Monday, May 31, 2010

God’s Letter of Introduction

Reading the verses of 2 Corinthians 3:1 through 3 and then thinking about Acts 9:2, 18:27, 22:5 and 1 Corinthians 16:3 left me with a few thoughts this week.

Possessing a letter of introduction was apparently a common practice in the ancient world and has continued through today.  In our world, thinking of seeking a new job, changing churches, school applications, even some business opportunities all require proof of whom you are, what your skills are and/or how you have performed in the past.

But, in Paul’s letter to the believers in Corinth, he implies that each of us are God’s Letter of Introduction to one another and by extension to the world.  So, if I am a “letter”, existing to introduce others to God, then what does that mean to me?

Well, letters are usually PERSONAL.  It is about us, on a personal level.  Things known and even not known by those around us.  It is how we think and communicate.

Paul refers to this letter being written on our hearts.  That would make this letter very PERMANENT!  It is not something which can be changed easily.  It also means we need to be cautious about what does get written there.

That letter is going to be read by all.  Yeah, the letter is going to be very PUBLIC!  Audience anticipated or not, that letter is there for all to see.  Eepah!

So, if I am going to deliver a letter from God, to those around me:

I need to allow Christ to write the message in that letter .  It must be legible with as little smudging of God’s message by me as possible.  I must be readable, holy and faithful if that message is to have meaning and be clearly visible.  (If you knew me in person, you would know how difficult that can be at times!)

That letter needs to be about God and not about me.  Self has no place in my witness to others.  The subject of the letter should not be burdened with you, me, us, I, my, we, etc.  As Paul said once, “…..about Christ, and him resurrected…”

I need to remember that this letter is going to be read, whether I want it to be or not.  It is going to be read by everyone, not those I choose. 

My life, the decisions I make, the walk I walk, etc are all parts of that letter.  That is what the world sees.  I may not even know whom the reader is, nor what the impact of what they find is.  But, I am guaranteed someone, somewhere is reading and I really do hope I am pointing to Jesus and someone else…..

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Simply Amazing

I have to admit real life is truly stranger than fiction, else I would have to find a sanitorium as I am on the trembling edge of reality right now.  And so frustrated and angery I could just scream.  Sound familar?  Yeah, the soap opera only gets weirder and weirder:

In our last exciting episode, 21 year old woman decides to leave husband of two years to fly to the arms of her "Mr. Right", at the cost of telling her husband and family and friends to all stuff it!  So, I had expected she would be leaving my house to go to him, but prayed she would listen before she did so.

Now it gets weird.  Timothy, a long time friend and almost a son to me (yeah he is much younger), had been here for the wedding two weeks ago and was to leave on the 23rd to head back to Texas where he is  living currently.  Strangely, he told he did not need a ride to the airport in Seattle as he had one already.  Okay, did not know he knew anyone that would give him a ride......

So, who shows up to take him to the airport?  Yeah, the confused 21 year old in a beater of a car.  That was a bit odd as I thought she was staying here until the 26th and then flying out of here.  Maybe she changed her mind?  I have no idea what is going on now.

Or do I?  Yeah, that whole discernment problem.  I know evil when I see it but they escaped faster than I could confront them.

And, I was to learn later that night I was completely right.  She got a car and he is driving her from Washington to Ohio to be with "Mr. Right"!  Yeah, completely enabling her in her quest for rebellion and sin.  And !#$@#$% is he doing traveling cross country with a female?  He knows far better than this!  His wife divorced him five years ago because of his lack of propriety with young females.  Sigh.....

But, the worst of it is two people I have loved and trusted for over a decade have lied to me.  And, I have a major problem with anyone whom lies to me.  (my comments concerning lying are in an earlier post....)

As you read this Timothy, you had better understand you are in for a major smack down next time I see you ..... but you already know that because you CHOOSE this path of lies, rebellion and shame.  As for the Miss, you also know better and I already know we will be talking again - once God's hand is heavily upon you.....

I am very, very, very sorry for the both of you.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Choosing Sides

With the exception of only two men, for two millennia God has placed you in the situation of having to make a decision – you get to choose which side of the cross you want to be on.

