Friday, May 27, 2005

Casting Demons From Believers

The young lady now asks about demons possessing Christians….
You can hear a lot of Christians talking about Satan and demons and how their lives are complicated by them.  Well, actually, Satan and demons are a whole lot less active with Christians than some may think.  They get quite a bit of credit for just everyday occurrences of our living in a broken world – and the consequences of our own sinful lives.

Possession insinuates the person being controlled by a demon with has no power to resist them.  As a Christian, no matter how bad off you are, you have the Holy Spirit in your life and we are told it will never leave us – at least not until the end of the age anyway.  Some would argue the Holy Spirit was only promised to the Church and not the individual Christian, in which case gifts, fruits and the ability to know God’s leading would be a whole lot rarer than they are……..  In any event, if you have the Holy Spirit in you, it is not even reasonable to assume Satan can take you over.  (Though you have to wonder sometimes about some ‘Christians’ you will encounter!)

So if you find a Christian whom you believe to be controlled by a demon, well, guess what?  They probably are not a Christian.  Yes pretty hard and fast statement. 

Do you have the power or authority to cast out demons?  Only by God’s authority.  There are no magic rites, no magic words, no 18 hours of exorcism, just the command for the demon to be gone.  But, we are warned that the person must then repent and believe on Jesus to be permanently saved from a more horrible possession to occur later.

Most the bunk you will encounter concerning demons is from the made for Hollywood crowd of ‘Christians’.  One of the better known names in today’s demonic hysteria crowd of Christendom was a personal friend for many years and I heavily supported his ministry.  But he starting making some mighty odd decisions and calling it God’s will.  Today, I no longer see he has a ministry which serves God, only his own vanity and desires.

Can a Christian be under the control of an evil spirit? No, but I say this with caution.  If a Christian plays Satan’s game, they could well end up with spiritual problems.  The best case I know of is my dear ‘sister’ whom in spite of solid Biblical knowledge was involved in transcendental meditation and astral projection.  She saw this as a tool to battle demons all over the world (something we are not called to do!  We are told to flee from evil!).  Only problem was, she lost her mind during one of her ‘sessions’.  Oh sure, she was been exorcised dozens of times (phooey!) and been taken to many doctors.  Yes, she is a Christian.  But, her mind has never returned.  Whatever her spiritual damage, we are clueless as to what can be done to return the sister we used to know and love.

So, she is not exactly possessed but has been surely compromised.  One day we will understand……

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Casting Demons From non-Believers

The young lady watches a TV show about demon possession and had many questions.
Satan and his legions have just one goal: to keep non-Christians from becoming Christians.  This could be the discrediting of a prominent Christian leader from time to time – or – distracting the non-believer from the opportunity to ever believe.

David Hocking was someone I knew decades ago and loved.  He was a prominent leader of the Christian faith.  But, his witness was destroyed due to a weakness for his best friend’s wife.  And the world saw this and shook its head at how these self righteous Christians were no better than they were.  But, he was only one in a long string of public Christian figures to make this fall!

Every time a Christian gets a black eye, more will reject Jesus and his message.  But, if Satan can take away the opportunity to even hear of Jesus, well you also accomplish the same result.  TV, sports, materialism, drugs, sex – these are all strong pulls to keep you from salvation.  But, Satan carries this one step further to pull the world away from us – through ‘miracles’.

Yes, movies give us the feces ridden little girl, whose head spins around, blows green goop and she levitates, etc.  Yup, that person is demon possessed – just listen to her guttural moans as the demon talks.

Far from Hollywood truth, real possession may cause a person to be paralyzed or insane or mentally ill, but that really does not provide the scenario Satan needs to mislead mankind.  Instead, think of super rich people, super “lucky” people, super beautiful people – everyone the world will be drawn to and will listen to – and I think you just found your demonically oppressed if not possessed person.  Mostly, demons and Satan do quite well just keeping superstitions in place and you fearful, with your eyes off of their real work.

