretty good about it!  Not that there is anything wrong with having a coin collection, it is just that it is a blessing to know that something that was just for fun, for the breadth of my life, actually could help me right now meet my bills!  So I am happy, happy, happy!

Before Gaelic Girl left, we had to have yet another "discussion" over finances.  Her perspective has really changed over the three years she has been in Texas.  I wonder if it is the water or something in the air.....  Anyways, she has become a whole lot less trusting of God to provide and a whole lot more focused on gathering what she can.  Very much unlike her.  So loggerheads!

Why did we cross swords?  I wanted to take her out on a date and she felt I did not have enough to do so.  Well, ya know, if I didn't have enough, I wouldn't have asked.  Oh well, what could have been a relaxing evening came crashing down.  Kris' general luck it seems.

Anyways, I am now playing with my non-silver coins and getting many of them ready to go to auction.  I put up three yesterday: a third century Roman counterfeiting die found in Egypt, a banknote from the First French Republic and a little US three cent piece.  No idea if they will go or not, but be fun to find out!  If they sell, PTL! If not, CraigsList, then eBay I guess.

Now, what to do with a box full of German 1920's Notgeld...........?

Monday, August 22, 2011

God's Light

First, read John 8:12, Isaiah 9:2, Matthew 4:16, Luke 1:78-79, and 1 John:5-7.

God's Light Pictures His Presence Amongst Us
 Exodus 13:21-22, Matthew 28:19-20, Hebrews 13:5-6
Jesus says, "I am the Light of the world" "I am with you always" "I will never leave you"
Even when the world is against you, everyone is mean, we are poor, we are broken or ill, God IS with us.

God's Light Guides Our Path
 Numbers 9:17-23
God's presence as Fire by night and a Cloud during the day, when He moved - the people were to follow.  When it stopped, the people were to stop.  Easy physical reality for man to see and obey.

The old expression, "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" applies here.  We are so used to walking the desert (darkness without God), that we find ways of making it the norm or the light and then continue to march towards it.

Our lives (and this Western Culture) we are constantly trying to make light out of darkness and then follow that light!  We are so caught up in this that we often can not even see the real darkness our forefather's could.  Think the continual downward spiral of TV, movies, talk shows, "reality" programming, even the trash found in most books these days!  The light of culture is not what we are supposed to marching towards!  We must get out of that darkness and into the real Light of God!

God's Light Protects Our Lives
 Exodus 14:19-20, Psalms 46:8-10
God's Light and absence of His Light (to our enemies) can block us from what could be happening to us or around us!  Oh yeah, we will still have disease, war, famine, poverty and our very own special sin natures to contend with - but God is there walking with us through all we face.  Interestingly, God does not bother to explain to us the WHY's and WHEREFORE's of life; He is there with us to constantly reminds us and call us back to Him!

God's Light Reveals Our Soul
John 3:19-20, 1 John 1:7
Walk in the Light, as He is in the Light and we will have fellowship.  But, darkness is where we live.

Comparing our spirituality to others will accomplish nothing and does not matter.  Our light is so dim when compared to God's. we either must flee further into darkness due to our sin nature or we are drawn towards the Light of God!  Sort of like being a moth with really ratty wings - or maybe that is just me and my spirituality.....

The Big Idea: God's Light Changes Everything it touches!

Friday, August 19, 2011

It Is Done, Not Finished

So, I stayed up until midnight last night working on a personal project on my computer, when son came home from work.  So our first chance to talk this week since his altercation with his girlfriend in the street in front of the house.

He course feels that he has done nothing wrong and any damages done to his definitely ex-girlfriend were completely her own fault!  The whole concept of 'you do not punch out a girl', much less get in fist fights in front of my house, continues to be completely not understood.  Nor was the concept that NOT going in the military (his decision) means he MUST have an alternative plan for growing up and learning to respect himself as well as others!  Yeah, he is the king of ego- you and I are merely pawns to be used as he sees fit.

But, I held firm and he understands that he has two weeks plus some change to move on in life and if that means he sleeps in a park, then he will be sleeping in a park until he gets his head together.

He was also told in no uncertain terms that his life was not going to change direction until he got his eye back on God.  Which of course he now poo-poo's because that path does not allow him the advantage of sin he so enjoys.  I hate it when I see youth get it into their heads that they can live the life they want, play by their rules and then try to blame God for their disasters!  Seen it multiples of times every year for decades.  And always I think of that young man,David, laying in ICU dying of AIDS, and praying to God for forgiveness.....  God will take you as low as it takes, for you to look up to Him for salvation.  Sigh.