Luke 23:39-43
When Jesus hung on the cross, two other criminals were crucified with Him.  To one side, hung a man whose heart was hardened and mocked Jesus.  On the other side, hung another criminal; however, he recognized the innocence of Jesus.  In his misery, he argued with the other.

Three men died that afternoon, slow agonizing deaths.  One died showing mankind that none can presume upon their eternity.  Another died showing that none should despair their state before God.  And Jesus died to rectify your position before God.

You Can Die In Sin.
The Bible records that both thieves mocked Jesus.

You only have two directions to choose from when you are suffering: you can become BITTER or you can become BETTER.

You Can Die To Sin.
One thief chose to reject the world’s rejection of Jesus.
He admitted his guilt.
He reached out to Jesus (may have heard something concerning Him).

Because Jesus Died For Sin.
You have an immediate pardon, based on nothing but your belief.
You will be in His presence in Heaven.
You will be in “The King’s Garden”, paradise.

Two of the men hung on crosses, victims of their own choices in life.  The third volunteered to be there.

It is important to know that God will never give up on you, but so many give up on “god” because they do not understand the choice they need to make.

You have the ability to stand on one or the other side of the cross.  One leads to condemnation and the other to life.  Not only do you need to choose wisely, but we each must reach as many as possible to get them onto the side of life.

Time is short.  Let us get started!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Preparing For Departure

It was a normal Friday in May.  Brad and Steve were loading up their Jeep in Vancouver for a visit to the United States, Ted Johnston was digging yet another hole near his camp to bury a ground trembler detector, Harry Truman was giving an interview to the press as to why he absolutely would not be leaving his home, while Diedre and I were packing for a geology camping trip with thirty others to study lava flows.  I picked up my new contact lens on the way out of town and left my glasses at home.  In less than 36 hours each of us would be sharing in a piece of history, but no one had a clue - even as late as Sunday morning what was to happen.  And, I would be very sorry I had left those glasses at home!

Sunday morning was bright, warm and clear.  We had just finished breakfast and I was snapping some pictures when the first explosion echoed through the campground.  There was no way of knowing where it came from but as there was a road maintenance crew in the area, we figured it was probably dynamite. 

Seconds later, with the camp gear stored in the cars, I was putting a polarizing filter on my camera - when the second explosion echoes could be heard.  I was discussing with my friend Mike, how something was wrong with the filter as there was no contrast to the sky, when Diedre ran up and asked if we had felt the earthquake.  But, neither of us had.  Mike quickly decided the filter was ok and something was terribly wrong with the sky.  We all looked up and wondered what on earth was going on.  I felt in my spirit that we had to flee and turned to the group leader and told her, we must leave now!  She, as a Christian, knew me very well and understood that I "know" things others don't - much to the chagrin of most people around me, though she told me later her first thought had been we should stay!  All of us were in our cars and speeding out of there in less time than it has taken to type this sentence.

David Johnson had just started to make breakfast when his detectors went off.  He may have even had a chance to look up before he was thrown one and a half miles at 300 miles an hour, then bathed with 1,300 degree flaming gases.

Brad and Steve checked their cameras and the ground trembler trigger, and took a nap on the warm rocks in the sunshine.  When the alarm went off, they ran for their jeep as fast as they have ever run in their lives.  They never even looked back to see what was coming.  Their cameras caught the action as Mt. St. Helens collapsed behind them, engulfed the mountain ridge David Johnston was camped on and their run for the jeep.  The cloud over took them and crossed the next ridge to the north - all within a matter of seconds.

The cloud, deflected by the ridge, climbed over the top of us.  Day became night.  The sweet perfume of country air became choking with hydrogen-sulphide as hot volcanic gases replaced the air in our lungs.  Our car engines coughed and shuddered as they fought harder and harder to operate.  No matter how you looked at it, we were in a bad spot.

There were thirty in our group, Brad and Steve collected another eighteen by the time they had driven out, I know of another three survivors - two were in a camper (last seen careening down the road in reverse!) and there was a newsman whom walked out several days later.  We were the lucky ones because we were headed out when the blast hit, we only had to survive the poisoned air and powdered mountain that fell from the sky by the tons.  Fifty-seven others were not so lucky.  Of them, only twenty-one bodies were ever found.

