Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sometimes They Get It Right

Several of my friends are conspiracy nuts.  You would not believe the volume of questions I get from them daily on what the latest and greatest conspiracy theory is they have stumbled across!

Now I am not someone whom buys into conspiracies.  I see conspiracies all of the time - but they are rooted in the spiritual world, albeit with very physical outcomes in our world!  My cousin's teacher hates him - well yeah.  Cousin is a Christian, his professor (whom I know) is so far removed from Christian thought that it is not amazing that the spirit within him can not tolerate to even be around my cousin!  My kids have a mean boss and whom deals 'unfairly' with them - want to take a wild guess as to why?  For no reason at all, someone - whom is probably a really nice person in reality - dive bombs your car on the freeway.  Why you?  Just take a guess.  Yeah. as Christians you need to be aware of what does go on around you and try to figure out why.  Kris' rule of thumb: If you are doing something right, then the most bizarre of occurrences are about to happen to you, to distract you or stop you if at all possible!

So, conspiracies do exist.  But, they are rarely of the kind my friends are always wrapped around the axle over. 

The latest one has to do with yet another theory woven around yet another UFO coverup and conspiracy to  turn us all into robots to serve the aliens.  But, the guy did say something that was spot on:
" of these days 7 billion people are going to be waking up and realizing that they have been wasting their lives...."

How truer can you get?  One day all of mankind, across all of history is going to wake up and realize that they had indeed been wasted their lives.  Unfortunately, by then it will be too late because at that point they will be facing the Judgment Seat of the Christ!  And I would include more than just a smattering of Christians in that crowd - whom have been serving themselves and not following the will of a God whom is not the fluffy teddy-bear they thought he was!  But, as I said, it is too late for them.

All the more reason we need to be getting our lives right with God and then being the witness He needs to reach out to our fellow man.....  It can be as small as being nice to the guy behind the Wendy's counter, or being honest with a cashier whom gave you too much change back, or even actually witnessing to someone you honestly care about.....

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