Thursday, October 24, 2013

In Training

You, I, all of us, are in constant training; training to reach Godliness in our lives - it is the goal.

For as much as we might like it, you can not coast into Godliness.  You will not accidentally discover it - it is something that you must be in training for.

Godliness Is A Big Deal
 If you feed on the world - the things of this world, then you will be damaged spiritually - I have seen this far to often, even with my own childeren.  Too many of us were never discipled when we became Christians, in fact, many of us were purposefully lead astray by "elders" whom may not have even understand the difference themselves.

Most will never actually achieve Godliness, you must be in constant training, it is the goal to which we strive.

Training is not in reading books about the Bible or listening to talks/lectures/sermons on the Bible - it is your purposeful study, meditation and prayer over what you are studying.

I know some are terribly confused and need something to help them.  I have never been let down by Hendrickson's series on the Bible.  Yeah, huge and wordy but it is assembled by some pretty straight men.

Understand, You Have A Choice
There are no excuses, "I don't have time!", sorry Godliness is a choice that you can make, that you must make!  Why?  Because it is your witness to the world around you, if you can show no difference between them and yourself, well guess what?  No one will listen to you!

I read a few months back that the average American home has four Bibles.   The average one ...  Okay, so how many homes actually read their Bible?  Surveys says, only 3%.  Okay again, not everyone are Christians, but supposedly this is a nation of a great many Christians.  By the way if 3% reflects real Christians then guess what! There are only 9,000,000 of us!  No wonder we have lost this nation!

But, I am willing to bet there are millions of Christians, betrayed by their faith, lost, unable to find God, because they never read their Bible and only know what they have been told! 

Be Committed
It takes discipline, that ugly "D" word of religion, but it also has a place in Christianity - to discipline yourself to be trained in the faith.  Paul wrote on this in the terms of being an Olympian - the CONSTANT training, the fight to be your very best, to have the necessary drive to WIN.  And winning is after-all everything at the Olympics.

You must take the time.
You must be committed to change.
You must be willing to fail.
You must force yourself to get back up...

To The End
Remain in training.
Hold on to your commitment.
Accept discipline when subjected to it.
Be willing to disciple others.

Best part is, you will never be there.  The minute you think you have, well welcome to pride and you just failed and get to start over ...


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