You do have the authority to cast out demons, and then share the gospel of Jesus with that person for their own salvation.  There are no examples in the Bible of a demon being cast out without the person receiving forgiveness.  The person recognized their condition before and after, and desires to be saved from what they have gone through.

No, Satan accomplishes nothing to cast out his own, unless it is to discredit Christians.  No, demons are not cast out into another family member – they may choose to go complicate someone else’s life in the family though.  Remember the herd of swine were destroyed because the pigs were smart enough to know what had happened to them.  The demons only went there so that they would not have to face the abyss.

And, unlike TV there are no exorcisms, that one is Catholic – not Biblical.  Those whom think otherwise have bought in to the lie of Satan whom has structured an exciting pastime game, over hundreds of years, to distract believers with.  Your authority is through Christ.  Your ability is through how you live – hence, Jesus saying “prayer and fasting” were required in one situation (in other words, take you eyes off the world!). 

Any action is of the Lord.  You fit nowhere playing in the demonic realm – it is not your calling, but you have the ability, should the Lord will it, to do this as a witnessing and salvation tool.

I know this is not very exciting and not what you wanted to hear, no gory details, TV is much more fun.  But, we are talking about your walk with the Lord, which is to have your eyes on Him, following His leading.  I am not convinced demons are as active as some would lead you to think.  It is far too easy to distract Christians, much less the world, without even a possession occurring.

And honestly, you need to discern the complete lack of truth associated with the entertainment industry – it is not a tool of God.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Hollywood Horror

This continues to address questions from a young woman, whom was trying to work through some very hard questions about life! 

Interestingly, I did break my promise to myself not to meet anyone whom I know from the internet and conceded to spend some time with her and her mother during a business trip.  She is an incredibly bright young woman, well studied and very much torn over being in a non-Christian family.  Her mother, a lawyer, was very interesting and in our conversations I would guess is not that far from waking up to Christianity.  But, the world is a strong pull…..
Buffy, horror, vampires, slasher movies and their ilk, are all meant to instill fear in you.  Movies have a very limited range of emotions they can play upon and fear has always been a strong draw.  Why do people ride a roller coaster or visit a house of horror?  Fear is a rush!  But, on the negative side, fear is not from God.  It is not an emotion that He wishes for us – fear comes only from Satan. 

Now, watching Buffy certainly is not going to condemn you to Hell, nor will it separate you from God.  But, it definitely does not reflect any part of God and can condition your mind to think in ways you might not otherwise – ways that separate you from finding God when you need Him or being able to hear His quiet voice when he tries to lead you.  It can train you to fear the unknown.  And, with fear, you become an easy target for evil to play upon your mind and emotions. 

I have many friends whom are now adults and completely wrapped up in the Goth lifestyle.  I can show you where it leads, in flesh and blood - straight to drugs and immorality.  None of them woke up one day and said, “Gosh, I’d like to spend this weekend watching slasher movies, getting total stoned and then wonder what it was I did with whom later!”  Remember, the goal of evil – once you are a Christian – is to neutralize your testimony.  Plain and simple.  It comes in easy to follow steps – each step leading you further away from the true Christ.  And you never see it coming!

Fear, mental anguish, physical pain, even violence are not beyond the other side in their attempts to neutralize your Christian witness.  Add to that drugs, sex, computer games, TV and sports – anything and everything to keep you busy and as far from being an active witness as possible.  As you get older, there are a ton more distractions out there waiting to lure you away from being any kind of a witness as a Christian.  All you have to do is be willingly molded by the world around you, and failure will find you.

God’s desire for us is to live a life pleasing to Him and yes, some of the things we do in ‘innocence’ can cause us to have problems we might not have had otherwise.  Begin by asking God for forgiveness for what you may have done which was unknown to you as having been wrong.  Ask Him to show you things in your life which you need to correct – and then be willing to correct those things, be that attitudes with parents, what you see or listen to, or how you spend your free time.  Pray for your room, ask God to protect your room from evil, to protect you while you sleep, to protect your dreams, to keep evil from having any influence over you.  Then trust in God to answer your prayers and push this from your mind (do not worry about it!).  You may have to pray this way nightly for years until you find yourself free from fear, or maybe only once.  You only have to ask once– God will respond, He promises to.  So, when those fears crop up, know they are just fears – God has already protected you as you asked, it is just your mind playing tricks on you.  Have the faith to say, “Thank you God for protecting me” – then go to sleep.

