Monday, December 30, 2013

Some Prayer Items

As we approach the end of the year, these are some things you can be praying for in my life, if you choose to:

My best friend from high school seems to be recovering nicely, however, prayer is still needed.  Cancer still exists in his body and does need to be destroyed.  And, something spiritual needs correction and it takes God's intervention to accomplish that, always.  So, much prayer there for him to become aware of whatever the issue, the resolution to address it, the support of his family as he does.  Well, and thinking of support, he has to do something to address the loss of his income because of this cancer!

My new friend to see and know what God's will is - there is a path for her, it just needs to be found.  Life is at a point where change becomes easy, if He will point the way.

Our government, society and culture has never been more God-less!  All three are in need of prayer.  All three need to be re-won back from the depth of sin they have fallen to.  All three are completely redeemable both locally and nationally!  But, workers are needed to quietly work to turn minds and hearts back to God.

For me, just to know what it is I am supposed to be doing and then help to do it.  Everytime I resolve to return to work, I am sounded defeated by my body.  For now I am working on relearning my art, at least it is hard to be continually injured doing that!  But, I need to get some income this year as I have now exhausted all but my patent royalties, which will keep beans on the table but not repair the car or the dishwasher or the stove or the toilet or ... !  Sigh, life!

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