Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Cold

We are experiencing a bit of a cold snap, the coldest weather in several years, for this time of year.  Usually we do not get treated to 27 degree (-3C) weather until February!

So, for the next week the high is predicted to be 33 degrees and the lowest low of about 21 at this point.

We even had snow here at my house yesterday!  it was not much, just enough to cover my bbq on the back deck.

My sister whom insists on living in Minneapolis and then complains about the weather constantly (it is too hot, it is too cold, it is too humid, help I am buried in the in the snow - send sled dogs!) decided to put up a festive trellis in front of her house for Christmas.  Apparently it took a sledgehammer for her to drive the trellis into the ground, it was so frozen solid.  I was at the doctors when she texted me that one - he was laughing with me and asked why she did not use a portable drill.  Smart doctor, eh?

I was laughing at that one, so the doctor explained that two years ago his daughter decided on an outdoor winter wedding and that was how he got stands holding the flower pots into the ground.  I looked at him ....  He clicked his tongue, "Yeah, well, never could say no to that one ... "  Then we both laughed.  Youngest daughters probably are special, well I think each of mine are special - at least to me.  But, if my youngest wants an outdoor winter wedding, it had better be in Hawaii or similar!

Yeah, I just can not take the cold now.  I used to relish cold.  The lower the temperatures fell, the happier I was.  I have photos of me in Alaska a few years back, -30 F with my shirt sleeves rolled up!  Yeah, everywhere I went people were dressed in their snow bunny suits and heavy down parkas, and there was I with no coat, no long johns and just happy.  They thought I was insane, but just as I commented in Russia more than once on this subject during my winter trips there (-40 F in Siberia!), maybe you need to move where it is warmer if you have no tolerance for the cold!  But, this winter the cold is affecting me.

I do not know if it is the heart drugs doing this to me but the cold just seems to eat through to my old bone breaks and scar tissue.  I just ache all over!  Were it not for the kids being here I would consider moving to Tucson or further south into Mexico!  Conversely, I was so hot during the summer that I was dying during August and the 75 degree weather!  I was sitting in front of a 30 inch fan, set in front of a portable air conditioner, stripped down, wind blowing on me at high and drinking water like there was no tomorrow.  Everyone else was covering themselves in blankets if they were in the same room with me!

Well time to go throw more bread in the toaster and stand as close as I can get ...

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