Monday, December 16, 2013

Tis The Season

As I sit and write this, so much has gone on around me!  Of course it is the opening of the holiday season and the whack-o's are out in force early this year!

It all started on Friday morning, I had to go to the downtown and of course it is icy out.  Well, add 14" of road rash to my left leg, backed up a beautiful holiday purple, red and green, as well as on my left shoulder, elbow and hip; add right ankle sprain again! and a wrenched back, just in case I was going to have any chance of walking normally!

At lunch, as I was walking down the sidewalk, a police car goes roaring by - donut sale?  Shift change?  Nope saw it was an accident about an hour later as my bus wormed past the mess.  Yeah, holiday rush, damp roadway, SUV insisting on occupying the same space as a bicycle!  Given that the guy was still on the ground, I assume it was a fatality.

Then the person behind me kicks the back of the seat real hard and says, "Yo, elk boy!".  It took me a few moments to register and remember I was wearing my RMEF life member jacket.  I turned cautiously around.  A mid-twenties female, multiple facial piercings and a backpack the size of a VW bug sat there staring at me!  So we talked about the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, I am a life member of it because although mostly hunters - it is this nation's largest conservation group, purchasing rights or ownership of about 1,000,000 acre's of habitat a year since 1984!  The existance of elk outside of Washington's Olympic Peninsula, the California Redwoods or the Rocky Mountains - is because of their efforts to re-introduce elk throughout North America.

Before I knew it, I had said twenty year old planting herself next to me on the bench seat and her walls fell hard.  And I am sitting there thinking - well, never mind, let us just say that fear overcame me.  It was with tremendous relief when she had to exit at the bus station!  But, I thought this whole episode odd.  I don't really know if she was looking for a fight or just bored.  But, certainly she became far to aggressive and comfortable with me - mighty fast!  Gees!  The least I can do and have been doing, is pray for her future making peace with her creator ...  And I ponder weird random incidences such as this.  What do they mean?  Why do they happen?  It is random and without any logic I can fathom.

Downtown, I checked in with the Sheriff's office to get my weapon's permit replaced.  Just then one of the TV new's groups was setting up for an interview with the spokesman.  First, I was stunned at how small she was!  She always looks to be full size on TV and she could reach my sternum if she jumped!  And it was not my fault that I had to wiggle my aching butt as I threaded my way through all of the cables and lights, to and from the pay window!  She starting laughing so hard they had to stop the filming and start over.  I watched the news just in case they had a bloopers segment ....  But, I ought to mention that at the Sheriff's is where a guy latched on to me and I just could not shake him!  It was not like he wanted to buy me drinks but he was nervous and not sure about having a concealed weapon.  He was scared (?) and I have no idea at what.  So, I got to step him through the process - he finishing before me and was gone, so I breathed a sigh of relief that he would not be hitting on me too!

Then it was off to the Seattle Art Museum to have my membership card replaced.  The membership lady was very nice, wanted to know if there was a "misses", etc.  Again, just odd.  Why should she care?  Is she planning on stalking me?  Maybe I should have put on my Old Spice, it seems to be my garlic against such rapt attention being poured over me!

But, no, I am not paranoid about Friday, because it got weirder.

I still had to go to the bus administration office to have that card replaced and the lady behind the counter is acting like she is high.  She can't stop laughing and cracking double entendre jokes!  She seemed normal enough helping the three people in line ahead of me and now completely weirding out on me!  I got to thinking maybe there was a sticker on my back or something!

By now the rains had come and hard!  Given we have had two weeks of icy cold weather, the warmer rains were nice to have back.  I texted my youngest daughter, whom was gracious enough to pick me up and save a one mile walk home.  So I treated her to Starbucks - where the barista guy hit on her!  What ever, at least it was not me for a change!

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