Who could have thought that the mountain was going to erupt that beautiful spring morning?  Even when we heard the explosions we had no idea of what was about to happen.  But, in my spirit, I knew we were in the wrong place at the wrong time.  And, that prompting from the Spirit, was all that got us out and onto the road before it became impossible to travel - with the bridges being washed out by flood waters and roads blocked by downed trees.  It was literally seconds that separated us from the same fate as the others.


Harry Truman, the grumpy old man of the mountain, probably never even woke up Sunday morning.  Nothing has ever been found of him or his home.

Brad and Steve still have not published their photographs, which clearly show the mountain's double explosion.  They spent the next three days winching their way through the chaos of timber, mudslides and stream beds to reach a serviceable road.  With them were five other jeeps full of survivors they said.

David Johnston has a memorial to his memory at Mt. St. Helens.  It was years before any piece of him or his camp was found.

My eyes were swollen shut for three weeks as they healed from all of the grit that went under my new contacts.  To this day I cannot put a contact back in.  At least my nickname at work went from flake to Mole-Man!  Makes me sound like an action hero.  Think so?

Of all of the cars in our group, none had an engine left by the year's end - ouch!

Diedre and cousin Suzie, only seconds away from the explosions.  And, moments later this was all that was left to be seen of the sun.

Fifty-seven people met God that day - they had no warning or choice.  Of the survivors, I only know of one whom did actually change his life for real.  Though dozens in our group were willing to make a life's change the instant the cloud went over us...... 

And, one could argue it had a bit of an impact on our lives and faith as well.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Internet 'Love'

I am so frustrated right now I could just scream!  In fact, I think I might just because!

So, one of 'my girls' from back home, whom has spent way to much time on internet chat sites, has met 'Mr. Right'.  And she just told me over lunch that she is on her way to his open arms this week.  Nothing could possibly convince her that he is not Mr. Right, nor that this is a really bad decision.  A mutual friend traveling with her insisted they come to see me first.

Oh yeah, did I mention that she is married to the last Mr. Right?  And, as far as her Christian witness is concerned, well, she guesses she is no longer a Christian if it comes to Mr. Wrong vs Mr. Right.

You best believe I am praying up a storm over this matter but she has no interest in any form of discussion.  Sigh.....

I have seen this happen so many times it is almost impossible to count.  Problem is, when  you are God's child and called by Jesus' name, your life is no longer your own.  When you choose to flaunt your sin in God's and everyone else's face, God will not deal nicely with you.  Just think of Corinthians and the man whom was to be turned over to the world that his flesh maybe destroyed yet his soul saved.....

Yeah, I have SEEN this happen with my own eyes.  God's correcting hand is not gentle when you are going to suffer your way home, to find Him waiting for you at the end.

Please pray for this young lady, her husband and her family (all Christians) whom are appalled by her behavior and openness to sin.  And pray mostly for her hardness of heart to be broken.....

Thursday, May 13, 2010


It is 1877, you are a minister speaking in Boston and suddenly the Holy Spirit opens the heart of the people to respond to the call.  Such is what happened to William Wilberforce Newton.  Imagine the scene: men rushing out to the street, hanging on to light poles and screaming at how they knew the gates of Hell where opening to suck them in.  The fear was real, the conversions were real.  It was an event that one sorely wishes would happen today.

So why doesn’t it?

I think it has to do with a lack in the sense of urgency.  We have no urgent viewpoint. 

Maybe it is because Jesus has not returned since his departure around 33 AD.  If he has not come in 2,000 years – why should he be showing up in the next 2,000 years or 200 or 20 or this year, much less this month or tomorrow?  It is almost as if the Church has become one of the scoffers mentioned in 2 Peter 3:3 -
First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.

There is NO sense of urgency.  Is it because we have read too many books claiming to know when He is coming again?  Or the black eyes the cultish whack-o’s have delivered to the sincere believer whom has been waiting and watching?

Perhaps the parable of the sower of the seed in Luke 8:14 has the answer:
"And as for that which fell among the thorns, they are those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and their fruit does not mature."
Whatever the cause, why have you lost your sense of urgency?  Is your life so busy or overcome with situations that you can no longer anticipate His return?  Is it that tomorrow always comes, that you see no reason to be urgent?  Have you been wooed away by the world and its promises to the extent that His promises are only dim memories?

