Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Who Is Watching Over You?

Psalm 23
Psalm 40:11
Psalm 100 
John 10
Philippians 4:19

I have enough.
We do not appreciate what we have in this culture.
We always want more, the nature of natural man.
We always hunger for wat we do not have.

"I shall not want"  We are tempted but choose not to take:
     temporary possessions, lust, money, etc.

I am protected.
Jesus Christ protects the door to reach the sheep.
One Shepherd = One door
Must go through Him - or - not at all!

Jesus was sent, He was sinless, He is all powerful, He is coming again!

False shepherds undermine the Bible, use experience in-place of the Bible, are culturally pleasing, ignore whom Jesus IS!

Sincerity, Social activities, Self righteousness - none will lead to Jesus!

It is ALL about Jesus, and Him alone!

I am loved.
Yes, Jesus is the payment for our sin, yes He is the basis of our salvation, yes He is part of the God-head.
But, Jesus is God's ultimate expression of love.  Without Him we perish.  Without Him we are without hope.
And though I really hate all of the Amy Grant songs referring to him by 'love', rather than name, He is indeed Love.

If you are a Christian, they you have already seen all of the evidence of His love you will ever need in your lifetime.  Need more, think back to the person you were, before.  If you are not a Christian, it is hard for you to understand real love.  I never could have, even after I became a Christian.  I had no understanding at all.  It took years of work on me by my best friend for me to grow and learn what love is.  It is sacrificial, it is physical, it is emotional, it is mental, it is spiritual.  Love is Love is Love (to quote a really korny song!).

(at this point I am so tempted to use New Daughter as an example as to how far God will go to reach out to one of His own. you have no idea how the experience of seeing God deal with her, through me, has affected my own faith!  and by application, how far has God gone to reach out to me, across the years.....eepah!)

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, nor should I be desiring more.....

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