However, no matter how mean and cruel as I am being seen in this tale, I will be giving him a list of free mental health clinics, through which he might be able to get the help he refuses from me through this past year.

I expect the drama queen to be throwing as much fluff in the air over the next three weeks as possible - trying to convince everyone he is being thrown out and the family is taking his ex's side in this.  Neither is true but he has been showing a great tendency to lie lately.

Also, all too easy to kill yourself with medications and armament have been locked away, so he will have to get creative for the ultimate stupid.

Much, much prayer is needed.....

Thursday, August 18, 2011

IMG Is Coming!

So I got a message that Italian Missionary Girl is coming back to Seattle!  Not real sure what is up but I am guessing, base on things she said, she is going to be learning how to be some kind of a MicroSquish administrator.  Never thought of her in that light, but hey you never know what someone is capable of, until they set their mind to something.

Also her mother is flying in on Saturday, so it sounds like I better get the bbq cleaned up and ready to roast up a pile of ribs! 

But for now, that idea goes on hold as I have to finish all of college paperwork today.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Attack of the Weakest Link

I have many times mentioned my theory of the weakest link - when you are doing what God wants you to, whom ever is your weakest link will come under attack by the opposition, and/or explode all over you, in order to refocus your attention off of what you must be doing.  Mine has been my son.

And yesterday was my testing day. for entering college and starting off on another career.  Oh wait!  The weakest link had to explode and ended up in a fisticuffs match on the front lawn with his now ex-girlfriend.  It took until 11 last night - 12 hours! - to get the complete story from all participants and witnesses.

So, I am leaving now to retake my testing from yesterday and expect to do really poorly since I am really frustrated, really tired and extremely disappointed in my son.  Add the stress that last night I had to tell him he IS leaving to be on his own and it will not be a good day today.

Gaelic Girl is flying in later today, since son is her favorite, and God help us all.  She will more than likely be wearing her cowboys boots and may haul son off to the police herself she is so mad right now.  Red Hair + Temper = Unpleasant Day Ahead for everyone.....

No Rest For The .....

I had one busy week planned, with today being the most jam packed of all.  Today was composed of testing at the hospital, breakfast with the Runaway Bride, meet with one of the college guys at Starbucks, then off to the local college for placement testing - just in case I can get into some interesting program, complete applications for the college and the State, etc!  And that is just the morning!

However, the Starbucks time got cut short when my youngest daughter called to tell me that son and his girl friend were in a knock down drag out fight in the front of the house, her car blocking the roadway.  So I got home as fast I could.

Girl was of course gone.  Son sitting on the stairs and inconsolable.  So, I went to lunch.  Back home, son got calmed down and went to work.

So, timing for the day is completely shot, undone to do's will now have to be done tomorrow, which sort of complicates tomorrow's already full schedule.

As for son, he is going to be even more unhappy when he is invited to turn in his house keys and take his continual teenage drama with him.  He has been tetering on this for the past five months and this is the final straw for me.

Yeah, no rest for the father - whom will be seen as wicked by all in the family.  But, it is important for a boy to grow into a man - and it will not occur if there are no repercussions for beating - even in self defense - a female.....

Monday, August 15, 2011

Application of a Soap Opera

I would not be anything, if not a dolt, if I did not comment that the soap opera unfolding around here has had some impact with me.  When you consider that this tale has involved a runaway bride, jilted husband, online love interest and more than a bit of licentious goings on - it suddenly seems to have a familiar ring to it.  The role I played in that tale was the jilted husband.

Amazing to realize that it has been almost 40 years since I graduated college, did the civil filing for my marriage to the Swedish Model, left for a one month trip around Mexico (my gift to myself for actually making it through school!).  (Under Swiss law you must have a governmental approved marriage, hence civil union, however most Christians opt for the religious ceremony as being the actual point of marriage, even though, you are already legally married.)  Then returning home to find out that my bride-in-waiting (for our religious ceremony) and best friend were hard at it.  Yeah, just a bit of a surprise.