I think you get the point here.  We are easily distracted from what our pursuit as believers is to be.  We do not need to be more financially solvent to be effective for Him to use.  We do not need to be so busy in our lives that there is no time to live as we ought.  Nor do we need to continually be entertaining ourselves, literally to death, so there is no interest in study, or prayer, or helping others, or witnessing – even with our life.

Turning off the TV and getting involved in the lives of those around you is what all of us have to do.  Time is short.  Urgency is our byword.  Now, get off the computer and get out there!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Christine's Story

Christine was a very dear friend. She is also dead and this is a part of her story. 
I hadn’t heard from Chris in about three years. This was not unusual for her; she would often disappear for a few years and pop back up, and then disappear again. Plus, I knew from her sister she had been ill. You have to understand Chris was a drama queen “ the queen of drama queens”, if you will allow. So when she said she knew she was dying, I knew she had twenty years left to go. What I had not known was that she had been in a coma for several weeks with her estranged son sitting by her bedside waiting for her to die. Apparently, he left for a stretch and walk; she came to and called me. When he returned, she was dead.
Too freaky! The timing I was to learn from one of her brothers whom were trying to piece together the question as to how I had talked with someone in a coma, whom was being watched. This sequence is the best they could come up with. Were it not for knowing God and how He works, I would be getting goose flesh over this! But, instead, I say “Cool, thank you God for letting me talk one more time with her.” Apparently, she needed to share her story, and I have with all of my youth groups since her death….. And, now with you.
Chris grew up in a Christian home, extremely head strong and very soft on the eyes, as they say. Her sisters used to tease her about being the Christian with the smell of smoke clinging to her clothing and the back of her dress on fire, because she was a little on the wild side. Everyone would laugh at this, as it seemed true and there were no consequences for any of our actions. Yeah, none of us were any better or worse, maybe just wild in other ways. And as the oldest of the group that hung together, we learned much from her mistakes.
Chris went through a string of marriages and divorces. All those hot guys kept turning out to be real losers. Oh yeah, she loved some of them desperately, long after they were gone. But, they were not Christian and they were losers in many different ways. Heavens, one of them even turned out to be a contract killer; everyone thought he was a salesman, until his arrest. Boy could she pick them! I will admit I still like one of those husbands, boy did he get the shaft from her but that is another story!
Her sexual activities turned into an addiction. She went from doctor to doctor trying to find a pill or therapy which would cure her of what she now saw as a real problem in her life. She ended up sleeping with most of them; one giving her the gift of HPV.
Pretty depressing story, huh? But, it is not over yet.
“Kris, this is Chris, and I am dying. I got HPV from a shrink I was seeing. He was supposed to be helping me, instead he killed me. 
(HPV discussion was here, as she had to explain it to me for I had never heard of it before.)
“I want you to know what your friendship has meant to me and to thank you for being there.
“I can’t believe it took so long for me to get my act together and understand what life is all about. I was living my life for me, the way I wanted to, the devil be damned.
“And now I can’t understand how I could have been so selfish, I just did not listen to those whom cared the most.
“And now, I will be leaving my two children. There is nothing I can do about it. I guess they will have to live with their father now. What am I to do? How can I tell them what they need to know?
“But, at least I got it figured out. I have made my peace with God, I know He is now my true Savior and I am ready to meet with him. Oh, if only I had done this twenty years ago! I didn’t understand!”
We talked for close to thirty minutes until she weakened and had to go. I expected she was going to be making similar calls to her other friends and family members. Little was I to know this was to be her last phone call. I heard from her brother the next day she had died after a six week coma. I then understood how miraculous this call had been. 
I loved Chris for the “soul mate” she was to me. We never failed to make the other laugh or cry, probably the definition for the best of friends. Maybe why she suddenly called me instead of a sister or her mother. She knew I would understand and tell her right from wrong and be a comfort, even if I truly could not have understood.
If ever there were a reason for young women in the church to get their acts together, Chris’ story should be it. She grew up in the church, she knew all the right words, she even thought she was a Christian. There is nothing to make Chris, you or I any different from one another.
It is only by the grace of God each of us doesn’t go through what Chris had to, in order to at long last find peace in HIM. 