No evil has anymore power over you than you allow it.  But exposure to evil does make you less sensitive to it, until you can not see it even if it hits you in the face (remember my friends?).  Do not go looking for evil or trouble, but do not be bashful about praying for your own protection when you think you are in difficulty.  Prayer should always be our first response.

In the end, only you can decide what it is that you want to expose yourself to.  Only you can control what it is that will go into your mind and therefore become the basis for how you will live your life in the future and how you will make your decisions.  Yes, sometimes that means we have to choose the less fun path, less fun activities, less fun movies-TV-music; but, in the end, it is how we face God that is the point of our entire existence.

Take care, I will add you to my prayers.  Remember that Satan was defeated long ago and has no power over believers.  Let me know if this brought up anymore questions. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Reaching non-Christian Parents

The young lady now asks about her non-Christian father….


Like you, my father is not a Christian as well.  In fact, I could say my father is an outright God hater – though no one in his family has a clue as to why.

I have prayed regularly for my father’s salvation for decades, but with no results I am aware of.  This can be discouraging, especially when he is 80 now and his health is failing rapidly.

So, I keep praying.  God hears our prayers and I know God will continue to provide him opportunities to find Him.  He just has to learn to wake up and listen!  I also see God bringing people into his life whom maybe able to have the witness with him I do not have.

Hang in there!  Do not give up!  Let you life be your best witness to your father for the truth of God (yes, that is the hard one!).  But, with time, he may make it.  If he does not – well – it is a choice only he can make and only after he has been humbled enough to look up rather than to himself for strength.  When this occurs, you want to be able to be there to help him understand – so you have to have a clear testimony before him, in order for him to listen.

I have no relationship with my father.  He long ago disinherited me for having ‘issues’ – like becoming a ‘brainless’ Christian.  It has only been in the last five years he decided he wanted to be a Grandpa, I have seen him (three times in the past 36 years).

Remember you can not make his decision for him, you can only share your life and what is important to you with him on a regular basis.  In time, hopefully, he will have questions for you – be sure you have memorized the answers…..

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Family Obligations

Another reply to a teenage young woman….
When I was a new Christian, I discovered a guy named Bill Gothard whom gave presentations on Basic Life Principles.  It was geared towards youth and I found his teachings to be appalling.  Basically, he believes in a tiered authority structure, of which you are always on the bottom tier.  It made no difference to him whether your family was Christian or not, you were forever under their authority.  Admittedly, I never could see myself under my godless father’s authority – for he lacks all wisdom which could have come from God.  A brilliant man, completely and totally blind to all truth.

We had long fights over this at my Bible School, for weeks.  In the end, I think everyone recognized the foolishness of an adult being under the authority of a non-Christian.  But, if your father was a Christian, then maybe yes, you ought to at least listen and pray about what he says.

 Certainly, you are under the authority of the home you live in and need to live in peace within that home, whether your authority is Christian or not.  Of course, I am assuming there is no conflict here with laws or God’s leading, which adds another dimension that needs to be addressed if it ever comes up, as a separate issue.

But reality always gets in the way, when it should not.  What are you to do?

Well, for one, be in prayer for those whom are in authority over you.  That your father will choose wisely.  That he will find his peace with his creator.  That your mother will be respectful and supportive of your father.  That anyone else in your authority structure will be supportive of you and clear in their walk with the Lord.

May come a day when your father will come to Christ, through the example of the lives he observes, not through words or preaching – but by having seen a Christian life lived through you.

