Sunday, August 26, 2012

Why Bipolar Article?

When I stumbled upon the article on Bipolar Relationships, I thought it might be of value to my family.

All women in my family have inherited the gene, passed down from great-grandmother. They also get to either take medication or suffer the consequences of poor relationships with others. Everyone medicates except for my mother for whom, "nothing is wrong with". Yeah, strong willed and utterly blind that it is not everyone else whom has a problem.

My last daughter, and her mother, suffer from this as well. I also know that their knowledge is completely based upon their experience with the problem, rather than knowledge about the problem.

So, for all of those women in my life - this was for you, so you can understand how and why "normal" people react to you. Especially for my daughter, as this article I think explains what may have happened between us.....

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