Friday, March 7, 2014

Follow Through

So, Gaelic Girl decided I needed to be quizzed as to the effectiveness of her therapist's cross examination of me.  Well, I was sort of caught unawares.

So, I asked how she thought a stranger talking to me could reveal something about myself, when I know myself quite well.  She grew quiet and stewed.

Later she exploded all over me over something so trivial that I had to ask her what was up with her.  Wrong thing to say.

Friday though the attacks did not stop but instead she switched to sarcasm for doing something thoughtful around the house.  I do that often, she just never notices, so I took this single event to be quite disingenuous.  Another error.

Sigh, there is no winning.

So, Saturday is the day we are going to talk about her taking over this house and the massive debt.  There is no winning here, just loosing no matter how it is viewed.  As for me, I can crawl under a tree and it will be the same to me.

Perhaps after tomorrow's funeral for James.


I need to throw up again ...

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