Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Oh what a horrible dream!

I woke up at like 2 in the morning unable to breathe!  Gasping, gagging, trying to draw myself up and away from the odor!  I was terrified, because it had been in a dream:

I dreamt that the lady I was staying with, one of "my girls" from my youth ministry back in the 1970's, had decided to poison me.  So, she had grab a bottle of Fabreeze and was pouring it over me in hopes of softening me up.  In the dream I passed out and awoke in reality, in the prior paragraph.

Now she doesn't even have Fabreeze that I am aware of, probably did not want to kill me that I am aware of, and yet this was so real.  I really smelled that product on the air surrounding me!

Too weird!

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