Monday, April 2, 2012

Fouled Up

If Kris, Then FOUL.UP

This little statement seems to be motto of my life.  Yeah, I managed to get the State through the process of getting my grant money handled - AFTER 30 months!  Then surprise, it is all fouled up again 3 weeks later!  It is so extremely frustrating having to deal with people so completely clueless in life!

So there I am trying to buy books for school which starts today and just like last quarter, empty accounts!  Sigh.  It took all of ten minutes to find the problem and solve it but the person whom then enters the data on their computer had taken the day off - the day before quarter begins! - so no one could enter the corrections!  What level of idiocy allows people to take days off, the day before a major event, when the demands upon their job are going to be the greatest?

Of course this could not be the end of the 'Then FOUL.UP' for the weekend.  But, pretty much I seemed to have been jumped on by most people.  So bizarre.

But, then I have to remember that my life right now is one of Spiritual Warfare and of course there will be a many personal attacks and inconveniences as possible during this time!  It just gets really old though.  When you can see God's hand so clearly displayed - and no one else can - well you must be the problem, not those whom can not see Him working.  When every single person in my family goes off on me, I am the problem not the crowd whom is attacking.  One could almost reach a position of giving up, but then again, that is what the Opposition wants - New Daughter to continue in bondage, not to find freedom.  And if I am all that stands in the way of her not finding freedom, then I guess I am going to get smacked around pretty good.

Of course, I am German and the greater the opposition, the deeper my heels go straight down into the ground!  Must be a character flaw of sorts!

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