Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Another Raspberry Moment

So, I was to lose it again on Sunday morning.  I am running late, because I came home late Saturday - I was out playing with Swede after all, then I overslept, kitchen is a disaster thanks to my persona non-Grata son and so I pick up a bunch of stuff off of the table to go in the refrigerator.  I open the refrigerator door and


Out comes a cascade of refrigerated products the kids had just thrown into the refrigerator - not even bothering to set things on the shelves!  The worst of it was a tub of margarine that exploded when it hit the floor and then rolled across the kitchen and the diningroom living a trail of grease in its path.....  I lost it.

I threw everything in my arms on the floor and began screaming - out of my sheer frustration with the unbelievable pigs infesting my life!  So great my frustration - I hauled off and kicked one of my counters!

Now you have to remember that although Kris is a pacifist, he was trained to do horrible things to people by the military in his younger years.  The kick was perfect, the one inch thick plywood crumbled under the impact.

Yeah, I now have a very clean floor, a broken counter, extremely well behaved children, and a broken heal bone.....

Another extraordinary event in the history of Raspberry Moments and eight weeks of hobbling again on crutches.  Tomorrow is CAT Scan day neck, foot, abdomen - such fun.

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