Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Concerning Freedom

Reading in my favorite book - John (8:33-36)

I have lived under Socialism, Communism, Dictatorships and various forms of democracy.  Amazingly, Christianity works very well under all of these make believe forms of government.  As I point out to my students: the Pax Romana was perhaps the most repressive form of government ever inflicted upon mankind.  And Christianity flourished under it.  How come?

They rarely have an answer because true Freedom is not understood by this culture.

Our western culture is in denial and that denial is the roadblock to you finding true freedom.  We each have willingly enslaved ourselves by our own desires, and yet think ourselves free.

False freedom is actually true slavery!

As I have come to further understand on this subject, across the past two years, there are many forms of slavery.  Materialism, desire for position, desire for power, fear and yes, even debt are all the slave owners of the 21th century.  For me, it was learning too late in life how finances really work and now face a financially crushing debt - given the circumstances I find myself in.  Whom could have ever imagined an 11 time employee of the year could be blindly laid off, without management thinking about it!  But it has happened and my 90 days to debt payoff became 38 years!

The free person is one who has decided on and chosen God as their master.

Slavery is serving a master you have not chosen, but the result of our sinful desires.

So, no matter where you live, no matter what form of government is inflicted upon you, no matter your social standing or amount of wealth: you have a choice to be FREE or a SLAVE.  If living to please others, being dominated by materialism or sinful desires = you are a SLAVE.  Conversely, if you SOLE desire is to please your Creator (hint: GOD!), you have just discovered freedom!

If you want to understand freedom, read a book called, "Of Whom the World was not Worthy", Marie Chapian, Bethany House Publishers.  I hate the title, but by the time you have finished reading this you will come to understand that "freedom" you understand, is not the FREEDOM God understands.

Please choose wisely.....

1 comment:

Granny Lee said...

What can I say but: AMEN!