It took me years to get past the betrayal.  But have always been thankful to God I discovered her failings before I was truly stuck.  In time I forgave her, even having lunch with her a few times when she worked for my company.  I figured out that I had truly loved her - or at least the person I had known.  She died in my heart that Saturday morning, but in her faith and eventually, psychologically as well.  The still single - never married, middle aged woman whom exists today, no longer resembles the young woman I loved.  That young woman is long dead (her annulment just nailed the coffin shut).  Then decades later, through an unexpected friendship, I found those memories suddenly awakened and having to deal with them all over again!  Maybe that was my mid-life crisis?  May I not have to go through a year like that again!!!!!  And maybe that was a God thing too.....

As for my ex-best friend, I honestly tried to forgive him - it does take two to tango as they say.  But, I could never trust him again.  He went on to be a big cheese in a computer company in South Africa and on one of his visits - we had it out.  At first he denied everything but then I told him I had made a surprise visit to his apartment for what I had hoped would have been a great weekend, and what I had seen.  He got real quiet.  Even as it was, I could never trust him since he was apparently a liar as well. 

Sorry Don you were the worst brother to have ever existed.  Your divorce and abandonment of your children came as no surprise to those whom knew your true lack of character.

After ex-best friend, she moved on to several of my other friends, probably staying with Dutchman the longest.  I was really pissed off at him.  But, one day I went to his church to have it out and this man whom is about 50% bigger than me in all manner of speaking - just jutted out his jaw and said - "Give it your best shot, I have it coming."  And we both knew I could have shattered that jaw.  But, I had come to conciliate - because God was all over my heart on doing so.  We made our peace and have through the years both had to trust the other with the other's life far too many times to mention!

So, yeah, I see the parallels - one of the reasons I figured God had me involved in this latest tale.  Surprisingly, I find that I do not identify with the abandoned husband though.  I truly do believe that although jilted, he certainly had created a home environment under which even a slave would have revolted!  Nor do I identify with the new husband, she will find no peace with him until he finds the God I and she knows.  RB's parents, like my old-were-to-be in-laws, I can now understand their pain because mine sought me out and we made our peace long ago.  They even made a point of meeting my newly adopted family, once I had them back from Russia.  Though even at the time I knew it was causing them pain because they long so for grandchildren.  Whom would have ever thought, 40 years ago, that they too would learn to suffer for their part in SM's annulment of our civil union.  Yes, I forgave them as well, long ago, at their request, in my church at that time.  And, was that ever uncomfortable.

Today, such as when I have a high fever, my worst nightmare continues to be the thought of SM coming back into my life.  Amazing at how the mind works and what one learns to fear.....

Jesus Is The Focus

Continuing thoughts on John 8:1-11.  Last week I shared how the local pastor smacked down the congregation for their judgement and condemnation of last year's Runaway Bride, whom was visiting me and is now in hiding.

His idea was that when "sinners" cross our path we are to be like Jesus was with the woman "caught in adultery".

1.  Make your life about pardon, not punishment!
When you fail, do you need punishment or pardon - not only from God but your peers as well?
Do not seek to condemn others, treat everyone as persons and not pawns to make yourself appear or feel better!
Take the attention off of those in sin, focus yourself and them on the cross.

2.  Point to the cross!
Jesus went to the cross for a reason - our sins separating us from God.  His death bought our forgiveness and completed the promise (covenant) made between Abraham and God - oh so long ago!

3.  Be a safe place for sinners!
The wages of sin is death.  It is not a time out, a broken down car or a tooth cavity!
We each deserve death for our willingness to sin.
Just as you have found forgiveness in Jesus - show those in sin the way to the cross!

In my dealings with RB, I have been on my guard to not condemn her for what she has done.  She knows she has failed mightily - herself, her family, her husband, her faith.  She fears the same may hold true for her new husband and his family.  Her separation from her family is more or less a given.  My place is to continue to love her, even in her sin and show her once again Jesus and the cross.

And of interest was her parents being at this church this morning.  She obviously in shock, but her parents' faces told me the message - their daughter was forgiven and very much loved.  I should also mention that the parents brought first husband with them!

So I close this tale with the knowledge her family is reconciled, she is returning with her parents to reunite with her current husband and Tuesday will probably be the last I see of her.  Equally as important in this story, she and her abandoned husband have come to terms of some sort.  Probably as much for her mental health as his.  But, no he was not seated with them.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.....

