Thursday, March 15, 2012

Living In The Moment

Yeah, I can already see my mentors cringe at that title!  But, it is true, as Christians we are to live in the moment - not the world's definition of party hardy and not worry about tomorrow, but from the standpoint of we are supposed to be in the service of God!  That means you are prepared to be used, literally when your next breath occurs and before you can "plan" what your service is to be, before you can put together a Power Point presentation and then gone off to Bible School for for the next ten years......  Yeah, service is here and now, right outside your door!

Act Like a Christian, Not a Cheerleader!
Be involved in life!  Not just watching it pass by!

Having Christian friends is great but if you can think you are more than a baby Christian, you really need to be having friends outside of the Church whom you care enough about to witness to with your life!

We are to be the LIGHT of the world (Matthew 5).  That means we stand out in the crowd, not because we dress funny but because there is something different about us.  Think of it this way: if someone you know is hurting and they are getting bad advice, you are the one to give the good advice.  When other Christians are back pedaling on their witness due to social issues - you are the one to be standing on the Word.  Yes, it is possible to stand for truth and not alienate others to the point you get your lights punched out.  But, you have to be willing to make that stand none the less!  And if your prayer life is terrible and/or so is your sin life, maybe you need to stay indoors and spend time in prayer and study.

We are to be  the salt of the world.  Yeah, salt, the thing that adds zest to our meals.  The thing that is required for us to live.  Those around you should know that life is more FUN, more MEANINGFUL, when you are around.  Yeah, think on that one and the stereotype of the walking dead zombie-ized Christian.  Hmmmmm.

Be Jesus.
You are supposed to represent Jesus to a world that really does not know much about Him.  Yeah, that includes our churches today too.  (No offense, but mighty few anymore realize exactly whom God is, Jesus is, or even what salvation is.)

You are His hands and feet.  If it is going to be done, either you or someone else will be the one to do it.  You just have to be willing to be used - in the moment.

Yes, He does do miracles.  But, guess what!  He uses you to perform them!

It is the small acts of service which matter most in this world. (Matthew 25:31-40)

Be careful concerning what you do not do! (Matthew 25:41-46)

You will be surprised at what a difference even small acts of Love will make in the lives of those around you!

Check in with God regularly for opportunities for service in your everyday life.
If you ask and you are willing to be used, He is going to use you!

Be of service to others and those around you in your everyday life.

Expect, the unexpected.

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