Thursday, October 31, 2013


Last night there was a birthday party for one of "my boys".  It was his 22nd birthday and his fiancee invited me to the party at a local "brew house".

So, as I am walking in the door, he is coming out.  His hair is combed oddly and he is now sporting an earring.  I was not sure what to say once I saw the blonde hanging off of his arm ...  He stepped around me with no recognition in his eyes.  Did he have a twin?  I know that in his family there is a set of boy and girl twins.  But, I thought I knew the entire family for the past many years.  Weird.

I join the party and mention the weirdness of seeing his twin, everyone laughed, he didn't have a twin.  So a laughingly good start but I have a broken jaw where each smile and each laugh is very painful.

Then our waitress comes - and my jaw literally bounced off the table - one of "my girls" from so many years ago it is embarrassing to say!  What are the odds?  This was the younger sister of the guy my oldest daughter had a major crush on ten years ago!  And, she is here?  Wow, what a very small world!

Of course no weirder than running into a clerk at the local Fred Meyers and commenting that i had met a girl in Northern Russia with the same name and blonde hair - yup, it was her, now 15 years older.  She had been adopted, moved to America and then moved here to go to college!  Wow, extremely small world!

But back the party, it was just his family, his fiancee and then two friends - both named Kris!  I have met so few through the years with my name that it was sort of weird sitting by someone with the same name as me.  And it was fun because he was just as warped as me.

An hour later it was all over, which sort of surprised me.  I shook hands all around, something I really do not like to do and when I came to his sister, I shook in the polite female grip and she complained, "No I want a real one!"  I looked at her mother, whom shrugged - so I took her hand, flipped it horizontal and gently kissed her hand.

Oh you should have seen and heard the uproar of laughter from that one!  And she just stood there stunned and turned almost vermillion in color.

I was home in time to catch NCIS, take my pills and fall asleep for 13 hours!  Guess I needed that.  But, I am still chuckling over the shade of red she turned ...

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