Friday, August 24, 2012

Listen Up Guys!

Blogger has a little feature called Statistics. Its purpose is for the owner of the blog to know what it is that people are reading, how often, where are they located and then a little section called Links.

Now Links is what this post is all about. It tells me where you have come from and where referring links are located. So, what you say?

Well, a great many of my male readers come to my site, following their visits to PORNO sites on the internet. Yes, the pages you were on, before you hit your bookmark to come here, were actually then stored on my Links page. So, when I see what my readers are up to - well I find that my (probably) male readers are off in PORNO-land before coming here.

I only care from the stand point that yesterday 38 of you visited porn then came here.

Yes, the internet makes porn only a mouse click away. Porn is what will always separate you from finding happiness with a real woman. And because you males are visual, those images are burned into your memory because God made us visual creatures.

No, there is no magic eraser that God can use to remove what you willing allow into your minds. The internet is the opportunity, your mouse click the temptation, what you mind will do with the images will lead you into sin. Pure and simple. And once in, Satan will call back images at your most weakest moments, in order to lead you back into what he hopes will be your slavery to sin! Yeah, you get to suffer spiritually for a lifetime, of memories of sights you never should have had.

But, you can repent, you can ask God to bury those images in your mind, you can fight temptation, you may still fail - and then you get to start over at the beginning of this sentence - ad nauseum. But, know that with time it will become less frequent.

Okay, guys - be a man enough to just say no to porn. Do not allow it to be a part of your life. Realize that God created woman - a wife - for you to find and then experience pleasure with. Not imagines of damaged young women on the internet or in print to fill your fantasies. If you have ever known one of these young women, and I have - she was a friend in high school, whom went on to quite a lucrative career - until she woke up one day. But then she discovered too late the cost of the life she led, dying far too young last year. Why can I be strong in this one area? Because she was a friend I cared for, because I saw the cost on that young woman's life. She at first didn't care, she was damaged, but I did and eventually she did, and that lifestyle cost her, her life.

No, the porn industry feeds on the young girls damaged by events which should have never happened. It feeds the minds of males, images captured for eternity, ready to lead the curious male down a road they were never to travel either. Perhaps even damaging even more young women in the process. It causes the stain of Human Trafficking to exist and not be fought by our leaders, whom themselves are trapped by the same problems as you. The sex trade is slavery and just your visiting sites as you have will help to feed the industry more, damaging more young men, requiring more young women to be damaged in turn, so they can be used to entice more young men.....

It is an endless cycle and the only one whom can stop it - is you. Make the decision, walk away and do not look back.

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