Monday, November 28, 2011

Things For Prayer

So posting via my homeland ISP, so that I will at least have a Monday posting!  I am unfortunately off with my mother at the hospital today.  Not real sure what is up and she is having some exploratory surgery - with any luck her doctors will figure out what it is they are looking for.  Your prayers today are greatly appreciated.  And as always with my family, her making her peace with God is always the most important issue....  but first I have to get up at 5am to drive down and get her to the surgeons by 8!  .....yawn.....

While mom is in surgery, I am going to work on my application to go to college.  It would be good not to be so bored around the house and maybe even be an example for a certain son.  But, to do so, I will need funding - so that is what my application will be for - and if I do this right, my ex-employer will get to pay for it - but the government gets to decide if I will get a grant or have them pay.  :^)  I would probably prefer to get certification as a gunsmith or go to a non Nazi run art school but neither would be elegible for grants.  So, I know computer technology - thus it would make sense to pursue my way through a degree in such.  Yeah, my doctorate work in apologetics seems to not be worth the paper it is printed on - at least to mankind.....  And, being a pastor has never been my calling!  It will be an interesting time on my pc as I figure this process out.  I have until Friday to get this right; Friday is my paperwork review.

It was an interesting Sunday:
I ran into African Missionary Girl, aka, Kim - whom married and moved to the east coast this past year.  She and her husband were here and it was great to visit with them.  She is no longer on Blogger so I get no updates from her.  So, it was nice to know she is alive and happy with her husband.
Italian Missionary Girl, now confirmed Virtual Fourth Daughter, also visited for a while and is quite excited to get together later this week for the first of our weekly meetings.  It is a load off of my mind and a prayer all week long that this will be going well - for whatever purpose God has brought this about over.  Scarey to know you are being used by God and not knowing why.
Then I needed to pick up some art supplies for Christmas projects and I ran into one of my missing college girls from last year!  She is from Baja, Mexico and as sharp as a tack - and so traumatized from her time in Mexico that she can not handle life.  She is MIT level smart and I really hope she will get her act together this year and get into college based on her robotics work over the past two years.  Lots of prayer needed here for her to manage this!  I hate to see brilliance wasted.....
And finally, my class today only had one show up.  Unknown to anyone, this class was to be on exposing Satan and his work.  Every time I present this material - almost no one comes.  It is like clock work.  Satan really hates exposure and it is amazing how so many can be so waylaid from attending on those exact Sundays!

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