Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How To Alienate People

Over the weekend, I had a family event to attend and you just simply have to enjoy a good train wreck when they occur.  Unflrtunately, this was pseudo-family, indeed - people I pray for often, people I care about.  And to see the wreck coming, to not be able to stop it, to see the damage and to know their pain.  Not good - the real reason I had to get away from the party ...

Oldest daughter planned an event, a get together of her friends, her family, what of her husband's family had come in from Alaska, New York and other various travels.  So, a great many tired, prickly adults and a whole lot of children.

So, I am talking with my son-in-law's oldest sister, just in from a moose hunt in Alaska, skunked but hey, just the hunt is worth it!  We had a good talk.  From what I know of her, she is a bit of a snob, rich, nothing is too good for her children, she lives in the right place, drives the right car, wears the right clothing, sends her two girls to the right private schools.  She has it all and yet even she knows that she really has nothing - but no idea as to why that is true.  It was plain she is uncomfortable being around her family, whom she shares no common theme with - and it stings her. 

Enter her mother, whom I know she loves but has no way to express it - they are such different people:

Mom: Is that a natural wave in your hair or did you curl it?

Daughter: Yes, natural ... ?

Mom: Interesting, I have the exact same wave in my hair ...

(Daughter gets a look of hope in her eyes and starts to smile)

... when it is wet from the shower and before I make my hair presentable for the day.

(Daughter now has a look of horror at what she just heard!)

... So at least you have something in common with me.  I am glad that is the only thing we share.

(Daughter runs away in tears.)

Mom: Now, what on earth got into her ...?

I was so tempted to tell her that she just completely and totally dished her daughter - again!, whom wants so desperately to know you, and you just told her that she is not good enough!


Much of my son-in-law's family is this way.  Yeah, I may complain about my dysfunctional family, but his is pathologically far more so!  Except, in his family, I would be willing to bet that there actually is some love in there for one another.

As for the sister she will now probably hide for the next six months or and then try again.  The mother will continue to be oblivious and find another opportunity to insult her daughter, just as she has been for the majority of her life.

For you, just an example of what James calls the most dangerous weapon in the world (chapter 3:5 others perhaps?).

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