Monday, May 21, 2012

John Carter

So I had a free afternoon and the local cheapy theater is only $3.50, so why not!

Now I have never read any of Burrough's materials, they were not available in the European libraries when I was growing up.  Except for Tarzan, and honesty, who cares about some half naked guy running amok in the jungles?  All of those Tarzan movies available on VHS and DVD, not in my library.  So, I never even heard of John Carter, nor that series of books.

But, I do own an absolutely horrid version called, The Princess of Mars.  Yeah, C grade sci/fi material so it is a part of my video collection!  The movie has so many problems that it is hard not to get distracted by the horror of the script, dialogue, direction, photograph, special effects and what was that boom operator on.......?  Yeah, utterly enjoyable.

So, now for that latest attempt to take a whack at this idea, John Carter.

First, what The Princess of Mars, is - John Carter is not.  So this means that John Carter is more reasonable to 'real' life than TPOM was.  It also means that more money was spent on JC.  Net result - a delima.

John Carter was a pretty good movie, you could almost 'see' how reasonable the characters and situations were.  Of course, in all alien civilization, if you have cleavage - flaunt it!  But, language was watched and violence was less than expected these days.  Clothes stayed on (unless I blinked and missed something).

So it comes with a Kris seal of approval - it is an owner, if the price is right.

Next movie to see?  Back to the Avengers, only in 2-D this time to see if it is a better film.

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