Friday, August 10, 2012

Went To The Movies

So, I had two free evenings so I decided to go to the movies and see if that could help me unwind. It helped a little.

First up was Total Recall (2012). Now you have to understand that I really do not like Schwarzenegger, I find his name to be appropriate in German (sorry your dictionary is not going to help you with that one, it is interpretation not translation you need!). Be that as it may, I found the original Total Recall to be way too violent for my tastes, to much nudity and I also do not like Sharon Stone at all. So lots of negatives right up front. However, the concept of the movie was interesting.

Enter the 2012 version and it is a pretty good film. But, of course we have to have gratuitous nudity - even if it is just a prosthetic, there was no need for it nor reason for it. Secondly, they are continually making references throughout the movie back to the original - just random statements that had they never of made would have lent this to being an excellent film! I do not agree that nudity is acceptable for teenage viewers so I nix this film especially for the males. Otherwise, this could have been an excellent film.

Next up is Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter. Yeah, I broke down and went to see it at the dollar theater. It is an amazing film. The costuming was excellent, they wove actual history very well with the story of vampires. And to make it interesting, they managed to tell the tale as actually being three in one - a vampire's revenge against other vampires, a vampire collective's political attempt to forge their own nation and good old axe wielding Abraham. No it is definitely not a must see, but it was well done.

And the trailers for Skyfall and Bourne Legacy were excellent. I hope the films are as good as the trailers make out.

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