Many years ago, realizing I lacked knowledge of a Christian home, I adopted an older Christian couple, whom I consider my ‘Christian’ father and mother.  I have used them numerous times, calling upon their wisdom when I am at wits end over some issue or another – mostly children related.  They have been a real blessing for 25 years now.

As far as honoring your father – the best advice I can give is to live your life as a Christian and make yourself the best person you can be – not a reflection of your father’s life as it is today.  Let him learn to take pride in your witness though he may not understand what makes you a ‘golden child’.

Friday, May 20, 2005

The Death Penalty

 “Which applies: Old or New Testament theology?”, so asked a young reader.  And the answer is extremely simple, “Vengeance is mine…”, as is so eloquently stated in Deuteronomy.  God and Jesus claim the right of vengeance, or better stated - revenge.

However, here is the situation:  In Israel, from its inception, cities of refuge were established.  These cities were places where someone responsible for the accidental death of another, could flee to and live out their remaining days in peace.  No vengeance (ie: being killed by the family of the victim) could occur as long as the guilty remained in the city.  If they ever left, well, they were toast if found by the family of the victim.  If it was a flat out case of murder, well you were to be driven out of the city of refuge to face your fate!

So the Old Testament was pretty straight forward: commit murder – you die, commit accidental murder – like your ox trampled someone – you might live, if God let you.

Okay, if we take into account 1 Peter 4:15 and Romans 12:19, which place us under the grace of God, you will notice that the statement is: God will handle it, within the body of believers.  So, we as Christians, are to separate a murderer from among us - for justice from God though the World system – but that is also true of all criminals.  We are not to fellowship with them; we are to allow secular justice to work.  I get uneasy when I think of the implication of: we may be wrong to have prison ministries – they may not be Biblical.  And please do remember I am talking about criminals as described in the Bible – not North Korea or America!

Now, should the World System, which we truly are not supposed to be a part of, participate in the death penalty?  That is a hard one.  When I think of men such as Ted Bundy, whom totally made a disaster of my life (his description was not far from my own, we both drove a VW, we both were in Seattle at the time, we both had an arm in a cast at the same time, etc).  I can not blame fathers for chaining their daughters up!  Well then, other than my own personal frustrations with the man, and the fact that two of my friends were survivors of his attempts, should he have been allowed to live with dozens of dead to his credit?

In any Godless society, actions are taken from a point of pragmatism: if you can not live within the rules of the culture, then you must be removed.  Be it Ted Bundy in Florida, a Christian in China or a drug smuggler in Singapore – death comes to those whom do not abide by the rules of that culture.  Of course, many nations choose to simply lock the undesirables away instead.

I am comfortable knowing Ted Bundy may have accepted Jesus as his savior.  I am comfortable he had to pay a price for his past sins against man and God, which was death.  But, I am no less guilty and no less deserving of death as well before God……  So, the joy expressed by the ‘Christians’ outside of his prison over his death leaves me a bit shaken.  I fear this culture has lost the concept of human worth or the sanctity of life. 

We are all made in the image of God.  That is supposed to be what sets us a part in creation and makes us special.  To one another we are to honor that reflection of God for instance, by not rejoicing in the misfortune of others or exploiting them for our own benefit. 

These as well as many other examples could be used to show how we denigrate the Image of God.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Loving Your Enemy

As Christians, we are commanded to live at peace with one another and with the government we live under.  Sometimes, this can be a very hard job to do.  Be it a neighbor, someone at Church or even in your family, somehow you are going to run afoul of someone, somewhere, sometime.  What is a person to do?

The history of the Hutterites, Hussites, Moravians and Zwigliists can be a neutral model of what we can and should not do.

All four of these Christian groups ran afoul their governments numerous times.  The problem mostly revolved around refusal to acknowledge the Catholic Church as the true faith.  The Hutterites moved from Switzerland to Austria to Germany to Czechoslovakia to Poland to Ukraine to Siberia to Canada and finally to America after World War I.  First, it was the issue with the Pope, then it was the issue over Baptism, then it were problems with accepting Luther instead of the Pope, and for being of German descent.  Each time the Hutterites were slaughtered by the tens of thousands because they would not take up arms and defend themselves.  You can not say they did not try to live their faith……  Eventually, they joined into closed communities where they were no longer required to deal with the world system.  And this was the wrong choice to my way of thinking.  We were put in the world to be the people whom give life its meaning and flavor, not to be hid away.

