Monday, October 10, 2011

Wearing Off

So, the unexpected shock of Joe's death is wearing off.  I seemed to have spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the phone with his family (wives and kids).  I do not even want to consider what the bill is going to look like - but I know God will find a way for me to pay it off.

Interestingly, many questions came up with the Sunday group I lead, which now has both guys and girls (!) and ages from 14 to 20.  But, their interests are all similar and surprisingly so are their questions!  Joe's problems gave a unique springboard to a lesson on how God works with us, and when we will not - well, how He 'corrects' the situation!

I also managed to get a part time job - shock and awe!  Of course, if does not pay anything, people don't really use money to live on do they?  But, it is with a non-profit - helping them with their external communications.  Yeah, they are a bit challenged and really need some help.  And, I am bored stiff and need something of value to do.

Well, need to get going.  Ran over a piece of glass with the bike and now have to go find tires and tubes.  Yeah, nothing is ever just simple.  Simple flat?  No, explosion would be more accurate.  Nearest shop with what I need?  North Seattle and one of the major routes north is closed for reconstruction.  Sigh.

Thanks for the comments, Lee across such broad subjects!  I appreciate knowing someone is willing to give a howdy and a piece of their mind.....

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