Friday, November 25, 2011


So it was an interesting day, yesterday.

Dinner prep went well, the turkey took 30 minutes longer than expected to cook but was just about perfect.  Stuffing was a bit different in consistency as I had used different types of bread to make it with - ciabatta might not be the best choice in bread for this!   Totally forgot the veggies, guess there is a whole lot of corn on the cob in my future.  And, based on the prior two years of disaster revolving around gravy - I bought some.  It was good - not clumpy or greasy - just perfect and oh so stress free!  Youngest daughter made pumpkin pies, which were great.

My mother is a bit tricky to be around.  She pretty much has no concern for anyone other than herself - a lifelong affliction, so not a pleasant guest.  However, she was well behaved for one of the few times in my life!  Gaelic Girl was subdued as she has pneumonia it turns out and mother broke two toes on her foot.  GG and mother have NEVER gotten along with one another - and they were both pleasant to one another for the first time EVER!  So, no fights, no yelling matches, nothing thrown or slammed!  Wow!  How different is that?!?!?!?!?

When I dropped YD off at her store this morning, it was standing room only in the parking
lot!  Wow, outside of a Christmas Eve, I am not sure I have seen so a lot so full of cars!

As I was driving back home the radio was reporting on some woman in California pepper spraying other customers so she could get the electronic items she wanted.  Yeah, and people say Californians are normal.....  I hope she enjoys the holidays in jail for that one!

Well, I am warmed up now and it is time to get back to clean up.....

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