Sunday, April 1, 2012

Musical Saturday Morning

I have always had a fondness for both Fleetwood Mac and in particular Stevie Nicks.  I also have to admit to never having bought one of their albums, from even a second hand store!  Yeah, although I really like their music, something just not add up right about her.....

It was 1981, I was in Phoenix at the time and I came face to face with her.  First, my attention was drawn to her just by the sheer mass of body guards with her.  Next, she is incredibly short, even in her spiked platforms!  Of course, I was still 6'5" back then so that probably accentuated her shortness.  And then there was her attitude, which oozed out every pore of her body.  And attitude which said, "Hey world, something is really wrong with me!"  And now due to daughter I understand the rest of that sentence, ".....does anyone really care enough to help me?".

I stumbled on my way, out of the path of the massive men pushing her along.  But as our eyes met, I guess I could not understand the fear in those eyes.....  No not like she would have said boo to me, but she was obviously calling out for help, from anyone, even from the skinny computer nerd, too dumb to understand - and not exactly certain whom she was until later that night.

She has had so many hits in the 1980's it is hard to pick a favorite, so I went with one where clothing was modest for her, the lyrics are neutral and still a good song.....

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