Monday, May 28, 2012

3D Versus 2D

I thought it would be interesting to revisit the Avengers' movie again, only this time in 2D.

As I mentioned earlier, in the 3D version the CGI was cartoonish and rather bad.  In 2D, the animation was much better because the cartoonish product was better melded with its backgrounds!

The 3D as a product was really wasted on this movie, there just was not sufficent contrast or situations which utilized the technology well.  And I expected that.  Probably the only film to have ever been done well in 3D was "The Flaming Sword" and that was probably the end of the early efforts in 3D.  The recent spat of 3D films in no way justify the usage of the technology - but that does not stop Hollywood's efforts to make buck with a bad product.  Eventually today generation will tire of losey efforts and Hollywood will yet again abandon the idea.

So what made the 2D a better picture?
Well, you are not subjected to Scarlett Johansen's lack of a butt in 3D.  Yeah, 3D of a flat surface is still 2D guys!
There were few good 3D sequences as it was.
You are not distracted by the effects and can pay attention to the story.
And it is a pretty good story even without a come-on gimmick.

My vote: excellent movie in 3D, superb movie in 2D.....

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