Monday, December 2, 2013

Nature of Friendship

Having lost most of my friends last year and most of my acquaintances as well, because I was willing to risk all to do what God told me - and would do so again - I have contemplated the nature of friendship this year.

In years past, friend or no friend, all was meaningless to me - but God had to change me from what I knew to this unknown I slosh through.  But, it had to all happen at once, my nature to be changed, my friends to desert me - the timing perfect.  And yet ...

God knew and God provided - a friend, a teacher, an equal.  When I sat stunned and betrayed, part of me was still trying to work through the mystery of this.  Do not ask me, God's ways and timing are not my own.  I still marvel and wonder where ultimately all will be found ...

He gave me what He knew I would need and it caused me pause to contemplate much about life, being a human being, about me and about God.  In there is the concept of friendship in all of its manifestations.

Proverbs 17:17 - a friend hurts when your hurt.

It takes God's LOVE at all times to be able to be a friend when times are hard.  Hard times show you whom your true friends really are.  And I contemplated that as i saw a slow parade through my room in ER's CCU during the wait for surgery and then the recovery.  Those whom were not my friends evaporated and were not to be found.  And yet, I know, because I do know, though some think themselves enemies of me, they will figure it out and return to find my friendship will not have changed.

Consider Job 6:14, a friend should be there for you - even if you decide to abandon God!  That is commitment and love being spelled out.

Proverbs 27:6 -A real friend will say what needs to be said, even when it hurts you.  They will confront you with the truth.  Everybody needs a real friend - flesh and blood - someone whom will have faith in you, even when we have lost faith in ourselves.

Proverbs 22:24 - avoid the angry man, his ways will rub off on you! 

A real friend will bring out the best in you.  They will encourage you, they will stand, when others fall away.

Whom you choose as friends is extremely important, pick the wrong ones and you will become like them and waste years until  you wake up and realize how you have been played.

Pick the correct ones and you will be encouraged into becoming the best that you can be - and perhaps - even more!

So across this past weekend, a time of reflection and thanksgiving, I am saddened that those whom I counted as friends for decades - were not.  I rejoice for those whom have been so during that same time period and as I have been tried by fire, stood there with me, and suffered as well, then encouraged me to be what I could still be.  Then I rejoice for the new friend, I never could have foreseen, never could have understood and can only marvel at God and wonder, "What is He still up to?"

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