Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Satan Continues the Attack

So, it seems Satan is not done with me yet and continues his attack against me! Yeah, as if this is not already the worst year of my life, no he has now used my estranged daughter to attack from within my church.

The day after she had ducked having to talk with me four times, since our paths kept crossing, and the day before she left with her mother to return home - she filed formal charges against me with one of the pastors. Yeah. I only just heard about this, this morning and so get to meet with the pastor this afternoon to discuss whether or not I should continue to teach any of the Sunday Schools. Yeah.

Thirty-eight years ago I began teaching high schoolers, teaching is decidedly one of my gifts and because of estranged daughter - well yeah.....

So, already the worse year of my life, my estranged daughter whom I still love as such - and am not being freed of by God - has gone for the gold ring it seems. Her gossip and slander campaign began at the beginning of this month, resulting in a host of unfriendings and blockings on FaceBook by women in the church, people avoiding me at services, ETC!

Yeah, I know it is not personal, I know that it is really Satan using my daughter against me. He was able to turn that fresh Christian baby to do his bidding. You probably have no idea the sorrow this brings me. How can I free her when her mother is empowering her in this rebellion? My only weapon left is prayer and lots of it!

She desperately needs your intercessory prayers..... Yeah, she is my daughter.

So, meeting over. Net result is that daughter is in need of a tremendous amount of prayer. And I have more praying now than before for her.

That is how my God works.....

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