Friday, December 20, 2013

Public Pressure

Pick an animal I do not like to eat.
Pick something I would not hunt.
Pick a TV "star" I have never heard of.
Pick a TV show I have never heard of.
Pick an author I have never heard of.
Pick a Christian being slapped around and now I have heard of him!

Yeah, Phil Robertson, of apparently Duck Commander fame has suddenly made the news!

Apparently Phil never heard of Jimmy Carter and his destruction at the hands of Playboy Magazine.  Sure you can be a Christian but when you expect fair treatment at the hands of the world - you are dreaming.

So, Phil commented that with LGBT agenda we are discussing sexual sin - surprise! the Bible says the same thing!  Sexual sin is sin, sin is judged by God, suprise! the world does not believe they deserve judged.  So, A&E called him on this and now he is without a show as A&E's horror at offending between 2 and 6% of the population is greater than offending the Christian majority in this nation.

Oh wait, I forgot, it is okay to trashed Christians because they are powerless.

Well, I do not have cable, so I do not have A&E even as an option.  But, just to pass on a point - I have boycotted Disney since they opened their arms to the gay community and locked out Christians once a year.  They are not willing to have a Christian day ...  So, discriminate against me - why should I use your products?  But, the weakness of the Christians in this country do not allow them to boycott what their children demand.  And consider China whom enslaves Christians to work in factories making junk to ship to America!  I refuse to buy China anything, even if it is the only item available - I will then revert to buying used rather than new, if it means starving China of my dollars!

Should American Christians ever wake up to discover their spine and the power of public opinion/pressure - entities such as Disney would rapidly be starved, as would Sony and Tri-Star all of whom have made anti-Christian statements.  Kiss off most of the TV - imagine Nelson rates now in the 2-3% as a high because Christians are willing to no long put up with their messages.  Conversely, supporting companies which support Christian causes, even if only by not banning Salvation Army bell ringers, would put Kroeger in the lead over their rather God-less competition (Target, K-Mart, Wal-Mart).  Imagine such a new world.  Sure haters would go out of their minds but then again, they can go to France and enjoy all they seek to make America into.

As just a well documented example of what a boycott can due:
I was in Hawaii one time and the police came up with the bright idea of issuing parking tickets to all rentals cars, even if they were parked correctly.  The $25 ticket was nothing compared to the $600 just to return to Hawaii to appear in court to fight the ticket!  So, I told them the situation, provide photographs of my correctly parked car, ticket displayed on the windshield and they told me to pay up or have a bench warrant issued.  Okay, so I told all of my friends, all of my friends friends, co-workers, anyone I heard mention going to Hawaii and at the end of one year I had amassed $1.3m in losses to Hawaiian tourist industry and airlines.  And I wrote and told them so.  Second year was better $2.3m in moneys which did not reach their shores and I told them again.  This continued for 5 years.  I how had amassed over $50m in funds which were redirected to other tourist destinations.  I got a letter of apology from the state's Lt. Governor.  Never got my $25 back but they were able to observe these bright ideas can hurt them - if someone is willing to make their behavior public and hold them accountable.

You have power as a Christian.  Don't be stupid - use it wisely and effectively.  You too can have the ability to starve public corporations and movements into submission just by refusing to use them or to fight them publicly.  Remember evil hates the light of truth and will flee from it, but you have to have the determination to take a stand.

For me, I am not an A&E customer so little I can do there.  But, I can go out and buy one of Robertson's books at Costco this weekend - maybe a present for Dutchman or Swede for next week?  You can also fight by supporting the person being attacked too!

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