Saturday, August 13, 2011


So, it seems inevitable that son can not be encouraged to any longer participate or perform even  the most remotest interaction with me or the family.

Monday, I went in his room and fount it to be completely piled in garbage - yes, real honest to gosh garbage and most of my missing flatware.  So, he was told to clean it up or he would be moving out.  He response was to leave for the rest of the day and now no longer be at home at all if I am and has stopped speaking to me, even in passing.  Just attitude is all I get now.

So, I have been struggling with this for days.  Obviously he believes he is calling my bluff.  But it is not a bluff - bluffing ended months ago.  But - and that is the problem - but what?  He is so ill prepared for life that failure is certain.  And maybe that is what he wants in life - confirmation that he is a failure.

Is he just to afraid to walk out the door and get on with his life or is he looking for someone to blame his failure on when I am forced to take back the house keys from him this week?

I don't get it.

Perhaps there is wisdom in those whom show their young men the boot when they are eighteen, it sure would have saved me a year of grief, misery and disrespect in my house.  Not to mention that week in the hospital one year ago because my heart could not take the situation with him any long.  When my youngest daughter will not even talk with him - I guess its time for him to move along.

Sigh.  Last thing my blood pressure needs is more stress.....

Friday, August 12, 2011


I went into Starbucks for my usual - venti black ice tea, no sugar.  And found myself staring straight into a set of eyes I knew, but the body was way to young.  Could she be the daughter of whom I was thinking off?  I had to ask if she was related to someone I knew many decades ago.  Her answer was no, but said in such a way that had the question been different, one could see yes being the real answer.....  How very strange.

But, I do not believe in coincidence, so something must be up for me to be reminded of a time and a young girl, I had tried to help, I had almost forgotten about.  We have to roll the clock back a few decades here, to even before my finding my family back in the 1980's.....

I was working with high risk youth back then - high risk of getting on drugs, getting pregnant, getting shot, getting stabbed, getting incarcerated, yeah - high risk kids.  It was a little brutal to see so many promising lives wasted by drugs, stabbed, shot, busted, jailed, repeated pregnancies (and abortions).  But, that was the area into which I was called to work as a volunteer.  And I did - no matter how sorrowful or how frustrated I got with my co-workers!

One young girl has always stayed in my mind.  She was Welsh, so I will not even try to spell her name - pronouncing it was almost impossible as it was!  She was in her fifth year of school and already had a pretty hard life.  Her father was executed in front of her, during an argument over whom owned his marijuana field.  He lost.  His wife's mind snapped, once she became "came down" enough to understand what had happened and she was never seen un-stoned again!

This made the young girl's life extremely difficult, as well as that of her younger brother.  Her mother could no longer talk, she could only scream.  Not words mind you, just long loud piercing screams.  And child protective services, as well as the department of health and human services, would do nothing since she was not a danger to herself or her children.  Did she even know she had children any longer?  I do not think so.....

In the seventh grade, the young girl took to offering herself to men, in hopes that someone would please take her and her brother to give them a home.  Well, I put a stop to that one! and then was an unofficial guardian for the two of them.  Since the State would not rule the mother insane, in the face of the medical evidence, they had no real guardian.  It was a very weird situation.

It was only with the greatest of struggles that the girl graduated school and she disappeared with her brother in tow.  She was 18, not exactly an adult but something the State recognizes as one.  So I could not even a missing persons report on her!  I shifted my base of operations to Switzerland and never heard from her again.

However, I was reading the local news blog and guess whom was there?  Yeah, the oddly named girl was being interviewed!  She talked about taking off on a photo journey (er, with a stolen camera, cough-cough) after high school and working odd jobs while developing her photographic skills.  I guess she is somewhat known for her photography.

It saddens me to know she did not exactly take the best road to travel.  But, then again, could she have- given the damage done her during her early years? 

Of course, the real question is - do I try and contact her?  Or just leave well enough alone.....

In the end, I can always pray for her and her coming to terms with her Creator.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Stealing From God

I have thought much on the topic of finances across the past year and a half.  From my wake up call of having found out how my father had built an intricate Ponzi Scheme to shaft credit card companies, to taking Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University program.  This past year has been quite a time of contemplation for me!

