Monday, April 16, 2012


So given what occurred over Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I have been at a loss as to what I can blog.  Were I just to say that Satan took one huge whack at the Plattner household, it would be to under describe what has occurred.  Let us just limit my comments to: open warfare.

Net results?  Lots of casualties all blaming everyone else for the disaster, and yet, there is a cause - for all of this is demonic in origin.  As for the victims?  There really is only two.  The other victims?  Well, it is hard to actually be a victim when you are apart of a demonic attack!

And how do you battle that?  Well, prayer, lots of prayer - but guess what time for prayer becomes completely compromised to the extent that it is all but impossible.  Interesting, eh?  Yeah, demonic activity is not fun, it is nothing but misery when you are facing those you love and you can see so clearly.....

Prayer, lots of prayer.

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