The Hussites and Moravians were strong Calvin supporters and where they fell from Grace was over the issue of whether God reaches out to man or man reaches out to God for salvation.  Over 250,000 of them died in one afternoon alone in the Bohemian forests.  They and their leaders were executed to extinction over this issue.  So many died the Hutterites where asked to take over the vacant estates in Czechoslovakia and Poland – as the land was mostly deserted following this very short war.  These two groups did not try to make peace but were more than willing to draw the sword and take on all comers.  But, I can not see in my Bible where we are told to physically attack one another over doctrine – we are told not to fellowship with those whom we consider to be heretics.

Noticed I have not hit on the Zwigliists yet?  Well, they may have done the best.  They stayed in Switzerland, minded their own business, kept themselves to their doctrines and in the rare cases of Catholic Princes attacking them, they did not take up arms except to defend their lives.  Well, they did do a few jail breaks as well.  So, even under extreme duress from the German Princes, they held to no offense as much as possible.  Which seems more reasonable to me.

But, how about the everyday pain you might run into?  It could be a teacher, a gas attendant, the dog catcher, whomever is making you life miserable at the moment – but they are going to be there.  You have to remember that it may well be because of whom is in you that you are being made to suffer.  The world system killed Jesus, you might get by with less.  But you still have to live in the world.  Jesus told us to:
1)  Live in peace with all people. 
2)  Be blameless before the government. 
3)  Forgive all within the body of believers (save for those actions which would lead to disfellowship). 
4)  When we run afoul the world over our faith, we stand firm. 
5) When we run afoul someone over something other than faith – well, we leave it to God for resolution.

1)  Live in Peace With All People
In our everyday lives, there are a thousand ways to run afoul everyone!  My mentor Paul had his extremely expensive home destroyed by three of his neighbors.  Now he could have ended up owning their properties but he chose to cover any costs above his insurance levels himself.  I still marvel at this, I doubt those people understood the depth of Christian love he showed by not having them jailed and driven into bankruptcy…….

Another example I could use is the Puritans when they ran afoul the English.  In English society of the time, it was customary form of honor to tip your hat in respect to anyone whom appeared to be of higher breeding.  The Puritans decided they would tip their hats to no one, since we are all equal before God.  Eventually, the Puritans were forced to migrate to Holland to avoid the troubles in England they were causing with this and other outrages.

Of course, the natural and perhaps more Godly solution would have been to tip your hat to everyone, no matter their birth or position.  But, this would have meant lowering their own self esteem – something natural man is usually not very good at.

2)  Be Blameless Before The Government
When I was a Bible student in America, we had a severe problem with a group whom firmly believed it was their Christian duty to protest America’s many wars and stockpiling of nuclear weapons - by refusing to pay taxes.  Needless to say, using the Biblical principle, I do pay my taxes – on time – no fudging.  No matter what anyone could claim about me, I try to live as invisible as possible to the government.  I may completely agree with those whom did go to prison over their choice to not pay taxes – but if I am to be at peace with whatever  government I am under at the time – as commanded, I do what it dictates – as long as my faith does not get infringed upon.

Now, there is a way of protest I ran across several years later, which I still marvel at.  A group of Christians got together and bought a great deal of land where they built their homes – helping one another pay off the debt as quickly as possible.  Once this was done, they then all took jobs which paid below the poverty level so they would not have to pay taxes – legally!  Same statement, different approach and a completely legal way to remain at peace with your government.  Of course, it also means no medical for your children, probably no car, etc.  Tough way to exist, but if you feel strongly enough……..