Now I always lived my life never really worrying about the future financially - I honestly do trust God to provide.  I remember in particular a six week period in 1975 when I had NO money, nor any hope of raising any money, so food had to come after I could scratch together enough for rent.  Very hard times and yes you can live 45 days on a box of crackers, a small bottle of ketchup and water.  Yeah tough times.  But, since then I have always held my debt to 90 days of income - and whom would have thought my job would vaporize in 11 days?!?!?!?!?

And God still provides, albeit that my debt went from 90 days to pay off to 38 years, in theory!  But, oh well, God's plan - so we will see how I will get out from under this!

To get by and out of debt, I have thought about selling everything I own - only to find frustration.  I seem to be stuck with slowly selling stuff to pay debts and expenses, and God seems to raise up a buyer just in the nick of time every month.  So two ways to look at that one!

On the plus side, God is big enough to figure out what my future needs are and to have arose in me a collecting bug for what would one day be sellable.  Could be.

But, I also hold that everything I have is God's, so then why on earth would I have accumulated so much junk?  Am I a hypocrite here?  If I supported everything God laid on my heart for decades but still spent on stuff I thought was neat - am I a hypocrite?

Have I been stealing from God?

In some way have I been so influenced by culture that I am insensitive to taking from what should have been God's all along?  Even if one were to pay attention to Dave Ramsey's course, you should still be asking this question of yourself.  Is the accumulation of wealth the symptom of stealing from God?

Stocks, Bonds, IRA's, 401K's, etc - are these all symptoms of a lack of faith in God or are we stealing from God?

Something to consider......

This is brought a bit sharper into focus when one of my friends married a guy who advocates giving everything to "god" and living off of the "system".   Actually, he has accumulated quite a little following of like minded people.  Now I might consider the concept of his lifestyle - but the application is actually bordering on sin to my way of thinking.  You are not allowing for God to provide, when you give away what God gives you and then fight tooth and nail with the government for every dime you can.  Think used car salesman mentality here.  No lie is too big, nothing brings satisfaction because you always are fighting to get more - from governmental agencies, friends, family, followers, etc.  Like I said, looks like, smells like, probably is sin.

And somewhere in-between lies where we should be walking.  God gives, you return, and what of the materialism of our culture I am faced with in my own life?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Shades of Gray

During a sleepless night over the weekend, I had plenty of time to think.  I am not sure why I do not sleep well on weekends - it is not like I have employment or anything.  Very odd.

Anyways, I got to thinking about something one of the college young men and I had been discussing: women and shades of grade.  You see, I am a very black and white kind of person.  Something is right or it is wrong.  It is just that simple.  Most guys I have spoken with would agree with me.  But, Gaelic Girl, as with most women I have known, are very much in a 1,000 color spread of shades of gray!  I just have allocated this to being a "girl thing".  And it drives me crazy!

I learned years ago that some issues just were not worth discussing if GG's reply was in the realm of "gray".  This is not to say that GG is ethics or morality challenged - quite the opposite!  But, where I see a Black issue - she is seeing Gray482.....

So as I lay on my lumpy pillows thinking, I suddenly got an inspiration!  It might not be an issue of grays but in compassion.  Yeah, most of the issues are much issues of varying levels of compassion.  So she might council me to be less black and white with son, but then it may well be because she has more compassion than I over his "issues".  She is willing to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, no matter their history.  Whereas, I am willing to deep six someone for violating my trust at the first occurrence.


I think I am right that the world is a black and white place, and seeing shades of grade concerning most issues will lead you straight into sin and compromising you faith.  But, if God can look past my "gray issues" to see "white" (due to Jesus' paint job on me!), then I guess maybe I need to be a little more compassionate with others.

I guess I can give son a few more yards of rope to hang himself with.  But, I tell ya, it is killing my blood pressure to even be around him any longer.....

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Throwing Stones

So, to continue the story:

Runaway Bride has been at my church several times.  With me on my visits over here in 2010, before she suddenly left for Ohio, and for the past two weeks.  Just her presence has created quite a scandal!  And how people love to talk!

Of course, GOSSIP is wrong in the first place and thoroughly condemned by Paul!  And thinking on it, most of the problems I have found in ALL churches I have attended is the problem of gossip and the other is tolerating open sin in the Body.  But, these we will ignore at this time.....

Since I am not a part of the "In Crowd", I am not privy to most of what goes on.  Certainly, I have been aware of RB's discomfort at Church, which I wrote off as being her discomfort with her own situation.  But, I could be wrong.

