Thursday, March 1, 2012


Regular readers will instantly notice a big change on this blog - three months of posts have mostly been erased.

Why?  Well, God laid on my heart that they needed to be removed.  They were too revealing of me, too revealing of New Daughter, too revealing to each other.  Somethings just do not need to be said. Some parts of my heart should remain invisible.

So sorry but I declared the soap opera officially declared dead last night and it took me until noon to finish the clean up.

No ND still appears in some posts and that is well and good.  One post, which will mean nothing to you - means the world to my heart, so gets to stay - unknown and not understood by any but me and perhaps ND, if she even bothers to read anymore.

As for ND, however her heart leads will either lead to an active role in my life or just my heart and prayers.  Either way her role in my life remains the same but perhaps not in hers.  We will see if evil or God triumphs in the short run, fear or love.  It has been heartbreaking to be a part of and never really knowing day by day which will run the day.

Yesterday my doctor flat told me to end the stress or have it end my life in the very near future.  So, the reminders of the battles goes away.  I have told her no more fights.  I have buried the hatchet with a number of people whom have attacked ND and I over the past week.  Did that really reduce the stress?  No, but it is a start.  God will have to provide the rest, it is all within my control to do......

So, I am being good, i am trying to stay alive (in good condition), because ND has so far to go and until replaced - I have a role with a task assigned to it.

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