Thursday, April 26, 2012


I have been sniffing around for a different blog to use as my host for my various sites.  I will blame this on Jim, since he moved his site over to Wordpress a while back and Blogger is now changing their interface into something less useful.

So I created a dummy to see how it worked and if it could do what I appreciate most about Blogger.  Sadly the answer was no.  There might be ways of doing this but I just have not found them it seems.  I will play more and see.

Also checked out a two other sites but was not impressed with them either - and yet, when Blogger enforces their new approach, it will no longer be what I like about Blogger either.  Yeah, if you have not seen the new interface, just remember at how MicroSquish took us from XP to VISTA and heralded this as progress.  Were that Win7 was even as good as XP.....

So now not sure sure what to do.

And unfortunately, I am appalled by a great deal of what I can EASILY find WordPress and Tumblr.  I really do not want to draw my readers over to sites where pornography is almost a by-word for their sites.  Yeah, just call me old fashioned but I do not need to see nor read about what you should not be involved in.  So judgmental of me!  Yeah, I am one of those whom do complain to Blogger when I stumble across inappropriate blogs.  Taking all of the fun out of blogging, huh?

So what is one to do?  I have not successfully found a Christian blog where it is a support shell for blogs.  They are more text oriented question and answer sites.  But you know of one - please let me know so I can sniff it!  Then would they let me post what I do, or would it be objectionable since my Christian faith is not a real match for the average American Theological approach!

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