It seems that there has been quite an uproar at her reappearance, and with me!, by those whom are ignorant of almost any knowledge.  And the pastor opened up Sunday morning with a shotgun blast into the congregation, then moved on to smack those still left standing!  Wow.

From John 8:1-11, has now spurred the hanging of a sign which reads: "This Is A No Rock Throwing Zone / Policy Strictly Enforced!".  And as for the shotgun blast:

1.  Treat All People As Persons, Not Pawns!
Pawns are viewed as being expendable and of little value.  People are important enough that Jesus chose to die for them.  You are a Person, just like those seated next to you!

This woman, caught in adultery and brought before Jesus, was being used as nothing more than a pawn to get to Jesus.  Those gathered had already broken the Law by not bringing forward the man whom had been with this woman.  She was just a pawn in their game.

We must treat people the way God does, as Persons.

2.  Put Down Your Stones!
We do not have to be the ones throwing stones!  We can choose not to, especially in light of others whom are more than willing to throw them at us!  Even if others are gathering stones, we DO NOT have to.....!


Oh yeah, RB fled! and I have not seen her since 10 am Sunday morning.  She knew the sermon was a whack at those gossiping about her - but she also knew that the passage was about her as well.

So, been trying to find where she is now hiding, in hopes of continuing to be able to reach out to her.....

Monday, August 8, 2011

Taking Sides In A Soap Opera

I have probably never been so disappointed in another human being than I am right now feeling towards Timothy.  I have learned a great deal from the Runaway Bride about what all went on, which has brought her to where she is today.  And it seems Timothy bears more than just a bit of blame.

I still am not sure as to why RB is here, other than she is an emotional and mental mess.  What I can say for her new husband is that he is almost a spitting image of husband number one, whom is now also a friend of hers on FaceBook - my kids tell me.  Don't worry, it gets more confusing as we go along!

Now, Timothy back in 2009 had been living with RB and her first husband for some period of time.  Probably not a great idea, since they were still newlyweds and needed some space in which to define themselves as a couple.  He told me he was in Oregon back then.....  So weirdness number 1 (he lied to me, why?).  At some point in early 2010 he crossed swords with the husband and had to leave or was thrown out - weirdness number 2, as I can get no definition as to what went on.

This now brings us to my first knowledge of this - when she called me and told me what was up in 2010 and asked what to do.  She had planned a trip with her mother to Israel so I told her to see if a little separation could help the two of them get their lives back in order (that would be the month apart I am thinking!).  Timothy now gets her father, goes back and moves her out of the apartment, apparently with no one telling husband this was coming.  So he was a bit blindsided.  But, my father died and I was then in Colorado and very busy so could not catchup with what was going on.  She came to Wenatchee, after Israel, as coincidentally did Timothy, and I was still in Colorado dealing with father's financial disaster!

So in steps Timothy, whom now convinces her to divorce her husband, then funds her divorce in May, picks her up at my home in Wenatchee and takes her to Ohio to deliver her to internet love interest.  You might remember my outrage back then!  Then Timothy moves to Indiana and I knew we had a problem - I just did not know how large of one!

So, it seems that Timothy, somehow in his mind. decided he was the perfect one for RB and quietly seems to have orchestrated this entire SOAP OPERA in order to have RB (whom is young enough to be his daughter) for himself!  And in March was given the heave-ho by RB because she figured this all out!  Yeah, no one likes being used.  So, she married internet love interest (probably to permanently keep Timothy away) and now I think is regretting it.  DUH!

Now how to get her to understand that God takes marriage very seriously and she really needs to get her spiritual house in order - while at the same time not alienating her.....?

Timothy's Sin has beget Sin now in RB's life, and I must believe in first husband's life as well.  I greatly fear for Timothy as God takes a mighty dim view of what he has done.  For what I know of Timothy, God will have to plan a smack down in order to get Timothy's attention.  I guess that will be the point at which a teaching moment will occur and I will have to be prepared.

Scripturally, Timothy is toast - guilty not only of his own adultery - but RB's and her ex-husband's!, RB is toast because she knows her Bible and is in adultery, and first husband is now free to marry since his runaway bride has now remarried.  For him I pray the best, he is still a young Christian still attending church and still in a relationship with RB's family.  Probably just glad he found out what his wife was like early in their marriage.....  (Okay, so I can relate with him because I had a runaway bride in my life as well!)

