Monday, May 7, 2012

Cinco de Mayo

It was our annual gathering this weekend, minus Dutchman, whom is vacationing and Timothy whom is still in Ohio.  So missing a few characters for the first time since our first Mexican eat-a-thon in 1974.  Yeah, two missing and then there were the attitudes this weekend!

Gaelic Girl was on the warpath.  Dear Lord help me when she is.  Unfortunately, she was displaying the symptoms as her sister back in January - severe mental issues.  So, going to call around and see what I can find in the way of help for her - then I have to convince her to do something - like that has ever happened before.

I was so upset that I told Timothy I was not going to be a part of his wedding - I could really see my selling everything to try and get GG the help she needs.  Yeah, it is that serious (big prayer item!).  But, daughter reminded me that GG's requirement is a long term need whereas Timothy's is three days at the most.  It is a major life event for him and I really need to be there.....  Yeah, she is right, so Timothy and I had a LONG conversation about everything.

The Swede was in town and not in the hospital for a change, so I expected him to be cheery, but alas he was in attack mode.  One thing I can trust him to do is speak his mind and yup he did.  It was sort of unexpected and I sort of expected to be in the hospital by now.  But, my blood pressure seems to have stabilized.  Sigh.  I never expected an attack from him.

So, it was a rather quiet time.  I spent most of the "party" on my computer and just let others yak it up. 

In my heart I was asking God why and all I got was Zechariah 4:6 - "...not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts.

And then I was reminded of the knowledge God gave me.  Yeah, I can see His hand at work, playing out a drama in the lives of those around me.  No, I have never seen God move as He has this past year.  I can not tear down spiritual walls, nor turn a dead heart back to life, nor any of a myriad of things none of us can do apart from God - yet, He can do those things.  We (I) just have to sit back and let him do His work to accomplish His goals.....

So hard staying hands off, when you already know the outcome, the goals, the how and the why.  "But God, I could do this now and it would make it all so much easier later....."  Famous last Kris words!  Nope, mouth stays shut for now and Kris is to do nothing.  Apparently, God really does not need any assistance from me.....

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