Saturday, October 29, 2011

The 'C' Word

Yeah, looks like the 'C' word - again.  At least that is the doctor's and the ultra-sound tech's view on what the tested showed.  Stinking Arian interbreed genes.  I curse you Hapsburg forefathers and your sisters and cousins too!

So, next week will be full torso imagining and mass identification tests, not to mention - has it spread.  Yeah, one really bad week this week and next looks ever worse, then the following week is already scheduled to be the worse yet of the three.  And we will only be at the knowledge point by then - what exactly are the doctors going to be dealing with.  Then we get to answer the how's.

I have been expecting this since last June when my doctors could not explain blood results any longer.  Sigh.

I am really in need of prayer here, my spirits are almost at an all time low.  Yeah, my friends need prayer too.....

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