Friday, October 11, 2013


There are scores of movies - action adventure, spy thrillers, science fiction and even some horror films which are based on the concept that numbers do not lie - the solution to the problem can be found mathematically.  Interesting.

Back in the 1970's a guy by the name of John (I think) Dvorak was working on a mathematical model to predict whether or not a computer program would work.  I read the article and scoffed - the man was an idiot, in order for a mathematical model to work you have to exert control over the program, hence invalidating the test you are trying to perform.  Dvorak commented that programmers sucked, we commented in union that perhaps the problem was between his ears, my manager commented that there was a way to make it work and I thought on this ...  Years later I was able to build that mathematical table for IBM, it worked wonderfully, mangers could not understand it in the slightest ...  But, this was logic, not math.  Unfortunately, on the last day - our celebration of having created awesomeness - my partner in crime was backed over (literally) by a bread truck as we crossed the street to have lunch.  Bill had been a long term friend, amongst the smartest people I have ever encountered.  No sense grossing you out, so I will only comment that something exploded like a ripe melon.  I was in a half torso cast at the time and unable to reach out and grab him, the other closest guy, last I heard was still institutionalized, the other three all went and got rip-roaring drunk then quit that day.

I have commented often about my problems with math, for all the explained logic in the world - it is still nonsense to me.  No, not in the easy early on stuff but when you start getting anywhere near calculus you slam right into the illogical of math.  If you disagree, then you obvious are willing to accept the illogical as logic.  I am a literalist, I can't do that.

And the roosters all came home to roost this week.

I work hard on balancing my checkbook and keeping myself out of trouble with the bank, but since August I have just been cursed.  Mess up, after mess up, after mess up!  Unfortunately, back in August I had to zero out my account and just start over.  I had to give up.  After months of not balancing, the differences swinging wildly by thousands of dollars, and the problem could not just be found!

Then yesterday, $2,500 just disappeared from my account.  Over and over I went through yesterday's deductions everything was correct, only $70 for the day.  But, then there was this little check they had paid on ...  I had helped someone in the church out back in spring, the check had come through and was checked off my ledger in April.  Problem is, I had checked the wrong line item apparently.  The big check had not been submitted until yesterday, in April I had missed the line for a $25 charge.  OMG!!!!!!

And I think to myself MY GOD HOW I HATE MATH !!!!!!!!!

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