Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Point of View

Outside Selah, Washington there is a rest stop with a a view point.  Although the view of the upper reaches of the Yakima valley are very beautiful, I always have to admit to worrying more about rattlesnakes than observing the view!  Yeah, pretty view - real concern - rattlesnakes.  I have no knowledge if a rattlesnake has ever been found at the rest stop, I sure know they are present in the hills not far away!  Our point of view can really make a difference in how we perceive everything!

This all came about because daughter and I were talking and somehow what she was saying was only true from an odd view point, whereas I see something completely different!

I will just use what you already know and build around this: I am her new father.

So, possibilities for odd view points based just on this is one example:
  • I am an adult, why do I now need a father?
  • God can talk to me anytime He wants, why do I need an intermediary?
  • Why does it have to be him?
  • If an intermediary is needed, then is something wrong between me and God?
  • Why can't I fix what is wrong, without him?
  • So something must be wrong with my faith?
  • If my faith is messed up, then all of my missions work has been for whom/what?
  • I know God has been leading me, but if my faith is bad, then has He been leading me?
  • Then if he has not been leading me I must be just a project .....
and on, and on, each tick getting closer to annihilating whom she is and God is.  So, that is one possible viewpoint - all negative and all pointing an accusing finger at herself.

But, you know each of those points can be answered in an affirmative way as well.  Respective of herself and what God is working in her life.
  • So God gave you a father at this time in your life in order to help you.
  • Perhaps God needs someone you can trust, for whatever is ahead!
  • You have known him mot of your life, you trust him, he can comfort you physically.
  • May be something is wrong, or maybe you need a physical father in order for God to be real.
  • Pride now is stepping in and telling God you don't need what He has given you.
  • Perhaps, but then again, maybe faith is not the problem, but something blocking faith.
  • God will always use those whom are willing to be used.  I have seen him use non-believers.  You are a believer.
  • If something is blocking the fulness of faith, then you could mislead yourself easily!
  • And we are now back to why you have a flesh and blood father in your life.....
Yeah, perspective can change quite a bit in our way of thinking!

(Pieces of this have been parts of several conversations and are not really where daughter is, nor what my actual answers have been or will be when other areas are addressed!  This is illustrative of the point we often do not really understand what God is doing in our lives, where He is taking us, nor how clues often do not fit together!)

 Second guessing God is futile, I learned that long ago.

As for daughter?  She kicks back, but she knows she has a father and I think it gives her comfort.  She knows she is loved and I imagine this is quite a quandary for her.  I hold her hand, showing her the union and tell her that is a miracle.  I am not sure she understands yet.  God gave her a flesh and blood father, she can hold him, hug him, throw things at him.  But, he is still her father.  That is a miracle.

All of the points of view melt away.  A father represents God to the growing mind, heart and soul.  For whatever reason, He gave her a physical father.  Was it because her heart/soul longed for one so badly, for so long, that He finally had to supply one?  Was it because something has bewitched her and she needs the parental model to pull her through?    Whatever the reason, it is a miracle what He is working - no matter your point of view.

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