Certainly, God gave me an easier route, when I deserved far worse.  And I do pray you make your peace with HIM long before you get hammered by God, as Chris was.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Christian Radio

For those living in America, count ourselves lucky in your ability to have local Christian programming.  Few places in the world have such freedom.  When I am in Seattle, there are about 4 stations I can listen to.  One of them is great, the other 3 a little lame.  However, I love it when I am in Denver, 7 stations on FM alone!  So lots of programming options.  I tell you I am glad I do not work from there because I would get so little done!

In Europe, there are a few big broadcasters and a sparse scattering of smaller local stations (except in Italy!).  Trans World Radio (, broadcasts from 12 locations around the world, including Switzerland, with over 2,000 repeaters worldwide!  They are by far the largest of those attempting to reach the world via shortwave and longwave.

The impact of Christian radio can be seen in the strength of the Christian church in closed countries.  The fall of the Soviet Union was as much a result of the joint efforts of radio and publishing houses to flood them with the message of salvation – as it was the bankruptcy of a failed philosophy.  Today, the same can be said of the closed Islamic world – in need of reaching – and they are trying.

If you are able support Christian stations, then consider supporting organizations such as TRW or those whom use TRW.  Pick a country, pick a language, pick a program – any and all can by sponsored fully or partially.

If you are not able to provide financially, then remember prayer is the most powerful offering you can make to anyone in any situation.  (I often think more prayer and less dollars would do Christianity a world of good!  I bad….)

Friday, May 7, 2010

On Suffering

This is not a good morning.  Darn back went out last night (honest, I did NOTHING to cause it this time!) and is still mighty sore this morning.  So a good time for me to reflect on suffering.....

A poignant question often asked of me, which has stuck with me, basically: why me and pain and suffering?  Hard questions to answer, especially when you do not have the answer for yourself.

If we look at 2 Corinthians 1:1-7, we might find the answer to this question.

1.  We all have troubles and problems.
Rare is the person whom has not suffered to some degree.  It is a condition common to all.  However some of us seem to suffer far more than others.  It is out of proportion what some have to go through.  Let us call this life altering events.

It is important to note that this life is not in Heaven!  God really does not want or needs us to be satisfied with this life and this world.

This is THE lie of Satan in this age, to say: if you love God / give / have faith enough - then you will not suffer.  That is not Biblical theology, if is a very contemporary FALSE doctrine!  Looks to me like verses 4 through 7 guarantee us suffering in this life!

2.  God Comforts All of His Children.
God is called the “Father of Mercies”.  Father meaning the originator or source, in this case, of mercy.

Biblically, comfort is not so much about feeling “better” as it is about feeling “stronger”.

3.  God’s Children Are To Be Comforters – Not Just Comforted.
Comfort is not given to you, if is loaned in order than you might pass it on!

Yes, comfort is one of the things God gives us to give to others…

So, what does this tell for me?  It tells me that in my suffering, God is strengthening me.  In my suffering I gain experience and am to learn from it.  What I have experienced and learnt from, I am to share with others whom are likewise afflicted.  And those whom I help are expected equally to do the same with those whom are in their lives.

I have written before on what certainly has been the worse I have suffered through, so I will not repeat it.  But, I do see this verse played out in my life since I was hit by that truck in 1996.  Maybe on a day by day basis I can not see God’s hand, but others could.  I remember posting about two years ago about how much I had changed since the accident and surgery; growing in ways that I was unaware of.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Christian Alphabet

This cute work up came from my Russian artist friend.  She tends to come up with some pretty cute items from time to time and this is one of them!

              Although things are not perfect
              Because of trial or pain
              Continue in thanksgiving
              Do not begin to blame

              Even when the times are hard
              Fierce winds are bound to blow
              God is forever able
              Hold on to what you know

              Imagine life without His love
              Joy would cease to be
              Keep thanking Him for all the things
              Love imparts to thee

              Move out of "Camp Complaining"
              No weapon that is known
              On earth can yield the power
              Praise can do alone

              Quit looking at the future
              Redeem the time at hand
              Start every day with worship
              To "thank" is a command

              Until we see Him coming
              Victorious in the sky
              We'll run the race with gratitude
              Xalting God most high

              Yes, there'll be good times and yes some
                                           will be bad, but...
              Z ion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010


Toast Appears On Jesus' Face!