Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Miracles I Have Seen

So, Nolan, you have asked and I have taken a good first cut at answering your question.  Yes, miracles do happen.  Yes, God is actively working in your life today.  Can you see Him in action?    I would be surprised.

In our "scientifically" ordered culture, what can not be recreated must not really exist.  If miracles occur, then why are they not repeatable, the skeptic will ask.  Well, because is the one whom works the miracle.  They are a witnessing tool in reaching the lost.  They are a blessing from God for you as His child.  But, they are His and He will cause them when and where He desires.

All of these listed below I have personally seen.  They happened either to me or my friends, but I was there when they did happen.  And no, none of them were "doctors did something" or "it occurred across time".  They were instantaneous.  Now Kathy's arm I have included because even though it has been across time that the limb has recovered - the recovery did not begin until the class actually prayed for her and those fingers moved for the very first time since the break had occurred months earlier.  Remember, the doctors were going to remove her fore arm!

·         A removed eyeball restored new, whole and functional
·         Broken bones instantly healed
·         Fourth degree burns healed
·         Terminal bleeding stopped
·         Paralytics regain bodily control and function
·         A septic limb, to be amputated, restored
·         Muscles restored
·         Sprains healed
·         Poisoning was not successful

Against Nature
·         People whom should have frozen but did not
·         Weather changed following prayer
·         Sea flow changed following prayer
·         A boat, adrift, return to shore immediately
·         Wild animals “tamed” (bears and cougars)
·         Protection from hypothermia
·         Wind given just as needed

Against Physics
·         Walking on air
·         Melded cars separated
·         Future revealed
·         Knowledge revealed
·         Two solids passing in the same location
·         Bullets stopped
·         Items appear following prayer
·         Seeing the spirit world
·         Surviving a 160 foot fall, without injury!
·         135 mpg Dodge Dart

Against Situations
·         “Coincidences”
·         Existence of Love
·         Transportation given, as needed
·         Me doing Sunday School!
·         Hearts turned
·         Attacks averted
·         Presence of Angels
·         Finding lost divers, while before complete death!
·         Finding lost hikers
·         Finding lost kids in a forest fire
·         Me being a Christian!
·         Language ability given as needed
·         Language understanding as needed
·         “Timing” averts disaster!
·         “Seeing” eyes blinded
·         “Hearing” ears silenced
·         Right people, right place, right time!
·         Authority over spiritual opposition

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