3)  Forgive All Within The Body
Forgiveness never comes easy, especially when it involves a brother or sister in the faith.  Through the years I have to admit I have had more problems with ‘Christians’ than outright pagans.  The worst employee you will ever encounter will be wearing his religion as a badge.  The driver most likely to flip you off - will have a ‘Honk if you love Jesus’ stuck on their bumper.  And the sharpest knife which will ever get stuck in your back, will be owned by the dearest friend you have trusted in the faith.

And God says we are to forgive them!  Grrrrrr!!!!!  Forgiveness over time is easy, but forgiveness is never easy when the other party is not willing to resolve the difference - problem – or whatever…..

What am I saying?  You can forgive, but only if they are willing to be forgiven as well.  This is why we are to go to them to settle our differences rather than tithe or take communion.  But, what if they are unwilling?  (see number 5 below for more discussion in this vein)  Well, you have to just turn it over to God and let Him handle it – no dwelling on it lest you give into angry. He is pretty good at changing hearts.  And you live your life as normal, until they finally come to you for the forgiveness you have already offered.

4)  When We Run Afoul the World Over Our Faith
When I was a baby Christian in Bible school, I was drafted.  I never considered the question of serving in the military – I am a tri-national, due to the politics of the age I was born in and not eligible for any draft.  Wishing to avoid problems, I offered to serve as a medic or bed pan washer, as long as I did not have to carry a gun – but no, the US Army wanted me for other purposes.  As a Hutterite, I was not even required to serve in the military at all (by amendment to the US Constitution!) but no one told me that at the time. 

However, I was willing to serve without a gun.  Now you must understand that if I had a gun - I would logically have had to protect myself in a confrontation and then I would commit murder.  Unfortunately, I am extremely good with firearms.  And the US Army knew this, as I had won a 1969 competition against the 1968 US Olympic Silver Medalist – and I was now on US soil.  Yes, I do believe it is murder when you willing put yourself in harms way and then are forced to defend yourself.

For two years I held firm and the US Army held firm.  Finally, in Federal Court, facing 10 years for my refusal to carry a rifle and commit murder, the judge decided I was an East German citizen and closed the case.  (First I had heard of this!)  As this really was the only time I have ran afoul our government, over my faith – it is the only one I can use.  (And what an answer to thousands of prayers!)

Of course, being Swiss, I do my practices several weekends a year, as required by law.  Yes, I do carry a rifle.  However, I also know there is little if any possibility of my ever having to use it in anger or self defense.  Unlike the American Army which had several active conflicts at the time………

My cousin took the same approach as me and became a medic, which in Switzerland were not required to carry side arms.  Unfortunately, he was posted to Bosnia, where he was given a side arm – and he was killed by a sniper shortly after.  (I still get a little tight jawed over that one!  But our politicians are as much to blame as the sniper is.)

I do manage to run into confrontations over religious matters.  Traveling to Muslim and Communist countries is difficult at its best – extremely hard when you are a known Christian.  Arrests, unreasonable searches, being followed everywhere was not uncommon in my travels – even having to dodge large stones!  But, if my faith is in Christ – what ever happens, I know the Lord will use to His benefit……  And, my task remains to share His witness with those whom I meet.

5)  When We Run Afoul Over Something Other Than Faith
Since I am a living breathing male, it is only reasonable to consider I have angered a fair number of people through the years, being completely oblivious to the fact.

I still ache over a set of close friends whom suddenly decided I was the enemy and told me to go away.  To this day, no one has ever been able to find out what the problem was.  I tried to find out what was going on – to no avail.  I had friends approach them but this did not work.  I had the elders attempt to intervene but again utter failure.  My only guess is this is a ‘he said – she said’ situation taken out of context, but that is only a guess.  Because honestly no one knows other than them…..

I can only allow God to work on this in His time and to His end – as I am powerless to understand what it is I could possibly have done to warrant their actions against me.  And with their having moved quite some distance a way, it is unlikely I will be seeing them again in any event.  It still stings though.

So, as you can see there are many consideration in loving your enemy.  I hope these examples helped you.  If you can think of a situation not covered here, let me know.