But my goal in all of this is to get that young lady to get her head on straight!  And maybe not like the situation she is in but understand that for better or worse she is going to have to live with less than she had before.

Oh, but dear reader, the saga is far from over as now my church has found itself drawn into this controversy - as I will tell you about next time.....

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Musical Saturday Morning

Yes, it is that time again for another 1980's musical video!

This time the selection I will have to blame on Middle Daughter, whom very much is into the weird and techno.  This one is about as stomach-able as any of her music is!

Visage is one of those one hit wonder groups - get your 5 seconds of fame and disappear from the world scene.  I have no doubt they are still playing in France and Algeria.  If anything this video shows that the French should not be allowed to dress themselves, make videos or write music.

Fade To Gray by Visage....

(broken link fixed!)

Friday, August 5, 2011

No Past, No Future

Managed to squeeze in the last rendition of the Time Machine this week.  It was nowhere the movie that the 1960s (?) version was - which I still have not found amongst my boxes!  But, it was an okay movie - it just has no real strong points to it.  What I liked about the earlier version was the scientist returning and taking five books with him back into the future.  The obvious question being - which five would you take?  Hint: I doubt Mein Kampf or Karl Marx would have been found in that group.....

But, there was one actually good line in the movie that I do not remember from the book or the old version:  "Having no appreciation of their past, they had no interest in their future....."

Yeah an interesting line in an age when history has no known relevance to what is happening today or tomorrow - because no one actually has bothered to understand in this generation that history is an accurate predictor of the future.  Don't know your past?  You will honestly believe that the future truly is random.....  It doesn't take a genius to know this one!

So, I thought about Jesus versus the establishment.  He told them what was going to happen (Matthew 12:39), he told them to know their history so they could understand, and they not only did not understand their history, nor what He told them, they killed him just to prove His point!  And then could not connect the dots. 

Eventually, I think enough people did because when Trajan attacked - the Jewish Christians fled the walls of Jerusalem - per Josephius.  Yeah, they knew their Matthew writings by then it seems.

And what of this generation?  I have heard some mighty interesting conversations this week where people have completely confused their history.  No these are not teenagers!  These are adults not sure where WWI was fought, much less that the Civil War was not about slavery and no treaty was signed in Versailles concerning it!  More woeful, was not even knowing Kuwait was a country attacked by Iraq and we counter attacked for Saudi Arabia at their request.

So, this generation will not know or understand what happened in the Falkland Islands or Grenada and have learned any lessons from it.  They do understand the Yom Kippur war and what caused it - other than Jewish aggression!  The Cold War means nothing, the deaths of 100,000,000 in the last century means even less - it has not happened in this generations timeline!  So, I guess it must not be important since J Lo was not involved!

Yup, western culture is ripe for destruction - we have earned it.

Just as a sort of doomsday reading material list: put away a copy of the Bible with Matthew 24 book marked, a copy of Julius Ceasar's Wars, Backpacking One Step At A Time and the FoxFire series of books.  You just might want something useful to read while civilization crumbles.  But, then again, if your knowledge of the world comes from Us or People, then perhaps the lack of pictures will put you to sleep.....


Yesterday I managed to have a free evening to myself so got to kick back watch Limitless.  A new film probably funded by the Colombian drug cartels.  You might be surprised to know that I found this to be an interesting film and entertaining - much in the same way that Blow or Falcon and the Snowman were fascinating movies. 

Then you would also be surprised to know that I find this film completely offensive!  But not for the reason you are probably thinking.....

My problem with this movie is that here we have an illegal drug which causes you to be able to use more of your brain (bet the military would love that one!).  Of course, it has its side effects - like death.  But, hey, life is so much better with it that it is worth the risk.  Right?

And, here is the big problem - our main character is the only whom is able to control the usage of the drug and get himself off - with only good benefits in having done so!  Hence, youth already are seeing this film from the viewpoint of: drugs are bad and illegal, but if they help you then it is okay and worth the risk.  And just because they kill people I know, it WILL NOT happen to me......

Are you catching this?  Their youthful ignorance is being preyed upon to let them think that they too can be just like our hero of the film.  Doubt me?  Well, just sit back and watch the addiction and death statistics with me for the next year. 

Any bets been placed.....?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Conflicted Bride

I was stunned on Sunday when last year's Faithless Bride, whom just remarried a few weeks ago - shows up back in my life!  What the heck?!?!?!?!?

