Thursday, August 8, 2013


What would a vacation be, without some disaster looming itself upon my body?

A week ago, on Tuesday, my left jaw started making these popping sounds.  It was weird, everyone could hear it, but it was just inconvenient.

Then my jaw started locking on this Tuesday, with significant pain but if I pushed gently in, it seemed to go away and I made a note to email my dentist back in Seattle.

Then during lunch, it make a breaking glass sound, again heard by all and it made me yelp in pain!  My face swelled up, I could no longer chew on the left side, I no longer could eat anything that was not mighty soft.  But, no more popping, clicking, or locking.  Weird.

So, went to the dentist and apparently I shattered my left side disc that the jaw bone rides on.  Muscle relaxants for a month at night, hot pads, ice, and lots of soft foods.

Nope nothing normal about me....

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