Friday, April 20, 2012

Bowing to Accountability

It took me around 12 man hours to but together a logical presentation on the background of the question I was going to ask.  It was cold, concise, honest and transparent, I knew was betraying my best friend.  I knew I was going to get kicked.

He sat across from me.  He smiled.  "You know I have been a pastor for twenty years.  I have heard it all, seen it all and am pretty sure I already have your answer.  So calm down, take a breath and lets get started."  His smile betrayed his comfort.

Two hours later he nodded his head and quietly said, "Ok, I was wrong.  I have NEVER come up against a situation like this before...."  Now he was uncomfortable.  Everything pointed to the usual solution - Kris is in the wrong.  However, what God was doing made such plain sense that he could find no opportunity to discredit what has happened.  Who is to say that God could not do, what had just been done?

Yeah that is how it is when you slam into the spiritual world, all logic and all normalcy flees.  He is as amazed at what has gone on in my life over the past five months as I.  There is only one explanation: God happened to move in Kris' life in a big way.  Evil took out all of the players.....

Now what to do.....  He knew what needs to be done, but not how it can be accomplished.  Wisdom will hold no reign over this situation.  It is spiritual warfare after all.

Well, no one was more surprised than I at this stance.  I expected almost anything other than his surprise and approval.  I suppose that much like the Rabbi whom cautioned against opposing Jesus might not be the right thing, just in case he was God .....  Yeah, opposing God really does not work well in the long haul, as my ancient forefathers discovered.

So, where is Kris now?  Wondering at how the future plays out.....

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