This week is already complicated enough and honestly I am not the one to come to when you are, uhm, conflicted.....  Especially when I have my 13 year old niece staying with me!  Long story there, but my lawyer and his wife are family to me, so niece gets a small American town visit.  And she gets a young lady whom I can guess is a bit mentally disturbed these days.

Conflicted Bride knows her choices have been in the face of God, and her family, across these past two years.  She knows God has a standard she is being held to.  She knows she will not be held to that standard.  But.....  God does not work that way.  She is called by His name and she is a representative, whether she wants to be or not, and God will/is judging her accordingly.  How I tremble when I see someone under judgement!

Where will all of this end?  I don't know.  She is only here for two weeks and then goes back - to husband?  Some other guy she met on the internet?  I really do not know but my heart just aches to remember the young girl through the young lady I saw in my house for so many years - ended up has she has.....

Nothing has to be this way .....

First Dates

I know I  have mentioned in the past first dates I have observed, especially the train wrecks I can observe in progress!

So, I am at an Italian restaurant and absentmindedly was at first listening to the conversations around me.

At interesting Table 1, was a conversation about Europe and travels there.  Sort of interesting.  But, then I grew up there and been there, done that!   But, still it is interesting to hear other's opinions......

Table 2, was the most fascinating.  Obviously, they met online and were completely incompatible!  I have to admit it was better than watching a TV soap - since after all it is real life!

Back to T1, a discussion over German mentality versus French.  I think their information was based on Rick Steve's - uhm, ideas.

Over at T2, train wreck almost instantly - she is now talking about her father's pickup truck.  Think color, options, 4x4, upholstery, etc.

T1 has now decided they like the French better since Germans are stand-offish!  But, they stumble on the question of Spain versus Italy.  Of course, Italian waitress comes over to help them understand that the Italians are the most friendly of all Europeans nations.

T2 the guy is desperately trying to get past the whole size of the gas tank discussion, can he succeed and get her on to four wheel adventures?

T1, couple now agrees that they need to visit Italy.

T2, guy shifts gears to a book she has written!  Oh yeah that is why her face is familiar, I didn't realize she was local.  Guy continues to gush.

T1, it turns out that they have decided to visit Italy separately and are discussing dates so that they can avoid one another.  I didn't have the heart to tell them it is a big country and easy to miss people in!

Back to T2, girl has again taken over the conversation and shut down the guy.  But, he is completely obvious to her rejection.

Train wrecks just a blast to watch and not be a casualty from.....

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wiener Blut

I was sniffing around YouTube for what would be my musical pick for the first Saturday of August and of course I got sidetracked.  What else is new, eh?  So, in reviewing 1980's videos I fell into my love for Falco trap - again.  And, in watching his videos I got to thinking.  Actually, quite a few things on Sunday made me think, as you will be learning from postings this week.....

The video which got me to think was Wiener Blut, no don't rush off and view this - it is almost utter nonsense.  The idea is old, think of the waltz and operetta by Johann Strauss II, the song by Falco and also done by Rammstein.

Viennese Blood - what drives the glitter, fame and draw of Vienna (which is nonsense to me, as I find the city to have NOTHING to attract me).  But, what if that question is used as a condemnation?  And in a way, this was sort of in Falco's video.....  Think of some of Vienna's not so glamorous history.

In my lifetime there has been the Soviet occupation and of course Vienna being the doorway into the Eastern Bloc countries during the Cool War.  In my father's lifetime has been its cosiness with the Nazi Party and providing the world with the likes of Adolf Hitler, Arnold Schwarzenegger and less we forget - Kurt Waldheim.  Yeah, I hold a real grudge against all things fascist.

But carry the idea further:  the responsibility of a nation for its actions.  Austria certainly has not been outstanding in the past century, Germany even worse.  But, lets take a view of this century so far, not a whole to write home about, very few bright points to see and say, "Wow, that was a great decision or action they took!"  But, then again, this century has had a bit on the dark side - so far!

It is as though, were nations accountable for the blood they shed, everyone wants to bathe in it!

This culture has gone insane.....  Human life appears to hold no value any longer or at least its value is no longer understood!  And so when I think of Wiener Blut, the thought of a nation being responsible for the blood they shed, then  Revelation 18 suddenly becomes very understandable!

Only where to where will you run ...... ?