Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Critic's Choice

Ralph Connors, a missionary minister to the Canadian Rocky Mountain region, told the tale of how a pastor was called to a small church to replace the suddenly vanished pastor.

His first week there he observed that the men of the community would snag logs in the river and then use them for firewood, lumber or even haul to a mill some distance away, after judicious trimming.  And he thought, "How convenient."  And preached on the bounty of God's gifts.  The congregation added hearty "Amen's".

The second week, he observed that it was the choicest woods being hauled to mill, which sort of made sense but there were so many, he had to wonder.  And he preached on the abundance of God's blessing and the need to remember the tithe.  The congregation added hearty "Amen's".

The third week, he observed that many of the logs hauled out of the river had been cut by hand.  Where were they coming from?  Who could afford to lose so much lumber?  And he preached on the evils of coveting another man's property.  The congregation added hearty "Amen's".

The fourth week he took a trip upstream one night and observed the men of his congregation pushing logs out of the mill pond's supply and out into the river.  And he preached on the Hell fire awaiting those whom covet, steal and lie!

A new minister arrived the next week to replace the suddenly departed pastor.

Connors' point was practical and to the point: tell me about God and no one will have a problem, tell me about sin and no one will have a problem again, but tell me about my sin and we suddenly have a problem.


This idea carries forward into the realm of sermons, lessons, events, books, etc:
  • Provide a great sermon or lesson on the Holy Spirit or the reality of God - no one will come.
  • Provide the meaningless drivel of seeing how Revelation is today - everyone will come.
  • Had a solid presentation on real spiritual warfare and see the lowest numbers ever.
  • Promise to have a chills and thrills presentation on evil or demons - everyone will come!
Point is, Satan really hates to have his ways known or shared.
  • He really does not want you to know that he really is real!
  • He really does not want you to know that you are empowered have victory,.
  • He really likes it best when you, as a Christian, manage to just stay asleep.

So, what I am leading to?  Some of my posts are all too real and of value, some to encourage you to do what is right, and yeah, some fun ones too.

But, the lowest read of all of my postings are those which will are of actual value!

With you, my reader base, there are currently 795 possible readers for any given post.
The ones I think of as most valuable will garner 4 reads immediately and perhaps 20 across all time!
The ones I put the least stock in - into the thousands - across years of reading!

Satan, Evil, is real and very much alive and I am constantly amazed at its ability to draw my returning readers from the truth.  Just as in Connor's day, 100 years ago, no one wants to hear they have something they need to do.  Actually, even in Jesus' day, the rich young ruler was no more happy to hear what he still needed to do something as well.

Interesting ...

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