Thursday, October 20, 2011

Could Not Sleep

I was so excited last night that I could not get a wink of sleep!  Just the thought of all of the things I have to do today to get ready for doing some project management deliverables!  Of course, I am now quite groggy and just about worthless because of it - so will probably produce garbage I will have to redo once I get some sleep tonight!  Sigh.....

So, I read the whole of this blog for the past year.  Been quite a year that is for sure.  Some I had already forgotten, some I had to chuckle over because of what I did not say!  Yeah, been quite the year it seems.  And my German has slipped horribly!  Use it or lose it!

I also went back and read all of what I have produced on father's life so far.  I am still happy with it thus far.  Not sure how to proceed though.  I am rapidly reaching the point were he goes to work for the US government and everything becomes hush-hush.  What to do, what to do......?  I guess I can skip most of his work for the US Government and concentrate on what little life he had apart from them.  Hmmmmmmmm.

Well, need to write the next installment on father's blog and then get ready for my doctor's visit this morning.....

1 comment:

MhAhE said...

that's good! something to keep you from getting bored! :) God bless!