Thursday, August 22, 2013


I have been doing much grandchild babysitting.  One afternoon, I hear this wail swelling up from the living room, obviously grandson had managed to hurt himself again.  I tell ya ...

I returnded back in the living room and there is youngest grand-daughter, just shy of 3, sitting with her 3 year old sobbing cousin, patting him on his head.  But, what touched me was she was singing the only song she knew, "a, b, c, d, e, f, g, ...".  She was singing the ABC song and it was trying to comfort him.

And I thought on this.  Anytime in my life when I have ever been called compassionate - it purely was the result of the Holy Spirit over riding my base nature to be what I needed to be in the moment.  So, here I watched and pondered this natural reaction of my granddaughter to the sorrow of her cousin.  She just by nature desired to help him, to soothe him, to deal with him on an emotional level.

I could manage his physical need: a squirt of Bactine and a band-aid took care of that.  But she reached him in a way I could not.

This is just a quite story about my grandchildren, showing me yet another hole in my creation and I marvel at it.

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